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Hooked on soaps?  Have you ever wondered what it would be like to play the part of one of the characters?  Now is your chance!!  Joining is free and you choose a character which is available!  So, come on and have some fun!

Click on the soap picture below which you prefer.   You will then be taken to the page to choose your character (characters are based on first come, first serve and availability is not guaranteed).

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Copyright ©1999-2000 ABC Role Playing Clubs. All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer:      This is a totally non-profit page.  All pictures on this website were taken without permission from The Official Website of ABC Daytime.   I am in no way affiliated with ABC-TV, Disney, General Hospital, All My Children, Port Charles, their affiliates, or the actors.  This site is for personal use.  If there is any copyrighted material on these pages, please notify me and it will be removed immediately.   

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