BA, Print Journalism, 1999.
BA, Critical Studies in Film, 1999
Work Experience
Post Production Assistant, VH1's Bands On The Run
Please watch the show. It's on every Sunday at 10 p.m.
Sports Reporter, Daily Pilot, 1999-Oct 2000
I cover high school sports for a daily community paper in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. And for the millionth time, no, I didn't hit on the teeange girls.
Intern, SW Networks (Sony Radio), 1998
This is where I learned Minnie Driver uses egg yolks to get a luxurious shine for her hair.
Camera Operator, USC Fooball Team, 1998
The kickers practiced by aiming at me perched on the high tower.
Bookkeeping, USC Bookstore, 1997-1998
And I haven't taken math since junior year of high school.
Production Assistant, Cinewave Productions, 1997
Tip for cheap set design. Ikea accepts all returns.
Sales Representative,Vector Marketing, 1995
This is where I learned about the evil that men do.
Activities & Honors
Diversions Editor, Daily Trojan
I recently visited my old office to find it sealed up and sealed with cement. And the paper's entertainment section is now "Lifestyle". Wassup wit dat?
Writing Samples
The fan reaction was great when I devoted two hours to songs with the word "monkey" in it.
Contributing Writer, Bamboo Offshoot
Not only did I write, I was a model.
Volunteer Work
Assisted disabled kids in athletic events, help renovate homeless
shelters, and other works.
Available upon requests