People of the Bible (ETC)
   Remember Lots Wife
{Genesis 14}
1) Her  Privileges
- She was faithful warned
- She was related to a righteous man
- She was warned by angels
- She knew the way of escape
- She was prayed for
2) Her sin
- She preferred Sadom
- She presumed on Gods mercy
- She turned back
3) Her Fate
- She deserved what she got in the end
(Ezekiel 33:4)
- Her death was very sudden
- Her death and God's decision was final
Blind Bartamaus
{Mark 10: 46-52}
- 3 C's of Bartamaus
1) Condition
- He was a beggar and he was blind
2) Call
- He heard of Jesus and Cried
- He wanted a cure and he cried to the right person (Christ)
3) Conversation
- He came to Jesus
The Rich Young Ruler
{Mark 10: 17-22}
- 6 interesting facts about him
1) He came running
2) He came seeking
3) He came asking
4) He came when he was young
5) He came to on who loved him
6) He didn't get what he wanted
{Luke 19: 1-10}
1) Satisfied
- He was a man that was not satisfied
2) Hindrance
- He wanted to see Jesus but there was something in the way
[ He was short]
3) Ran = Jesus is passing this way
- He was a man that was running
4) Invited
- He was invited
5) Recieved
- He recieved him joyfully
{John 3: 1-16}
- some interesting fact about him
- He was a ruler of the Jews
- He was not a satisfied man
- He had religion and Knowledge
- He comes to Christ when it was to late.
- He came in contact with God's Men
{Judges 13: 1-5, 16: 1-7, 16:15-22}
1) Gods purpose
- That you might bring some glory to God
2) His Separation
-He was separated from people by his long hair
[Wine- is a symbol of joy]
3) His Folly and downfall
- He was with a harlot and unequally yoked
7- is the perfect number
6- is the devils number
- He told her all
4) Captured
- They blinded him cut off all his hair
- The devil denies
5) Death
- God helped him and he ripped the chains,
and dies with the palestines
- He was one of the survivors
- He was a follower
{2nd Samuel 9: 1-13}
1) His Name
- Means Rebellion
2) His condition
- He was lame in both feet
3) His Position
- He was in Lo-de-bar
4) His Remembrance
-David is a picture of God
- The kindness of David's sake
- Now the kindness of Jesus Sake
5) His invitation
- He sent for him
"- Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden"
- Come to a reunion in heaven
6) His Acceptance
-He was recieved
-You could tell by his face and his attitude
Woman that lost her coin
{2nd Corinthians 4:3-6}
{Luke 15:1-3,15:8-10}
1) A dark house
- Speaks of the dark world we live in today
2) The worth of a soul (one soul)
- The touch of the masters hand makes all the difference
3) Sweeping of the broom
- The work of the holy spirit
- The woman is searching and so is God.
-She was searching for her lost coin
- God is searching for your soul
- The candle = The word of God (Bible)
The Brazen Serpent
{Numbers 21}
1) The People's Sin
- They were all against God
2) Punishment
- There were fiery serpents
3) Repentance
- Their confession (we have sinned)
- Their request (take away the serpents)
4) The way of salvation
- Look at the brass serpent (look and live)
- Brass speaks of Judgement
5) Result
- The Serpent was lifted and,
all they had to do was look and live
Joseph, Moses, and Daniel
{Genesis 39:7-9}
{Hebrews 11:24-26}
{Daniel 1:8, 3:16-18}
Something that each one learned and maintained
 Learned- Accountability
Maintained- Integrity
Learned- A value
Maintained- Personal purity
Learned- Association
Maintained- True liability
People that trembled
Noah- was a family man, By faith Noah moved with reverence
toward God.
Young malfactor- Today there is a lack of reverence and respect.
Moses- moses was convinced their was a God. Man only assumes
that their is a God. THOU GOD SEETH ME.
Saul of Tarsus- Trembled at the Glory of God.
Jailer - Trembled because death was soon, he called and asked
and was answered. Death is real.
Felix- He had faith in Christ, but we believe a future without God.
He trembled but without conviction, there is no Salvation.

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