Choose Your Vow
Don't look now... okay.. do.. but don't say I didn't warn you.
I hope you choose "silence" as opposed to "celibacy"...

Anyway.. if you are here, then you:
1.  Randomly typed in my website addy,
2.  Actually
want to be here, or
3.  You drank too much last night and this is where you woke up.

Well.. if you chose number 2... then I'm sorry for the lack of creativity I am showing with my website.  It's a lame page.  But it was quick.  And why work hard, building a great site, only to have Geocities own the rights to it?  Make some sense I do, yes?

Anyway.. if you really need to tell me something.. my email is over there on the right.



The Lambada:
Me: Jerry "the mOnk" Banks, Jr.
25 (Chinese say I'm a horse)
What do I look like in color?

I'm half Asian, half white-boy.  The rest you can put together from my pic.

Favorite Food:
What do I do?
Photographer, Videographer, Computer Geek          (for an Air Force contract in Honolulu, HI)
What???  ANOTHER pic?
Okayyyy.  Click here.
lookie lookie!
lookie again!
Oooga Booga!!
AOL IM:  Uberwisemonk
Yahoo/MSN IM:  Oldwisemonk
Now bug off.... ya badger.
"All your base are belong to us."