Aries you are under a new moon....  While everybody is trying to find their personality you are the same all through out.  Kind of makes me wonder YOU must be the most boringest people on the face of the earth. Get a fucking life try licking someone's ears for a change.
Bull run, run's raining and you are going to get your coat wet....oh well .
Try shaving then you wouldn't have to worry about that problem.
A word from the wise don't fall in love with drunks...and don't fall in love with someone who is a friend offering advice and saying they love you, it could mean something else-  Especially if they have a mullet.  Age aint nothin' but a number but it's a crime when the baby is the sucker. Don't suck on the wrong toy and remember play your cards right. 
Out with the old and in with the new.  You decided on keeping a friendship but not the baggage that goes along with it. That's healthy now remember think before you speak.
You guys are neutral...that's great. Don't add your issues to someone who has enough of them.
Especially from ones that are really close to them. All the other signs should learn from you.
I saw my ex-boyfriend not too long ago still ugly as ever as for the rest of you sagittarius where are you loving people at?
Where the hell have you guys don't associate yourself with the Pisces how dare you
I hear that there might be an open slot...experience the real adventure they have to offer God only knows they've been wanting to release it.
Hey Piscineans,
How's life treating you?  Well there is good news for you, all you have to do is give everyone what they want if it's not much and you'll see the end is pretty suprising-in a good way. Hang in there everything will be cool. Now pick up the phone and get busy.
If anybody gets offended by this stuff, I don't give a shit.  I must have said something that was true, or why else would you be flippin'?  If you're mad about any of these horrorscopes then you better work on your personality;  maybe next month your future will be better!!!!
                                                                                               ~The Q
Copyright 2002 ~ Busta' Coluz
So who is your mate cheating on you with this time?  You have just about the whole world in your mouth. 
"he's got the whole world in his mouth, he's got the whole world in his mouth....."
You all are lying motherfuckers.  You're gonna end up wit one tooth at the rate you're going.  Save the candy for the kiz.  You lack fashion, style, brains, and looks.  What up with them Hicks??
You use people for your goods. It's not a good idea when the jokes on you.
You guys are friendly you should consider finding a new friend perhaps a pisces God know they need some              help.