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There have been Counter visitors since 8 August 1999.

Welcome to the guide to good movies. On this page you can find links to short reviews of films currently showing, an archive of  reviews of older films, my picks for the best films from the last few years and a fun movie quiz. The films are rated as follows:

 *****   Classic. A film that not only provides an unforgettable experience, but rewards repeated viewings with fresh insights.

****       Excellent. A film that falls just short of a classic or perhaps a very good film that has an outstanding feature, such as a memorable performance or particularly stylish direction.

***        Good. An enjoyable, well made film. This could range from an otherwise average film with outstanding features to a flawed but otherwise excellent film. Fans of a specific genre might rate films in this category at four stars.

**          Fair or mediocre. This could be a good film with a major flaw or a poor film with interesting qualities, but is usually a reasonably entertaining film with nothing outstanding or memorable to recommend it.

*            Poor. A bad film which might be a mediocre film with something really annoying or offensive in it or perhaps a really awful film with an occasional glimmering of quality. Or maybe it's just bad. Repeated viewings of  these films are a sign you have too much time on your hands.

BOMB! Awful. Cinematic sludge with no redeeming value. A waste of celluloid. Oh the horror, the horror!


Cinema 1: Now showing Cinema 4: Best of  the year: 1998-2001
Cinema 2: Archive reviews (195 reviewed, 6525 rated) Cinema 5: Festivals
Cinema 3: Movie quiz for real film nuts Cinema 6: Five star movies

If you have any comments, you can contact me at: