Hello and Welcome to my Guestbook! These are all the Mega Cool people that visited here. Some joined our club and some didn't but all were always welcomed here. And so are you so if you didn't sign please do you are always welcomed too. Thanks for visiting!!! Love N Hugs Nicki aka Mystic Pencil

Echo Lau - 10/18/00 07:49:03
My URL:http://www.mcu.edu.tw
My Email:s9250833@ss23.tj.mcu.edu.tw
Hello,Hiroko I am from Taiwan,and I love Brad Pitt very much. That's why I always looking for Pitt's news.I'm glad that I found a wonderful wedsite like this. I think that I've noly said that you have done a good job because to love somebody is terrific. Thank you very much.Bye.

Luisella - 08/10/00 17:26:33
My Email:luybg
very good site! One kiss Annie.

Hiroko - 07/18/00 04:31:54
My URL:http://www2.plala.or.jp/ocharake/bpbook.htm
My Email:blue7@lilac.plala.or.jp
Hello!Nicki. Thank you for visiting to my site. And I am happy to read your comment! I read your message, and I put your site on my link page soon. Your site is wonderful. Thank you!

Lauren - 06/23/00 15:08:24
My Email:bliss_ac@hotmail.com
i like this home page its really cool!

Iliana - 04/10/00 07:13:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/dyoxenoi
My Email:dyoxenoi@yahoo.com
Your site is very good. It has very nice and rare IWTV pix! Good work you guys!

Shannah Malmer - 04/07/00 15:04:30
My Email:Shannah8@hotmail.com

Shanna - 04/03/00 13:55:22
My Email:shanna_the_wise@yahoo.com
Looking at this Hot dude I have a hard time keeping my eyeballs from flying out.. He is one Hot Sexy Man and All the pics have caused me to go into Brad Overdrive!!!!!! I gotta go lay down until I recover!!Shana

Marina - 03/31/00 17:03:02
My Email:neamaphy@mailcity.com
Dear Brad, Unbelievable, that I’m writing you. Just “Meet Joe Black” and your Angel of Death. I know nothing about your life and almost don’t meet your roles. It doesn’t matter. I think that you are the perfect creation of Nature, Brad. Thank you, that you exist. I’ l be very happy if you always feel harmony inside you, if you enjoy every moment of life, if you are not afraid to live by heart. I wish you to understand and be understood, to care and be cared, to love and be loved. Life is so wonderful gift. Thank you. Take care. Marina.

Frosty - 01/24/00 05:17:50
My URL:http://arl2.cjb.net
My Email:frostymane@yahoo.com
OMG NICKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The new look is HOT HOT HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks a billion kajillion girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *BIG HUGS* That is so TOTALLY cool of you!!!!!!!!! This site is WICKED COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *cheers* *does the ha py dance* THIS IS SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!****** Luv and hugs always, ~Frosty

Ali - 01/21/00 21:15:13
My Email:foxveil@hotmail.com
Hey! I made it! I'm here! Wow! Thats a cool banner! Thanx Mystic!

Aquata Rubyfin - 01/11/00 04:32:26
My URL:http://skip.to/Oboe
My Email:obiwankinoboe@hotmail.com
Hey all! I'm a member of Brad is Rad and Frosty showed me the way here. WAY hot pics! Groovy page! I plan on coming back soon! *ggg*

Lori - 01/09/00 22:01:30
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca4/loriw/index.html
My Email:pippo81@yahoo.com
Nicki- hey sis, I love your webpage! He is soo hot isn't he??? YUMMY! : ) don't you just wanan bite him? LOL : ) you are soo great sis, love ya to death! Lori

GENA - 12/25/99 04:57:09
My URL:http://community.myway.com/pd/genasplace
My Email:sting320@email.com
Hi Mystic, you've out done yourself again!! Nice job!! my aliases: ~BLANCO~ NITRO STING THELMA LOL, YOUR INTERNET SIS, You know which one, LOL

Eloise - 12/22/99 04:35:44
My URL:http://MackenzieKing.tripod.com/VCC.html
My Email:frostymane@yahoo.com
YAAAAAAAAA!!! Pitt is a god!!!! Yummmmmmm..... Kickin site, Mystic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs* ~Elo

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