sam rockwell experience

january 16, 2005


"TAKE THE following names - Cynthia Nixon, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Sam Rockwell, Justin Theroux, Kristen Johnston, Bob Balaban, Martha Plimpton, Parker Posey - shake well and mix for an evening called "How I Learned to Read." Add a dash of host Eric Bogosian.

These worthies will deal with some never-before-heard stories for children from contemporary authors including Jona- than Safran Foer, Nick Hornby, Neil Gaiman, and George Saunders, with one or two classics from Mark Twain, Dr. Seuss and Roald Dahl.

It happens Jan. 24 at Tonic, 107 Norfolk St., with sensibly priced tickets. A nonprofit tutoring center called 826NYC will benefit. The group helps students from ages 6-18 develop writing skills and use English as a second language. Call 212-477-8150."

exciting, aye? if anybody attends, i know everybody at the messageboard would love to hear a first-person account of the event. also, as the hitch-hiker's guide to the universe movie release draws nearer by the day, here are a few good sources for up-to-date news:


august 12, 2004

exciting news from renee (at the messageboard): once again, sam rockwell will be a part of the 24 hour plays event on broadway in new york, on monday, september 13. this is your chance to see the man do what he does best up close - all pertinent information and tickets can be found at!

Renee also pointed out that there's a really cool VIP ticket package: "$250 premium tickets includes a pass to the VIP cast party after the show at The Whiskey and preferred seating. To order, call SmartTix at 212-868-4444. This offer is for phone sales only."

it would be great if sam-fans made it to the play and showed support. if you make it, i'll gladly put up any account of the play, and/or stories or pictures of/with sam for those of us who can't go. if that made sense. have fun, ya'll!

february 7, 2004

hey kids! well, as is evident, the long, long, looong rumoured domain switch has been post-poned just a bit longer. the domain has been bought and paid for months now, but due to problems with the provider, things have been on ice. but it's finally looking like i'll be able to move the domain to a working provider soon, so, yey!

but enough about the site and on about sam. after a long sam-drought as he's been off filming Piccadilly Jim, rumours of new projects are starting to trickle in. specifically, yahoo reports that sam is to join the cast on the upcoming filmatization of the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy as two-headed president of the galaxy!

i would keep an eye on the official douglas adams website for more info on this movie (thanks, all the sam forum people who have kept me somewhat on top of this development!). this is quite the promotion for our little guy fleegman, wouldn't you say? ;)

september 12, 2003

sam rockwell and the rest of the cast of matchstick men, including director ridley scott, will appear on charlie rose tonight, on pbs at 11:30pm (EST) - do check the website to see when it airs in your area. (cheers to dy who posted about it!)

september 9, 2003

in case you missed Sam on the Today show this morning, Dy´tells us that the video clip is available here - click on the arrow above whoopi to get the next video clip, that's the sam interview. i don't know how long this clip will be available, so i've typed up a transcript i'll put online sometime tomorrow.

Now don't forget, sam slated to appear on the Last Call show with Carson Daly tonight, at 1:35 a.m. (right after the Conan O'Brien show) on NBC, so set your vcrs! I won't be able to make a transcript since I live in Sweden and thus don't get the show, so if anybody could help the site and fellow fans out with that, that'd be most welcome. :)

september 8, 2003

hot news: sam on tv tomorrow! first he is scheduled to appear on The Today show, NBC, tomorrow morning, septmber 9 - it airs at 7 a.m., so set your vcrs! Next, he's slated to appear on the Last Call show with Carson Daly tomorrow night at 1:35 a.m. (right after the Conan O'Brien show) on NBC.

last, I'm told Sam is to be on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart on Thursday, september 11 (I think it airs 11 p.m., but check your local listings, as Dy who posted about it on the message board noted). Happy Sam watching, and don't forget, matchstick men ís opening very soon, so keep an eye out at your movie listings, and go support it when you can!

(Sorry for the slack newsupdates - as always, if you're curious what's up with Sam, the very best place to go to is the message board - it has lots of really fabulous people posting about new photo's and other news way, way faster than I ever do. :))

july 13, 2003


the website for sam's upcoming film, matchstick men ís now online, and certainly worth a visit - there's several yummie sam items in the download section, such as a gorgeous wallpaper. :)

may 30, 2003

tonight is the re-run of sam's appearance on late night with conan o'brien on nbc, usually broadcast at 12.37 am EST! if anybody can grab any screen captures for this website, i'd be thrilled to share, since i'm in sweden and can't watch this myself. so set your vcr's!

apr. 4, 2003

Lindsey reported to the webboard that the new Alexandre Rockwell movie, 13 Moons, featuring Sam Rockwell in what looks like a minor part, will be screened at this weekend's Avignong/New York Film Festival in New York. The festival runs april 5-13, and 13 Moons is slated to show tomorrow during opening night, so any NYC locals may want to pop by. All pertinent info available at this link. If anybody attends, feel free to tell the rest of us what the movie (and sam's performance) is like! :)

feb. 18, 2003


Sam was awarded the Silver Berlin Bear for Best Actor for his role in Confessions of a Dangerous Mind! Congratulations, Sam. :) (Thanks to Banshee and the people at the messageboard for the news)

jan. 30, 2003

GQ Buy the February issue of GQ for a fabulous article and photo's with Sam Rockwell - on newsstands NOW! (I will the photo's and interview up once it's off the racks, but trust me when I say this is a magazine worth buying. The photo's are gorgeous, and the interview is very in-depth. And Sam finally gets to be the cover-boy! So go buy it! :))

jan. 24, 2003

hi kids! i figured it's about time to start updating the news on dear ole' sam, and what better day to do it than on the day that his latest movie goes into wide release?

that's right, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind goes into wide release today, having earned great reviews from critics.

confessions of a dangerous mind

rockwell on last call tonight, sam will be guest on last call with carson daly on NBC at 1:35 a.m. EST, so make sure you watch (if anybody could send me a transcript, and/or vidcaps, i'd be most happy to display them here for those of us unable to watch. e-mail it to - credit will of course be given to the kind soul!

see way old news

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