Echo Lau - 10/18/00 07:49:03 My URL: My | Comments: Hello,Hiroko I am from Taiwan,and I love Brad Pitt very much. That's why I always looking for Pitt's news.I'm glad that I found a wonderful wedsite like this. I think that I've noly said that you have done a good job because to love somebody is terrific. Thank you very much.Bye. |
Luisella - 08/10/00 17:26:33 My Email:luybg | Comments: very good site! One kiss Annie. |
Hiroko - 07/18/00 04:31:54 My URL: My | Comments: Hello!Nicki. Thank you for visiting to my site. And I am happy to read your comment! I read your message, and I put your site on my link page soon. Your site is wonderful. Thank you! |
Lauren - 06/23/00 15:08:24 My | Comments: i like this home page its really cool! |
Iliana - 04/10/00 07:13:29 My URL: My | Comments: Your site is very good. It has very nice and rare IWTV pix! Good work you guys! |
Shannah Malmer - 04/07/00 15:04:30 My | Comments: |
Shanna - 04/03/00 13:55:22 My | Comments: Looking at this Hot dude I have a hard time keeping my eyeballs from flying out.. He is one Hot Sexy Man and All the pics have caused me to go into Brad Overdrive!!!!!! I gotta go lay down until I recover!!Shana |
Marina - 03/31/00 17:03:02 My | Comments: Dear Brad, Unbelievable, that I’m writing you. Just “Meet Joe Black” and your Angel of Death. I know nothing about your life and almost don’t meet your roles. It doesn’t matter. I think that you are the perfect creation of Nature, Brad. Thank you, that you exist. I’ l be very happy if you always feel harmony inside you, if you enjoy every moment of life, if you are not afraid to live by heart. I wish you to understand and be understood, to care and be cared, to love and be loved. Life is so wonderful gift. Thank you. Take care. Marina. |
Frosty - 01/24/00 05:17:50 My URL: My | Comments: OMG NICKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The new look is HOT HOT HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks a billion kajillion girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *BIG HUGS* That is so TOTALLY cool of you!!!!!!!!! This site is WICKED COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *cheers* *does the ha py dance* THIS IS SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!****** Luv and hugs always, ~Frosty |
Ali - 01/21/00 21:15:13 My | Comments: Hey! I made it! I'm here! Wow! Thats a cool banner! Thanx Mystic! |
Aquata Rubyfin - 01/11/00 04:32:26 My URL: My | Comments: Hey all! I'm a member of Brad is Rad and Frosty showed me the way here. WAY hot pics! Groovy page! I plan on coming back soon! *ggg* |
Lori - 01/09/00 22:01:30 My URL: My | Comments: Nicki- hey sis, I love your webpage! He is soo hot isn't he??? YUMMY! : ) don't you just wanan bite him? LOL : ) you are soo great sis, love ya to death! Lori |
GENA - 12/25/99 04:57:09 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Mystic, you've out done yourself again!! Nice job!! my aliases: ~BLANCO~ NITRO STING THELMA LOL, YOUR INTERNET SIS, You know which one, LOL |
Eloise - 12/22/99 04:35:44 My URL: My | Comments: YAAAAAAAAA!!! Pitt is a god!!!! Yummmmmmm..... Kickin site, Mystic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs* ~Elo |