The Lightsaber

The Lightsaber is the weapon of the Jedi, to some constructioning your own Lightsaber is part of the Jedi Training. It takes much skill to be able to use a Lightsaber effectively and will take extencive traing of many years to master. The handle of the Lightsaber is about 10" to 12" long and houses a power cell and crysallite lenses that are focused to creat the "beam" that is seen. The beam's "hum" that is produced and them mear sight of a Lightsaber is enought to have most opponets retreating.

To produce Your own Lightsaber check out these sites:

My Lightsaber: Pictures and Plans of how to make on like I did.

Project Graflex :This Page will tell you how to make a Luke (ANH) and Obi-Wan (EpisodeI) Lightsaber from parts from your local hardware store.