This should seem fairly self-explanatory. If you click on this link in the menu bar, you will find out more about yours truly. However, the first thing you should know "about" this sight is that it serves as an experiment in the knowledge I have collected on the subject of internet publishing. So, every portion of this sight has some little trick or feature that may well interest you if the content itself leaves you a little dry. So, look around and enjoy.

This page visually represents all of the movies in my personal video collection. Click here, and you can find out about the actors and actresses in each film, as well as their filmographies. I have also included reviews on most of the movies listed here (along with my own 2 cents), and have provided the means to offer you the opportunity to tell me what you thought of these fine feature films. I read everything that I am sent, so please feel free to comment often. I will display all comments on this sight... eventually.


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