Top Ten Fan Theories


1. The new sith will be Mace(Sam L. Jackson). Toby
2. The death of Shmi will cause Anakin to turn to the dark side.  Eric-X
3. Palpatine will cause a conflict between the Mandalorians and Naboo.  The empire will rise from the trade federation.      name witheld
4. Anakin will begin to hate the strict ways of Obiwan.
5. Amedela is Palpatines daughter.   name witheld
6. Obi-wan will fall for Amedela, love triangle.  BlasterBull
7. BobaFett will fight a dual with Anakin. name witheld
8. The Jedi will defeated by Mandalorian clones.  Tobby
9. The true identity of Anakins father will be revealed.  Chris-45
10.  A new sith warrior will appear, a clone of Qui-Gon.  J.T

Want your theories to end up in our top ten. Leave it on our message board!!!

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