Backstreet Boys
Web Page

Amanda's Backstreet Boys Web Page

Hey everybody, first I need to apologize for the appearance of my page, I am doing some major updating, so some stuff might not work, SORRY!


Last Updates on June 12th, 2000

Updates:  The update of the day is a new BSB Quiz! Check it and test  your BSB Knowledge. You can tell me what you think of it in my Guestbook. You can sign up for My BSB Newsletter to here about all the latest updates on my page and BSB News.

BSB Still Not Number One on TRL?: Yup the BSB fans have been slacking off! The Backstreet Boy's video, The One has been in the number 2, 3 and even 4th spot on TRL! Loosing to NSYNC, Emimen and Britney Spears. What can you do about it?? Vote at: Don't forget to watch TRL on MTV weekdays at 3:30 p.m.(ET)/2:30 p.m.(CT) to see where BSB made it!

The Great BSB/ NSYNC Feud: BSB and NSYNC fans seem to be always fighting and I seem to be getting allot of hate mail! Read my opinion and give your own in my Latest BSB News.


S.I.S.T.E.R. S.I.T.E.S

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Hey read this!!!

Hey everybody, I am sorry I have to put one of these messages up, but I am having problems with people taking graphics and like whole parts of my web pages. Please don't take anything off my web page. All the non-Backstreet Boys graphics were made by ME and its totally not cool to steal (not to mention against the law because web pages have copyrights). All you have to do is ask me and give me credit and I will let you use most of the information/ pictures on this page. Thanks a bunch!

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