Welcome to the Odetta Page! We are a very happy group 'round here lately! We have so much Odetta stuff coming at us from so many directions it's hard to keep up! Odetta is enjoying her 50th year of entertaining the world, first celebrated at a huge party in Florida. A new record is out there for all of us to enjoy called "To Ella". It was recorded live the night Ella Fitzgerald died. There are links below to take you where you can get the record. Odetta is also on the road a lot lately, and we will be bringing you the dates and places as often as possible. Odetta asked me to thank you all for your support, and to ask you each and all to continue to dedicate yourselves to our planet and its people.
It was true the first day we posted and it is still true today, I need your help. Together we can gather the information, photos and mementos on Odetta and collect them here for all to see and enjoy. If you'd like to submit your ideas now, send me email while this page is under construction. Don't forget to reference work from other people so we can give credit to the proper folks. Many artists owe a nod to Odetta for her influence. Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, and Janis Joplin would be the first to tell you how much of what they are, came from her. Tracy Chapman and Joan Armatrading could be her daughters as closely as they are tied together. Listen to Odetta when you can and hear a river that runs deep and warm.
The page has undergone a major redesign! I hope to improve the page even more with your help. If you have ANY Odetta related news, items, or anything else PLEASE let me know via email! Thanks for your support, and sign the guest book! Also, Odetta will be performing at the Palm's Playhouse in Davis, CA on Saturday, February 26! If you're in or around the Bay Area, check it out! To top all that off Odetta has been nominated for a Grammy in the Traditional Blues category!
First the new record! Odetta has a new record company called Silverwolf. I think they are to be applauded for looking to quality, not quantity! Please visit, order Odetta's record and say HI! These fine people have a web site sponsored by a group that promotes indie artists from all over. They are based in New England and I like their style! Give them a look please. They are called Songs.com.
"SINGING WITH ODETTA", a wonderful video tape on Homespun Tapes is now available. I have seen it and if your are a fan of Odetta you absolutely need to have this tape. There is so much great history and great music on this tape! You get a up to date close-up of the Lady herself, with all the trimmings. There are other great video tapes of other artists are also available From the Homespun Site. GO THERE!!!
©2000 pinemt@mindspring.com - Special Thanks to Pamela Clark King who has brought this page to Odetta's attention, supplied some of the very nice images seen, and has been a great friend to me since the beginning! More to follow!