George Michael Dolenz was born on March 8, 1945 in Tazmania, California. He was born to two lovely parents, Janelle and George Dolenz. Janelle was an actor before she married George, also an actor. Yet she turned stay at home mom when Micky was born. George continued to act, starring in the hit TV series "Count of Monte Cristo."
Micky has a normal childhood. Janelle had another baby, this time a girl. Micky nicknamed her Coco, and before long the name was permanent. Coco Sunshine. Micky and Coco were friends, not saying they didn't have their fair share of arguements.
But the acting bug soon hit George Michael Dolenz. Micky soon took up childhood acting. He landed a role as Corky in another hit TV show, Circus Boy. He took the pseudonym Mickey Braddock, so that people would not confuse him with his famous father. The series was a blast, and he even toured around with his elephant Bimbo.
Yet all good things come to an end, and the series did. Micky was thrown back into the world of normalicy. And he didn't fit in. All through high school Micky was an awkward teen, with hard high school years. To make it worse his father died around this time also, of a heart attack. Micky burned all the bibles in the house and took up the art of garaging with some local hoodlums.
If you don't know what garaging means, it means that Micky and these other kids broke into garages and stole whatever they could fit in there hands and clothes. And who knows what Micky's future would have been if he wasn't caught one night.
But he was caught, and he turned around. He got in a band called Micky and the One Nighters, and the Missing Links. But all groups flopped, and Micky was even fired from one of the groups. He was interested in architecture at the time though, and he tried his hand at the college world. But college didn't prove successful either for George Michael Dolenz.
So Micky went back to acting. And as we all know, The Monkees were in his future. So he became, Micky Dolenz, Monkee #1. And the wild adventure began. And we all know the wave of Monkeemania that hit. During Monkeemania Micky married Samantha Dolenz, co-host of the hit England show Top of the Pops. By the time they married Samantha was already pregnant and soon a little bundle of joy, Ami Bluebird, came into their lives.
But after Monkeemania, the marriage went downhill. They were divorced and Micky hit rock bottom. He even attempted suicide by sitting in the middle of a street. Luckily no cars were out that night.
After Micky got back on his feet, he joined again with Davy in a group called Dolenz, Jones, Boyce and Hart. Of course joining Davy and Micky were legendary songwriters Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart. They toured from 1975 to 1977. In the midst a record was recorded, and TV specials were aired. But the group flopped, and in 1977 Davy, Micky, and Coco tried there hand as a band called the Laughing Dogs. But that was an even worse flop.
So Micky went over to England with Davy and did a play called The Point. It was a success! But a quarrel between Micky and Davy left a rift in their friendship and each went their own seperate ways.
Micky stayed in England and became a hit producer and director. In the meantime he married Trina Dow, an English woman. He had met her in Chicago during the late 1970's. Together they had three more daughters, Emily, Georgia, and Charlotte.
But Monkeemania swept into Micky's life once again. 1986 brought 100's of tour dates and stops. Trina tried to come along but with three young daughters it was virtually impossible. But they tried. This fresh wave of Monkeemania lasted until 1989. Peter, Micky, and Davy couldn't take it anymore, and went their seperate ways ago to recouperate again.
Divorce overcame Micky once again. He continued to direct, produce, record, sing, and even tour. He even took up celebrity painting, which he was quite good at! Then in 1996 the Monkees got back together and he did join up again. But this time it lasted barely two years before the huge wave crashed the 4 guys apart again. But in the midst their new album Justus was released, and I love it.
Today Micky still directs. Some of his recent works include Boy Meets World, and voice-overs on the cartoon series Spy Dogs. As far as I know Micky's also still single., so I wish all of you Micky-lovers good luck! And I also wish Micky "Magic Fingers" Dolenz good luck in whatever he does!
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