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Welcome to my newly created Katie Holmes website, dedicated to the new, very talented young actress Katie Holmes. This page was created for the purpose of a Computing Studies assignment, but has been further developed into a broad Katie Holmes Website. I hope to continuously devote more time into improving this website, but for the moment, I am pretty happy with the content. Contact frngs@icqmail.com if you have any requests or information to improve my page.Katie is probably most famous for her role in Dawson's Creek as Joey Potter, an adolescent with a very confusing pressured life. She recently starred in the hit movie 'Go'. |
Friday 20th August, 1999 - Production of the page commenced, the mouseover buttons were designed, and i began looking for a simple way to generate mouseover code, cause I am not an expert at javascript.Sunday 23rd August, 1999 - I redesigned the mouseover buttons, cause they sucked, and began developing subtitle graphics, as well as writing this front page, a lot of work still remainsMonday 24th August, 1999 - Fixed mouseover buttons uploaded, gallery fixed so they can be viewed at a higher res.
If you don't know anything about Dawson's creek - that's impossible, but still, visit http://www.dawsonscreek.com it contains info on the characters, as well as episode guides and sneak previews of up coming episodes, make visiting this site a priority, cause it's impressive. Also, visit CD Now , and purchase the soundtrack, includes Six pence none the richer' s 'Kiss Me' as well as 'Shimmer' by Shawn Mullins.Please visit, Beyond Joey as i used quite a few of the sites pictures |
I am not associated with Katie Holmes, don't know her email address, or are sure if everything in this page is totally correct, I have just written this page so fans of Katie have access to information and pictures of Katie Holmes. The information and pictures contained in this web site were gathered around the net and any infringement on copyright was not intentional. Please contact me if you wish me to remove an image or text if there has been an infringement of copyright. |