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Try your luck with this fun movie quiz. Answers will be posted 1 December. High scorer gets to have his or her name mentioned on the internet. A Java-enabled browser is needed to do this quiz. If you don't have one, feel free to e-mail me the answers at

Answers to Quiz #9 Top scorers

QUIZ #10

Part 1: Spectacular exits.
Name the movie in which these memorable deaths occur:

1. James Caan is ventilated at a highway tollbooth.
2. Robert Shaw is eaten by a shark
3. James Cagney pretends to be a coward as he's taken to the electric chair.
4. Glenn Close is blown away in a bathtub.
5. James Cagney shoots Humphrey Bogart, is shot himself and staggers about for a (long) while before finally expiring on the steps of a church.
6. Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis drive off a cliff.
7. Al Pacino, wired on coke, dies after absorbing what seems like hundreds of bullets.
8. Ernest Borgnine is eaten by rats.
9. Bruce Willis sacrifices his life to blow up an asteroid and save the Earth.
10. Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway are shot to pieces by Texas Rangers.

Part 2: Gotta sing! Gotta dance!
Name the musicals where you can see:

11. Fred Astaire dance on a ceiling.
12. Judy Garland comfort Margaret O'Brien by singing a song about Christmas.
13. The Sharks and the Jets do some finger popping rumbling on the streets of New York.
14. Gene Kelly, Frank Sinatra and Jules Munshin sing a song about New York.
15. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers dance in London's Hyde Park.

Part 3: Random Quotes
Here are some quotes. Name the films.

16. Made it, ma! Top of the world!
17. Go ahead. Make my day.
18. He leans to the left, so shoot to the right.
19. I was thrown out of N.Y.U. my senior year for cheating on my metaphysics final. I looked within the soul of the boy sitting next to me.
20. Yes sir. In my case, an accident of birth. But you, you're a self-made man.


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