Disclaimer: This page has no association with The Sports Network (TSN). This is a mock interview held in the format of TSN program "Off The Record" using host Michael Landsburg. Visit TSN's Home Page at TSN.ca! Oh yeah, Landsburg rocks! Ha!
[ The “Off The Record” opening starts to play and we are then taken to an OTR studio shot of Michael Landsburg ]
Michael Landsburg: Welcome to “Off The Record”, the show where nothing our guests say can be held against them, because we are truly “Off The Record”. This is a very special show… actually, it’s anything but a show. This is the transcript of an interview I am about to conduct with professional wrestler, “The Diamond Stud” Nick Diamante. It will be posted on his web site, located at http://move.to/D-Stud in the month of September, 1999, and will remain there for future use. Diamond Stud, it’s great to have you.
The Diamond Stud: It’s great to be here, Michael… and before we begin, let me just say one thing. If and when you are willing to step out from behind your stylish shirt and pin-on microphone, I WANT YOU AS MY TAG TEAM PARTNER! We’ll be unstoppable! [ Smirk ]
Michael Landsburg: [ Slight chuckle ] Ah, The Great Landsburg doesn’t come cheap! [ Smiles ] So with that rumor laid to rest, let’s get this show on the road.
The Diamond Stud: Amen! Remember Landsburg, No-Holds-Barred! Ask anything, and I’ll answer! I hope you did your homework on The Stud!
Michael Landsburg: I’m sure you’ll be impressed! Ok, first off… It’s a question I’m sure every wrestling fan wants to know. What made you decide to return to the EWA in the capacity of a wrestler this time around? Last time you were the owner and financial advisor of Revolution X behind the scenes. Not many people really knew that, but yes… it was you and NOT Ted DiBiase who really ran the ship.
The Diamond Stud: Well Michael, it took me a while to come to this decision. I was running the D.O.A.-PRO single-handedly when I made a challenge to a very over-rated wrestler named TBL. Getting behind that mic made me realize that I wasn’t doing the right thing running my wrestling organization. I am a very talented wrestler who has never been given a right shot. Not many people know that. In the beginning, I left the EWA because a few certain people just couldn’t compete with me, or RX, so-to-speak. They all thought that I was too ruthless behind the scenes. One of the wrestlers confronted me one time and asked me why I was so selfish? He thought RX was discouraging the young EWA talent. I told him that I would not force my boys to job just to get some new punk kids over with the crowd. That is not my style. Things backstage began to change… before you know it, myself and my Rev-X buddies were no longer welcome. We weren’t kicked out, but I could sense it. I sensed it from Nomad… I sensed it from Stone… I sensed it from a lotta guys. So I came to terms with Tom, arranged a way for RX to “mysteriously disappear”, and that was it. On with the D.O.A.-PRO. The D.O.A.-PRO was great, but I didn’t have the time or desire to keep it alive. It’s too bad, because the D.O.A-PRO was a great place to be. Why? Because I ran it… and I did a professional job. But things happened, and I needed time off to think. Not too long ago, I decided to return to the EWA. Why? [ Smirks ] I really don’t know… it’s, well…
Michael Landsburg: You don’t know??
The Diamond Stud: Well Michael, it’s tough. I have some real, major differences with the way Tom Stone runs his wrestling company. No offence to Tom, but his organization really isn’t my cup of tea in some aspects. However, I did come into my own there, and I feel it is the best place to be simply because I know what to expect. If I have a problem, I can go to Tom because he is a good friend. And if I feel he is mistreating me, or being too kind to me for that matter, I can tell him. Only time will tell what my future will hold in the EWA. I might be gone sooner than expected. However, my intentions are to reach greatness there… something I am tremendously focussed on.
Michael Landsburg: What about the D.O.A.-PRO?
The Diamond Stud: I really wish they would speed up this “Human Genetic Cloning” stuff, because MAN… there are a bunch of things I wish I could do, and things I would do if I had the time. [ Smiles ] Not to sound arrogant or anything, but I ran an awesome wrestling organization. At the time when I left it, I’ll go out of my way to say the D.O.A.-PRO was more competitive, innovative, exciting, and plain out better than the EWA or the FCA, for that matter. Some of the wrestling world’s current “stars” wouldn’t have been able to hang-‘n’-bang in my fed. They couldn’t deal with the realism that the D.O.A.-PRO stressed and always hid behind their personas like children behind their parents’ asses. If you were to go back and look at our weekly show, Motor City Maddness… you would see a program where promos and interviews were just as important as the actual wrestling. The fans say it all, and they like to see the boys come out and cuss each other out! At the same time, they liked a good fight! The D.O.A.-PRO had a VERY solid roster. There were 2 guys there, “The Cornerstone” Dino Delsante & Jack “Backstreet” Suede who really understood the direction I was trying to take the D.O.A.-PRO in. I apologize to them for closing the place down, but it just had to be done. Maybe one day I’ll go back to it… after I retire, and turn it back into what it once was. But for now, I can’t make any promises.
Michael Landsburg: You weren’t the only man in charge of running the D.O.A.-PRO. Your life-long best friend Vince DiNardo was with you… Well, sort of. Was his lack of involvement a factor which made you decide to fold the D.O.A.-PRO? And what is Vince up to these days?
The Diamond Stud: The Dead or Alive Pro Wrestling Organization was not only my idea… indeed, it was a collective creation between myself and Vince DiNardo. Vince called me up one night and expressed to me his disappointment with the EWA, and Chandler in particular. It seems that Chandler used some underhanded actions to get Vince’s man, at the time… The Rock, out of the EWA. Vince was disgusted with what went down, and to tell you the truth, so was I. Vince was managing The Rock, and Chandler apparently thought that The People’s Champ was nothing but a jobber while under Vince’s control. One thing lead to another, and bada-bing… Vince was gone from the EWA. It was a little known fact at the time that I wasn’t actually “forced out of the EWA” by Stone’s “contractual endeavors” against Revolution X. No, instead I played nice and decided not to be bitter about RX, but to actually re-start my quest while leading Kane and The Undertaker to the top. I hyped up those monsters to the point where everyone wanted to know who the mystery men were, desperately! Once again, it is a little known fact that The Rock, Kane & The Undertaker were on a pre-plotted journey to re-form a new RX. But with Vince being treated like crap, how could it all be accomplished? Stone listened to his boys, and he was the one who got hurt. He had lost 2 of the biggest minds in the wrestling game, and I knew the EWA would see bad times. I know I have drifted off topic a bit, but it all relates. Me and Vince were pissed, so we decided to venture into our own era. The specifics were ironed out, and the D.O.A.-PRO was born. Vince was given his chance to be an important man, but due to some problems with technical equipment and other such factors, we decided that I would do the bulk of the work and he would be in charge of representing the D.O.A.-PRO talent. I can’t blame Vince at all. He was just in a bad position, and I didn’t wanna run the place alone knowing he was being left out. The place was great, but I felt guilty. I made the decision alone to close the place, which was a big surprise to Vince, but like I’ve said many times already… it had to be done. Right now, Vince is chilling out with his family in Toronto, and I’d like to send out a Happy Birthday wish to my bro who celebrated a big one just yesterday. Vince will be back sooner than later, but I highly doubt we’ll see him in the EWA. He’s gonna start from scratch and just be his freaky self once more. He’s gonna make some organization proud.
Michael Landsburg: When will we see the return of Revolution X to the EWA?
The Diamond Stud: I dunno. Ask Vince.
Michael Landsburg: Vince? Ok, you’ve lost me…
The Diamond Stud: [ Smiles ] I’m on to bigger and better things. RX was cool and no other group will ever reach their brand of romp em’-stomp em’ action. I recently handed the rights to Revolution X over to Vince DiNardo. Michael, I AM RX… but I don’t blame Vince for hanging onto the RX name-plate. It’ll make him an instant attention-grabber. I don’t need RX anymore. I just need myself.
Michael Landsburg: So you have absolutely no ties whatsoever to Revolution X?
The Diamond Stud: Nope. None at all.
Michael Landsburg: [ Raises his eyebrows in shock and smirks a bit ] You really are starting all over, huh?
The Diamond Stud: Michael, I know what you’re thinkin’… I took a bunch of guys to the top of the industry in half a year, and now I’m starting from scratch. Some may call it foolishness, but to them I just say “wait and see!” The best is yet to come from this talented sports-entertainer.
Michael Landsburg: So you are saying you will be able to step out from the HUGE RX shadow and become bigger than them?
The Diamond Stud: Well, thems is big shoes to fill, Michael. Most people know Revolution X as the largest stable in the history of pro-wrestling. At their peak, including managers and all… RX was almost a 30-person group! Who wouldn’t know Rev-X?? For me to come out and say I’m going to out-shine RX is bogus. People are going to expect a lot from me, and they will get a lot out of me. I’m doing this to prove to everyone that I’m not just some wannabee, know-it-all punk. I know this game inside and out. A lot of people are going to be shocked by the biggest “WWF Mark” in the game. [ Smirks ] But trust me… when the time comes, and I am hoisting that EWA Heavyweight Title over my head… they’ll know… they’ll know. It’s hit them harder, faster and worse than a good ol’ kick to the groin! Laces out my friends!
Michael Landsburg: A “WWF Mark”… You’re obviously lashing out on a statement made time and time again by EWA pro-wrestler, Chandler. What do you think of that statement? With all due respect, you did just call yourself a “Sports Entertainer” a few minutes ago, and that is clearly a WWF term.
The Diamond Stud: Finally, a couple of curveballs thrown at me! [ Smiles ] Well, what can I say? If Chandler gets a chuckle out of calling me a WWF mark, all the praise to him! Hell, I did grow up with the WWF and I still plan on watching the WWF til’ the day I die! Vince McMahon is a genious, and any wrestling fan who claims not to respect him should be tarred, feathered, and sent to some homosexual cock farm bent-over! It’s the truth… sorry about the language man, but it pisses me off to see any person, fan or wrestler, insult Vince McMahon. Vince created the play field we’re rolling around in… and I respect him for that, just like we all should. Am I a WWF mark? Make me a badge and I’ll wear it proudly! [ Smiles ] To Chandler, I say “I hope you’re having fun dissin’ the big ol’ WWF mark while he’s out stealing your spotlight.” Nuff said on that! [ Smiles ]
Michael Landsburg: [ Smiles ] You don’t seem to like this Chandler guy much do you?
The Diamond Stud: Nah… it’s not like that Michael. My experiences with him haven’t been all perfect, but he’s one of the “Big Talents in Our Industry” so they say… and I just don’t think he’s as good as we’ve all been lead to believe. Don’t get me wrong… I’m not saying he sucks. I’m just saying it’s time for him to climb down off his high-and-mighty horse and do something that’ll RIGHTFULLY put him back on it. Name recognition only lasts so long, ya know?
Michael Landsburg: Ah, ask Hulk Hogan that and see what you’ll get! [ Chuckles ] Ok, let’s switch directions a bit here and talk about your “closet friendship” with EWA owner Tom Stone. While the RX glory days were at their peaks, you and Stone were very good friends. In a respect, you were almost like partners. However, why did you 2 choose to keep that a secret?
The Diamond Stud: From a business stand-point, everyone would have bitched and complained that Prez Tommy was giving his buddy Nicky D an unfair advantage. Was it a coincidence that RX ruled the EWA? Or did RX actually have some skills? I’ll be the first to admit that I was new to the sport, and I did a lot of stupid things. However, once I caught on 100%, I took that ball and ran with it. Let’s face it, Tom ran a wrestling organization… not a secret plan to seek and conquer! I wouldn’t have felt right if Tom were to have let me do anything I wanted to. What fun would that be? Yes, I helped out Tom with angels and story lines because I was a team player. For all those who may think I got everything by kissing ass, let me ask this… Why didn’t RX ever hold that Heavyweight Title strap? Why was someone like The Tongan, who never gave a damn about his title reign, a champion without doing any work at the same time that RX was busting their asses?? I had a lot of things I could have complained about, but I didn’t! Tom didn’t give me any sweet deals cause he NEVER HAD TO! I held my own load better than anyone at the time! I wasn’t in the EWA to take over. I was there to have fun! It’s too bad that some people made the choice to attack Nick Diamante after they realized they couldn’t beat RX. Tom Stone didn’t kill the EWA that we all once knew. It was guys like Nomad who were “tough enough” to “put Nicky D in his place”! [ Laughs ] Isn’t it funny though? It’s kinda like my biggest wrestling achievement. I leave the place, and it practically dies. And what for? To keep Nomad all comfy and happy! [ Laughs ] It’s real nice to know that Nomad could single-handedly ruin the EWA, and leave it without any regrets.
Michael Landsburg: So, if you had a public message for Tom Stone, it would be…
The Diamond Stud: Tom, I know we’re friends, but the EWA is business. You know I’ll always help you with stuff, but I don’t want to have an unfair advantage over anyone. However, at the same time, I want to be treated with respect and given the proper payback for all that I dish out. I also don’t want you to think that “Nick will understand if I do this and that…” Don’t take advantage of our friendship, and at the same time, don’t treat me like your friend. I’m just like Zed or Thorn or anyone else. I work for you, and I want to receive back all that I put into the EWA. If it doesn’t happen, I’m sure the terms of my contract will allow me to leave the EWA for the final time without any hassles.
Michael Landsburg: Damn, you sound like a lawyer! [ Smiles ] Speaking of your contract, there have been a lot of rumors about this “Iron Clad” contract that you will soon be presenting to the Extreme Wrestling Association. Can you shed any light on it?
The Diamond Stud: Well Landsburg, at this point in time, the terms haven’t been perfected fully yet. They will be soon enough, and my contract will be up for display on my web site for everyone to read. It is a very unique contract with a lot of power and control… but it is all being done legally to protect me incase I feel that I’m being jerked around in the EWA. People may not realize that when they deal with me, they’re dealing with a professional. It may seem like greed, but I’m doing this to better the EWA overall. The Diamond Stud is an overall asset not only to the wrestling world… but also to God’s green earth! [ Raises his arms and smiles ]
Michael Landsburg: [ Smirk ] I can’t help but to snicker everytime you call yourself “The Diamond Stud”. [ Smiles ] Where did you come up with that nickname, Nick?
The Diamond Stud: Nickname, Nick… [ Smiles ] Don’t make me come over there and smack ya! [ Laughs in a joking fashion ] My parents are Italian, and I share with them the last name of “Diamante”, which means “Diamond” in that language. The “Stud” part… well… [ Smiles & flexes ]
Michael Landsburg: Umm hmm, it’s obvious! [ Chuckles ] There’s obviously no conceit in your family… YOU’VE GOT IT ALL! [ Smiles ] In a short time, you have already left a mark on the world of pro wrestling. Overall, how will the EWA benefit from having “The Diamond Stud” on their roster?
The Diamond Stud: [ Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong Pause] HEY YO! [ Smirk ] We all know how I’ve already innovated pro wrestling in general… and for all you little “quote-thieves” out there, the court-orders are already in the mail! [ Laughs ] Put it like this Michael… When you’ve got “The Diamond Stud” on your roster, not only do you get a team player, but you get a smart business man too. How will my career go? Let’s not kid about it… I could step into the EWA and have that spotlight in 2 seconds. It will take 1 second for everyone to remember who I am, and another second for it to hit them and say, “OH MY GOD! IT’S THE STUD! OUR HOPES! OUR DREAMS! OUR FEARLESS LEADER HAS RETURNED TO GUIDE OUR WORTHLESS SOULS INTO THE NEW MILLENNIUM! AND TO SAVE OUR SINKING SHIP!!!” But realistically, seeing as how everything I do tends to become a trend… [ Clears throat and takes a Loooooooooooooooooooooong Pause ] I figure I’ll set a good example this time around. I’ll start at the very bottom and wait for my time. I’ll quench my fans’ “golden thirsts” with some mediocre EWA titles… innovate those divisions, and eventually… in due time, I’ll make one world champ a believer in the new religion of STUDLYNESS!!
Michael Landsburg: How bad do you think the EWA wants you back?
The Diamond Stud: [ Smiles ] Ah, “Beyond The Line 99”… I came up with the name for that PPV, by the way… off topic, sorry! [ Smiles ] At that Pay-Per-View, good ol’ Chandler said some rather disturbing comments about me. [ Smiles ] I hate to burst his bubble and all, but… well… [ Chuckles ] I only found out today that he made those comments. So, put it like this. I wasn’t even watching the PPV at all because it didn’t interest me. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who missed that EWA PPV… so that right there tells you how much they need me back. However, the question is “how bad do they WANT me back?” Over my entire pro-wrestling career, I never really once had a huge problem with Chandler. Well, there was that one time where Razor Ramon kicked his ass… but, that wasn’t a real issue. So if you get where I’m going with this… Chandler had no reason to pull his little teenage hissy-fit at the PPV. Why did he do it? Because he was trying to be an all star and say that he forced Nick Diamante back into the EWA. It’s funny how Chandler once approached me, while I was running the D.O.A.-PRO, about having some inter-fed action between the 2 organizations. Basically, Chandler is working for the EWA still, and he’s pretty desperate to get me back. The dude needs me… [ Laughs ] But let me go on record in saying that if that punk kid ever looks at me funny, I’ll make sure he gets sent off to some juvenile correctional facility where some drill sergeant will set him straight…. LITERALLY! [ Smiles ]
Michael Landsburg: Let’s take you to the footage of EWA Pay-Per-View “Beyond The Line ‘99”. These are some of Chandler’s comments. Let’s take a look…
[ Footage of Chandler’s Interview is shown… ]
Chandler - Let me ask you people something. You ever heard of DOA Pro Wrestling? Yeah, you know, Nick Diamante’s company. The group that recently folded and is now defunct. Many of you know Diamante’s ties with the EWA, and his role in making this fed what it is. Well, with him closing up shop, he was back on the market, and him and Stone came to an agreement that Nicky D would come back to the EWA later this year and give it one more run... maybe try to help rebuild the fed like he helped build it before. Well fans, Diamante sold out. The last guy who could maybe save the fed sold out. That’s sad. That’s very, very, sad. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT NICK?!?!?! YOU WANT TO BE LIKE STONE?!?!?! YOU WANT TO BE LIKE "THEM"?!?!?! YOU WANT TO BRING THIS FED DOWN, YOU WANT TO BRING ME DOWN?!?!?! FUCK YOU NICK DIAMANTE!!! FUCK YOU TOM STONE!!! And, dammit, here’s one for someone who deserves it. FUCK YOU FANS, FUCK YOU!!!!!! You Play as much a part in this as anybody.
[ End of footage… ]
Michael Landsburg: How do you respond to those comments?
The Diamond Stud: [ Laughs ] I THINK THE KID HAS FINALLY FALLEN OFF HIS ROCKER!! [ Laughs ] I mean, look at what he says. He was correct in saying that Stone and I talked about me coming back, and yes… that was pretty much inevitable. Chandler also said in the piece of footage that I was the last guy who could possibly save the EWA. Then he calls me a sellout........???? You explain it to me Landsburg. I’m on my way back, yet I’m a sellout???
Michael Landsburg: The topic of “Selling Out the EWA and Tom Stone” has gone around a lot lately. Some people say that everyone has sold out Stone, including Stone himself. Did you sell out Tom Stone?
The Diamond Stud: Well, let me say this first. With the EWA having the problems it has been having lately, everyone is looking for someone to blame. Yes, it is all of our faults. From Stone who openly admitted he was getting lazy behind the scenes, to all the guys who jumped ship to the FCA. Did I sell out? To a certain extent, yes. But I did it in a reasonable fashion. I told Tom of my plans, and agreed to him that I wouldn’t try to recruit EWA wrestlers to the D.O.A.-PRO. Do I not have the right to make a living?? Just because I was in the EWA, does that mean I could never go out become the owner of a wrestling organization?? That’s Bullshit… 100% Bullshit!! Now that I think of it, NO… I didn’t sell Stone out!! I did my best to help the EWA, and everyone knows I did nothing but positive things for the EWA while I worked in it. From helping design PPV logos, to secretly being the author of a Spoiler here and there. Revolution X was something the EWA benefited from, and the EWA benefited from having me in its ranks. Had I been treated properly within my last days there, then maybe I wouldn’t have been forced to “Sell Out”!
Michael Landsburg: Is this “Selling Out” situation going to force you to prove your loyalty to the EWA more than you would have been interested in doing originally?
The Diamond Stud: Put it like this. When I do something, I NEVER do a half-ass job at it! I put my mind to it and make it the best that I can! Overall, I’m a very skilled person in many different areas. Pretty soon, you’re going to see a new EWA page design. I had so much to do with that design that Stone went out and gave me credit on the front page for it! Bang! I’m not even signed up with the company yet, and I’m already helping it in a very positive way! Right now, I’ll state my intentions. In the EWA, I’m gonna be a Boss’ pleasure. I’m not going to live off my RX name recognition to boost me to the top! I’m going to start from scratch. Yes. My arrival into the EWA is going to cause a lot of controversy, so maybe I’ll involve myself in a major story line to begin with, and then cool down and work my way up from the bottom. Am I going to be forced to prove my loyalty? I don’t care what other people think and want to make out of this situation. As long as I’m happy in the EWA, the EWA will benefit from having me around! Point blank! Am I going to save the EWA? I’ll tell you what… I may not be able to save it, but I’m gonna try my hardest!!
Michael Landsburg: While we’re on the subject of doing anything for the company, let me question you in the area of “jobbing”. A lot of people are saying that you are a poor sport when it comes to losing. Nick Diamante, are you afraid to “job”?
The Diamond Stud: Afraid to “job”, Michael? I’m not afraid to lose, but I sure as hell won’t stand by and lose to someone who doesn’t deserve it. Why am I going to bust my ass off working hard just to lose to someone who “could” be a star if they beat me. The last time I was in the EWA, there was a lot of fucked up politics back stage. If that shit happens to me again… NO. It won’t happen again! I’m gonna clean up a lot of things that are wrong with the EWA! And I don’t care who gets affected. LISTEN UP EVERYONE! While I’m on the scene, don’t you dare think of beating me unless you actually work your asses off and prove that you can! I’m a VERY competitive person, let me warn you of that… And losing ain’t gonna happen much in my career! I’m not saying I won’t job, I’m just saying that I ain’t jobbing to anyone who ain’t worthy of beating me! Maybe I ain’t gonna be the boss’ dream wrestler after all. Oh well… I’m not a hooker. I don’t spread my legs for anyone.
Michael Landsburg: I can feel the tension in this room, Nick. Calm down, loosen up………. Nevermind. [ Laughing ]
The Diamond Stud: [ Laughs ] Yeah, yeah… I’M LOOSE, I’M LOOSE! [ Laughs ]
Michael Landsburg: Since you don’t plan on losing much, can we count on another “Razor Ramon-like” winning streak for you in the EWA?
The Diamond Stud: In the beginning, probably. I mean, I know I’m already in the heavyweight championship level, but words alone won’t cut it. I have to prove myself. There are gonna be a lot casualties along the way involving a lot of young punks who don’t know me. But then again, there is also going to be a lot of competition. I’ve already heard through the grapevine that Zed thinks he can kick my ass. Sooner or later we’re going to see if he will live up to or eat those words. For now, I’ll take that as an invitation from him to a fight, and I’ll keep it on tab in the back of my mind. Trust me… the end of my EWA career will be when I run out of fingers on my hands to count my losses with. I don’t see that happening. One-on-one, I really believe I can take anyone. But I understand that this isn’t just wrestling anymore, and there will be people who will do some very underhanded things to get by. I understand that, and I’ll play by the same rules. [ Chuckles ] Trust me… oh trust me, I will. [ Smiles ]
Michael Landsburg: When it comes to your in-ring ability and/or your personality, what do you think your flaws are?
The Diamond Stud: Everybody has flaws, and so does The Stud. I think my anger can go off at times, and that can throw me off totally. Also, I tend to get obsessed with following one opponent and making his life hell while not even paying attention to the others. However, there’s a stipulation in my contract which will help me when it comes to controlling who I fight, and when I fight them. I think that those are my 2 most major flaws.
Michael Landsburg: When you were in control of Revolution X, many people said that you forced your guys to come out and cut too many promos too often. What do you think of that? And will you constantly have a mic in your hands doing the same thing?
The Diamond Stud: Well, I guess people didn’t realize how HUGE RX was then. The more people you have, the more words are going to be spoken. As far I’m concerned, no… I won’t have as many interviews as Rev-X did because I won’t have as much to cover, obviously. My promos will be more in-depth because I will have more time and more focus will be on me, and me only… just as it should be. [ Smiles ]
Michael Landsburg: Right off the bat, do you count on having any friends in the EWA at anytime? Everyone knows that you are pretty close some long-time EWA wrestlers such as Deuce and T-N-T. Should they choose to be active in the EWA, how will your relationship be with them?
The Diamond Stud: I have always been pretty close to Deuce and T-N-T. It started out in Revolution X, and eventually when they came over to the D.O.A.-PRO. Right now, I’m unsure of what their wrestling plans are for the future, but if they show up in the EWA, I know they’ll be the closest people to being friends that I have. This time around though, I count on doing everything myself. So, I really hope to see those guys back in the EWA when the place opens up again. Friend or foe, it’s always cool to have them around.
Michael Landsburg: What is your opinion of “Hardcore” wrestling? And will you be involved in it while in the EWA?
The Diamond Stud: [ Smiles ] Hardcore wrestling huh? Well, I have mixed feelings about it. I think a lot of untalented wrestlers try to become something big by participating in these types of matches. I say, prove me to that you can wrestler first, then I’ll actually consider fighting you. Seeing a talented wrestler in a hardcore-style match is a lot more interesting and exciting than watching some overweight, unemployed truck drivers hitting each other with steel chairs. Will I be involved in these matches? Sure I will! I plan and capturing the Extreme Title very early in my EWA career, so all ya hardcore fucks betta watch out! [ Smiles ] But Hardcore wrestling won’t be what my career revolves around.
Michael Landsburg: Let’s just say that one day you decided you wanted to go after the tag team titles in the EWA. Can you throw out some names of who you could see yourself tagging up with?
The Diamond Stud: Michael, you never fail to amaze me. [ Smile ] Well, my number 1 choice would be Vince DiNardo. However, I doubt he’ll be back in the EWA. I’m buddies with T-N-T and Deuce, so they’re always in the picture. I have some friends I made during the D.O.A.-PRO days who would fit the bill better than almost anyone that I would love to tag up with sometime along the line. Guys like Delsante and Suede, whom I mentioned earlier. I always wanted to team up with Death Row because he always seemed like a straight forward “kick your ass” style of wrestler. And Serial Thrylla and I would make an interesting team. However, these are just names of partners that I think would be reliable. Only time will tell who could be the choice.
Michael Landsburg: Ok, it’s always been an “Off The Record Tradition” to play the Word Association game with our pro wrestling guests. I say the name of a wrestler or wrestling personality, and you tell me what first comes to your mind.
The Diamond Stud: [ Smiles ] Let’s go for it!
Michael Landsburg: Serial Thrylla.
The Diamond Stud: He’s a cool guy, and a real good asset to this sport. I just wish that somebody would contact the Serial Thrylla of old and tell him that he’s dearly missed… as a wrestler… in the Extreme Wrestling Association! Hopefully, he’ll read this.
Michael Landsburg: DMX.
The Diamond Stud: I think DMX is probably the most loyal wrestler to have ever wrestled in the EWA. A lot of people may not think he’s the best, but he IS very important to the EWA.
Michael Landsburg: TBL.
The Diamond Stud: Who?
Michael Landsburg: [ Laughs ] The Bottom Line… You once challenged him to a match.
The Diamond Stud: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, yeah… I know who he is. The problem is he’s not who he thinks he’s supposed to be. I think the guy is TREMENDOUSLY over-rated and my challenge to him is always available! YA HEAR THAT MAN??? IF YOU EVER FEEL LIKE YOU NEED A REALITY CHECK, COME SEE THE STUD! I’ll be glad to make you see the light.
Michael Landsburg: The Regulators.
The Diamond Stud: You know, I’ll be the first to freely admit that I have never been crazy about the Regulator’s style. It pretty much drives me nuts. However, they are good athletes, and you can always count on them to make you laugh about 70 times everytime they speak.
Michael Landsburg: Nomad.
The Diamond Stud: [ Laughs ] You mean the President of the Nick Diamante Fan Club? [ Smiles ] Yeah right. Well… he’s one of the guys who couldn’t stand my success and who decided to snap on me a few times. I think he’s good when he’s around. The problem is he’s never around. I have mixed feelings about him leaving the EWA. I really wanted to put that phony bastard in his place, but I know life will be sweet without him around. Maybe one day I’ll send that Gothic punk to his Journey’s End.
Michael Landsburg: Death Row.
The Diamond Stud: See Serial Thrylla. The same story goes for him. He’s good, and he’s sorely missed.
Michael Landsburg: And finally… Tom Stone.
The Diamond Stud: [ Smiles ] Tom Stone. Well, the guy has always been my friend, so I respect him in that area. As a human being, I think he is extremely dedicated at what he does. I may not agree 100% on the way he runs his company in some respects, but I think he does an overall good job. I think he’s the kinda guy who lashes out if you piss him off, and I think that is one of his weak points. He has improved over time with the way he treats wrestling talent, and I hope it only gets better. I hope Tom realizes the situation that the EWA is in now. It’s in a rebuilding stage, and he needs to remember that. Right now, the EWA needs as much talent as it can get. That includes crappy wrestlers and mediocre athletes as well. If Tom tries to hold people out because they seem like morons at first, I think that will cause the death of the EWA. Look at any wrestling organization… they all have their fair share of jobbers, mid-carders, and superstars. Tom has to let more people in and remember that he’s not out to build an all start wrestling team. He’s out to run the EWA, a regular wrestling company with a very bright future.
Michael Landsburg: In the end, what do you hope to prove by returning to the EWA?
The Diamond Stud: A lot of people that I worked with in the EWA have mixed feelings towards me, my style, and the manner in which I do things. I have a feeling that a lot of people think I’m just this crazed wrestling fan who had my era of dominance in the EWA because I was the Boss’ buddy. This time around, they’re going to meet a new Nick Diamante. The real “Diamond Stud”, a persona and athlete who will give each and everyone of them a run for their money. For those of you people, like Nomad and Chandler, who probably respect me as much as they do anyone else who is “below their standards”… Be prepared. Be prepared to be shocked, because I’m not fooling around. I’m coming to the EWA to wreak havoc on the place, and bring it back to the level of greatness it once was at. I’m here to bring the EWA back to prominence, and I’ll to it by any means necessary. A lot of people are probably wondering why I care so much for the EWA right now. Don’t mistake yourselves folks. I’m not doing this 100% for the EWA. I’m doing it for myself. I’m here to bring the EWA back to the top because I am the 1 man left who can do that. All the other boys tried and failed. I’m gonna enter the doors of the EWA, stir a lil’ shit, and hope everyone jumps back on the band-wagon when the place starts rolling again. However, none of this will happen unless I am treated properly this time around. Keep that in mind.
Michael Landsburg: [ Extends his hand and shakes with Nick Diamante ] Nick, it was great to have you on the show. I hope that you’ll come back within the year so we can have an update on your EWA experiences, and we can see if everything went as planned. Best of luck to you Nick Diamanted… “The Diamond Stud”!
The Diamond Stud: Thanks for having me Michael, it was great to be here and I’ll be back sometime in the future, with a piece of gold around my waist as well. [ Smiles ] To all my fans out in TV-Wonderland, remember this… any other wrestler can be good for a while, but this Diamond… [ Raises his arms ]… The Diamond is FOREVER!
[ The “Off The Record” closing video piece plays as the screen fades to black… ]