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This site is made to bring you a few pictures from some great Baha'i Events! It's always expanding, so feel free to send your own scanned pictures so we can put them up!

The Kingston Youth Forum 1999 The Baha'i Youth Open House (June 1999)
The Carwash Fundraiser (June 1999) The Baha'i Youth Open House (Jan 2000)
The Baha'i Dance (Jan 2000) The "Leaving on a Jet Plane" Conference (Mar 2000)
The night of the LOJP Conference (Mar 2000) The Baha'i Youth Open House (Mar 2000)
The Montreal Youth Conference (April 2000) The Kingston Youth Conference (May 2000)
The Vancouver Youth Congress (July 2000) The Waterloo Youth Conference (August 2000)
The McMaster Campus ABS (September 2000) The Mississauga ABS Conference (August 2000)
The Erin Teaching Project (December 2000) The S&ED Conference in Florida (December 2000)
Celebration 158 (March 2001) The Quebec Youth Congress (June 2001)
Celebration 159 (March 2002) More Pix Coming Soon! =)

If you have any Pictures you would like put up, just scan them and e-mail them to:

Thanx 4 Visiting!!

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