Peter Halsten Thorkelson was born on February 13, 1942 in Washington, D.C. to John and Virginia Thorkelson. Peter has two brothers, one of which is Nick, who sometimes goes on tour with Peter.
When Peter was still little the family moved to Connecticut. "In the sticks" as Peter calls it. He lived a normal life, but fell in love with music early. When he was young he married this girl named Judy, but they got a divorce after 3 months. He flunked out of college, even though he was a very intelligent guy. But flunking out proved good for Peter. He took off to try his hand at being a folk singer in Greenwich Village. It didn't work very well though. Peter only made his fame at being a dishwasher. But he did become buddies with Steven Stills..they were the "Guys who looked alike."
Steven left the village though, but Peter soon recieved a call from him. Steven had saw an ad for this new television show and had auditioned. The producers liked his style but his hair and teeth were wrong. So Bert and Bob asked Steven if he knew a guy that kinda looked like him that would work for the part. Well the first guy Steven thought of was Peter so he called. Peter just said "yeah right" and hung up. But Steven called back and Peter packed up and headed for California. For awhile thought Peter washed dishes in California too, for only 25 dollars a week.
Well needless to say Peter won the audition and started the role of Peter Tork of the Monkees. What a wild time for him! He met some of the people that he idolized. He became buddies with George Harrison, hung around Jimmy Hendrix, and became really close to Micky, even though he thought they had nothing in common.
During the Monkee era some neat things happened because of Peter too. Mama Cass and him dated casually, which I think is really cool. But the coolest thing was that Crosby, Stills, and Nash, first came together at his Hollywood mansion which was previously owned by comedian Wally Cos. Peter's wild parties sometimes threw together even today's most notable groups!
But Peter's biggest girlfriend during this Monkee era was Reine Stewart, famous daughter of Jimmy Stewart. Peter left the Monkees right after 33 and 1/3 Revolutions Per Monkee, and he was left on his own. Peter was virtually exhausted and rundown. He was tired of playing the dummy, hiding all the intellectual capabilities that he had pent up inside himself. Yet Reine and Peter had a little daughter in 1970, named Hallie Thorkelson. Peter married Reine but it didn't last very long.
During the 70's Peter got busted for drugs top. He spent 3 months in jail and finally was set free. Peter had to get his act together. He spent some time in a detox center, and worked very hard to get clean. Peter preaches today on the ill effects of drugs and alcohol and begs today's youth not to get involved in such things.
Well anyhow Peter met up with Barbara Iannoli and they get married. Barbara was a school teacher, and that inspired Peter to teach math, music, and social studies at Pacific Hills School in Santa Monica. He also coached baseball. Barbara and him had a son named Ivan in 1975.
Barbara and him did get divorced though. In 1986 Peter again joined up with Micky and Davy and did that Monkee walk straight into our town again. He even took his son Ivan along on the tours then. Ivan really confused Davy. Davy caught Ivan in the hot tub with the ladies and Ivan told Davy he was 13 or 15 or something and when Davy told everyone this on a TV Show, Peter was surprised and told Davy Ivan was only 11!
But Monkeedom was a blast from the past. Peter, Micky, and Davy made the 1986 record Poolit, and did the rounds. But in 1989 Monkeemania was over again. Afterwards, Peter made some appearances, and he even had a CD out called Peter's Back.
Today Peter is part of a great band Shoe Suede Blues. Like I said his brother Nick also joins them sometimes. He's been seen recently on Seventh Heaven and King of Queens. As 2000 approaches he is now involved in a project called YBlueK. Good luck Peter!
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