6/12/99:Welcome to the [EWF]-Extreme West Federation! We are currently working on a huge project known as New Star Order. We are now keeping it up for 3 months starting from 6/1/99. It will be kept in the archives after 9/1/99 hits.

6/14/99:I have been working real hard on this site, and I've gotten the "EWF Staff" & "EWF Credits" page up on going. I also got the "Link 2 Us" and our guestbook up also.

6/15/99:I tried moving my site to a much "better" looking server, but I realized it was a ripoff. Don't try Freeservers.com people, they put their banners on the top of all your pages! Also I plan on using a banner exchange programs soon.

6/16/99:I will be using LinkExchange's program, plus I am interested in hosting banners to make money. This might happen this Saturday. Our New Star Order project is doing quite well!

Born on: May 7, 1999

[EWF] has no connections with Yahoo! or any other company. It was created by Jon West and the [EWF] team. If you want to use text, music or screenshots from the [EWF] on your website, then you may do so without our written permission, as long as you credit the site properly and also link to it. On the internet, artwork and original graphics are exclusive to [EWF], so don't use them. For any publication besides the web, please write for permission first. All original material on this site is copyright © 1999-2000 [EWF]. All material submitted to the site becomes the property of [EWF] or the owners of whoever may already own each respective piece unless prior arrangements have been made, and may be posted.

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