David Parker

Texas born and raised (except for some time spent in Colorado and Oregon), I've been living in Austin, Texas for most of the last 39 years. I graduated from Reagan High School in '70, served in the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam War from '71 - '74. Got my Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology from the University of Texas in 1977. From '76 to '80, I worked at the Armadillo World Headquarters, a concert hall in Austin that showcased many up and coming acts of the seventies such as Willie Nelson, Bruce Springsteen, Frank Zappa, Little Feat, Elvin Bishop, Charlie Daniels, the Police, Blondie, Devo, Talking Heads, the Ramones, et al. Nowadays, I do sound in my spare time for various bands and venues around town as an indie soundman. I also play guitar, harmonica, and sing with the band Red, White, & Blues. My daytime gig involves facilities planning and management duties for the Texas Department of State Health Services. I love to play chess. I've brewed some wonderful beers at home, another of my hobbies. Check out The Real Beer Page for more info on home brewing. I also enjoy fishin' with my buddy Bill Johnson and gardening in my back yard. Here's a shot of a mess of fish caught fishin' at Lake Buchanan. If you're interested, check out my resume online. My daughter Amanda is the joy of my life. Here's a snapshot of the Parker Family at Cannon Beach, Oregon, including my lovely and talented wife Kathryn. We've been married for 33 years! The picture is over ten years old, but we haven't changed a bit, except for Amanda of course. Here are some pictures of the family pets Tess, Matimeo and Tyranno Rufus Rex. If you aren't tired of lookin' at pictures, click here


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David Parker