Learning from Gods Word
- Whom to obey
- When to obey
- How to obey

John 4,6,10
1. Never thirst
-satisfied life
2. Never hunger
- abundant life
3. Never Perish
- eternal life, last through the ages, is secure

New Heaven
There are three heavens they are:
1. The place where the birds fly
2. The place where the stars are
3. The place where God is (heaven)

Some I AM'S in the New testament
JOHN          6:35                                           (I Am)                    The Bread of life
                    8:12                                                "                         Light
                    10:9                                                "                         The Door
                    11:25                                              "                         The Resurrection
                    14:6                                                "                         The way the truth and the life
                    15:1                                                "                         The true vine

When it comes to being saved God never says. . . .
                                                            1. "Later" but "Now"
                                                                        -2 corinthians 6:2
                                                            2. "Tomorrow" but "Today"
                                                                        - Hebrews 3:7
                                                            3. "Relax" but "Flee"
                                                                        - Matthew 4:7
                                                            4. "Take it easy" but "Strive"
                                                                          - Luke 13:23
- God says many things you should listen to him.

The Book will keep you from sin, and sin will keep you from the book
Bringing joy to your fathers heart, is like bringing joy to the fathers heart.
-Romans 3:1-4, 13-26
ALL have sinned
-Numbers 22:23
YE have sinned
-Luke 15:10-24
I have sinned
- You are not worthy till you so something about it
you must narrow it down to me and you.
The 3 C's of the Gospel Message
1 Timothy 1:15

18 C's in Luke 24
13-     Company
14-     Conversation
15-     Companion
17-     Countenance
18-     Concern
19-     Courage
20-     Charge
21-     Confidence
23-     Comfort
24-     Confirmation
25-     Chasing
26-     Correction
27-     Consolation
29-     Constrained
30-     Communion
31-     Contrast
32-     Complaint
35-     Climax

 1 Peter 1

1. 1-5                                       GOD AND HIS PROVISIONS
         - we are kept buy the power of God, God's purpose of truth are true, there is an inheritance that people can't touch.

2. 3&4, 6&7                               THE LORD AND HIS PRESIONS
        - oh taste and see that the Lord is gracious

3.13-15                                THE SOUL WINNER AND HIS PERSISTENCE
            -it is not sometimes what we say it is hhow we say it.
            -some 3000 souls were saved on the day oof Pentecost, we all need each other

4. 12-16                                 THE SUFFER AND HIS SHAME
            - suffering in Christ brings reward but not the other sufferings

5. 1-4                                      THE ELDER AND HIS PATHWAY
            - their role is to feed often the word oof God
            - the 5 crowns are won here not worn herre (5 crowns are in the new testament)

Genesis 7:1        Safety - there is judgment coming as in Noah's days

Isaiah 1:18          Settlement- you have to settle and God has the last say

Matthew 11:28    Satisfaction- the world can satisfy the soul but God's son can satisfy

Revelations 22:17 The final call- a last appeal to sinners to some, the Lord promised he would come but he is not here yet but he will come so make SURE you are in the right place.

Act 1:10&11
1 Corinthians 15:51&52
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Matthew 24: 40-42
James 5:5
Assure- it is going to happen
Sudden- it it going to be
Separation- there will be
Soon- it is going to be

Four important words in Romans 6
Joshua 4&5
Seven "R" words
1. Remembrance
2. Resurrection
3. Reanouceation
4. Restoration
5. Reproach
6. Realization
7. Revelation

John 12:1-8
1. The person of Christ and our love for him
2 Timothy 1:3-5
2. The continuation of testimony
Luke 10:30-35
3. The purpose (courage) of souls
2 Timothy 4:6-8
4. The people of God

Luke 2:38&39
Psalm 49:6-9
Romans 3:17-26
1. Redemption is for whosoever
-whosoever is everyone that would look for redemption and who would come
- who needs salvation Me-You-Everyone else
2. Redemption is costly
-money can't save, the soul lives forever
3. redemption is in Christ Jesus
-you need to be justified from every sin to be right with God,
redemption is found in Christ Jesus
4. Redemption is through his blood even forgiveness of sins
-it is reality
-you must make peace.

2nd Kings 5:1-14
Solider- was 2nd to the King
Condition- He was a leper
Heard the word- He heard it from a maid
Own way- Went to the wrong person
Obeyed the word- When he obeyed he washed him self 7 times
Lost- His leprosy
-Leprosy speaks of unclean and sin.
- Washing himself 7 times speaks of the death, burial, and resurrection
-Learn to obey the word of God
- He believed God and as a result he was saved

Numbers and definitions
4 is the worlds number
5 is a number of grace
40 is the number for testing
Fire- Speaks of Gods Judgment
Wood- Speaks of Our sin
Bread- Speaks about His Body
Wine- Speaks of his Blood shed
Babylon- Means Confusion
behold- means take a good look

Two ways to die - In sin- to die
                                       In christ- to heaven
When you enter into christ  it looks like this- 
But when you enter into God it looks like this- 
People who sit at the back on sunday morning are unlearned

1. Genesis: 27:1-2&4
2. II corinthians 6: 1&2
3. Acts 17:26-31
1. Day of Death
2. Day of Salvation
3. Day of Judgment
1. Day of death- We don't know when death and judgment is going to come upon us. If you die in sin you are lost. Someone once said "If the crime fits the penalty then the penalty is given."
2. Day of salvation- The day of salvation for anyone is a day of opportunity. Behold now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation.
3. Day of judgment- Judgment is for all. God know all and sees all, it will all come back to haunt you if your name is not in the book of life. It is appointed unto men once to die but after this the judgment.

NOTE: Please let us know if there is any thing that we can help you with and we will try what we can to help you. Our contact info is as follows:
Sarah- sarah_elizabeth22@hotmail.com
Laurel- newfiegal20@hotmail.com