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November 12, 2000 Sunday 12:00am
Wow... Saturday jsut passed... ^^;;
Well, it was a very hectic day at work... ran around like a crazy person while working in DMO. Totally spent. xP
Nothing much to update... just fixed the Project Lynx link (it led to a Michiru page from our OSSS site before ^^;;). I'll see about getting around to killing the dead links until I can actually upload the approrpiate files. Probably get to that x-mas break. Too much work right now! So much work I don't really play comp games anymore--except Marble Drop, but that's... not exactly... a computer game ^^;;
NE HOO, jaa ne.

June 27, 2000 Tuesday 12:06pm
YAY!!! Finally graduated! Now I can legally say I'm a college student. ^.^ Anywayz, added two more items to the Other Amusements section. Enjoy...

May 29, 2000 Monday 11:47am
Did some minor reformating. Also took down the out of costumes section. Now everyone can breathe a sign of relief =) .

April 20, 2000 Thursday 11:42am
I've posted all I've drawn of "Aoshi v. Yumi." Maybe I'll draw more during spring break--maybe not. I dunno. I wanna paint. Can't go to Canada because of homework... *sigh. In any event, enjoy. I'm guessing shishio's getting a kick out of the last posted picture. ^^;;

March 9, 2000 Thursday 3:27a
"Aoshi v. Yumi" continues int he theatre!
A new amusement, form the efforts of one Seta Soujirou.

March 4, 2000 Saturday (8:24p EST)
Gee... a second update. I must really have time (or am just stalling so I won't have to do homework...). Anywayz, if you're reading this, then you're at the new site. I've moved the RK Halloween '99 site to a new URL. I'm still relinking the files so if anything's not working or you have suggestions on the format (I'll take any), you can email us at, me at or kamiya shuusai at Gee... we all seem to be using Yahoo!. =)

March 4, 2000 Saturday
I REALLY should finish my Computer Graphics program...even though it is entirely wrong. I might move this site so people, be prepared to update your bookmarks. Then again, at the rate I'm doing things, this might take a while... ^.^ Added a new manga/doujinshi. Enjoy.

March 1, 2000 Wednesday
I really should be working on my Computer Graphics program (or more importantly, studying for that Differential Equations test tomorrow...) But in any event, added a new manga/doujinshi to the Kenshin-Gumi Theatre section; a contribution by Yukishiro Tomoe. And if I have time, I'll add a picture to the Art Gallery. It's a detail that Shishio Makato liked from Tomoe-san's manga/doujinshi. Oh, and because of previous complaints (that I only semi-heeded) I might eventually take down the out-of-costume section. We'll see. Ciao for now.

February 5, 2000 Saturday
Happy Chinese New Year!!! Mmhhh... I'm getting hungry from smelling the food my mom's making downstairs. ^.^ I betcha Shishio's very happy, all those incoming red envelope. Shishio: "MONEY!!!!!!" *ahem. Yes...
Anywayz, I've finished up the out-of-costume pix section in the photo gal's pairs, couples, and alliances part. Now to check out the price for FF8 at BJs...

February 3, 2000 Tuesday
Hi. Added a few more photos to the photo gallery and put up some of the "Strangle Shinomori Aoshi" pix (so far only out-of-costume ones). But since we still maintain our casted characters, it's not exactly inappropriate to post, ne?

January 31. 2000 Monday
Redesigned the layout for my ongoing doujinshi. Added more panels. Should be easier to read now.

January 27, 2000 Thursday
Nothing much, really--the only constantly updated part of this site is the guestbook, which is almost daily updated with new entries by members of the Kenshin-Gumi (and their split personalities). Well, Himura Battousai gave me new pix but I haven't had time to scan them in yet. And I started a manga--in the Kenshin-Gumi Theatre section--based on an IM conversation I had with, well, it'll be obvious. That's about all the updates for now. Hm... since Seta Soujirou isn't really working on this page anymore, I guess I'll be the only one writing updates, so why bother with "entry by..."? *shrug.
-- Shinomori Aoshi (demidragon.rwen.jaurn)

January 15, 2000 Saturday
Uh... where did the link to the updates page go? Bah, whatever. Uh... nothing new, really... added art pix...? Yeah. If the other ppl in the Kenshin Gumi would bring in pix, there'd be more to look at...
-- Shinomori Aoshi (demidragon.rwen.jaurn)

December 13, 1999 Monday
I really should be writing my essays...
Added the links and a new "manga" in the Kenshin-Gumi Theatre. Ah... no need to calculate height and width... the one thing I like about text pages over thumbnail pages. I've also added some battle/fight links in the photo gallery. Yeah...
-- Shinomori Aoshi (demidragon.rwen.jaurn)

December 10, 1999 Friday
I've totally redesigned the site. The original design was getting too hard to revise--damn the code was confusing...
Anywayz, back to revising...
-- Shinomori Aoshi (demidragon.rwen.jaurn)