Welcome to my Guestbook! How do you like it? Please sign it if you haven't already! If you want, you can bookmark my site, but come back real soon, as all of my pages are constantly changing!

piper - 12/20/00 22:08:40
My Email:Blue2000@cox.rr.com
sorry , i am right underneith i put the wrong adress. this is my real one Blue2000@cox.rr.com sorry for the problem

piper - 12/20/00 21:58:13
My Email:Blue2000.cox.rr.com
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: when they use there powers
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: piper
Who recommended this page to you?/How did you get here?: surfin
What does the above question have to do with anything?: magic
Why am I asking stupid questions?: cause your kewl
What do you think of my guest book?: awsome
i just want to say i love charmed and this is a kewl site and if anyne wants to talk to me e mail me i dont mind

NIEMA - 11/25/00 09:28:34
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: WHEN THEY DO THEIR SPELL.
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: PHOEBE
Who recommended this page to you?/How did you get here?: VIEWING
What does the above question have to do with anything?: I DONT KNOW.
Why am I asking stupid questions?: BEATS ME.
What do you think of my guest book?: COOL!

Karen Dawson - 10/11/00 15:40:51
My URL:http://communities.msn.com/mycharmedfanclub
My Email:kdawson9@hotmail.com
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: All of it
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: Prue
Who recommended this page to you?/How did you get here?: Web surfing
What does the above question have to do with anything?: nada
Why am I asking stupid questions?: don't know
What do you think of my guest book?: cool

lianie - 10/09/00 13:07:45
My Email:supersil@xsinet
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: spells
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: prue
Who recommended this page to you?/How did you get here?: searched 4 charmed
What does the above question have to do with anything?: huh
Why am I asking stupid questions?: don't know
What do you think of my guest book?: allright
no pic's!!!!!!!!!!!why not?????????

- 10/07/00 20:53:20

- 08/05/00 10:30:53

Gill - 07/31/00 21:20:38
My Email:no tellin
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: its all shit
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: no piper
Who recommended this page to you?/How did you get here?: we found it
What does the above question have to do with anything?: i know u are dense
Why am I asking stupid questions?: cause u are dense
What do you think of my guest book?: its shit!!!!1
yur web page is shit and u dont have any piccies of Leo so get a grip!!!!

zara cowie - 07/29/00 20:35:32
My Email:zaracowie@ukomline.co.uk
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: All of it
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: Prue
What do you think of my guest book?: Weird very wierd
Charmed should be on every day!!!!

Kim - 07/23/00 04:57:55
My Email:cuddles97@email.com
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: the spells
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: all
Who recommended this page to you?/How did you get here?: surfing the net
What does the above question have to do with anything?: its to help you know how we got here
Why am I asking stupid questions?: because you are nosey
What do you think of my guest book?: cool so far
I really enjoy charmed please keep up the good work girls.

Toni - 07/07/00 21:15:09
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: pipers wacky dates!!
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: PIPER
Who recommended this page to you?/How did you get here?: I love charmed so i searched around
What does the above question have to do with anything?: I dont know
Why am I asking stupid questions?: ?????I dont know
What do you think of my guest book?: its interesting
I love Charmed.Piper RULES!!

melissa - 05/10/00 13:42:42
My Email:me_420_1@hotmail.com

matthew flood - 04/28/00 22:07:46

JORGE GONZALES - 04/12/00 00:08:52
My Email:ecb88@yahoo.com
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: WHEN THEY USE THEIR POWERS.
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: PIPER
Who recommended this page to you?/How did you get here?: NO ONE JUST ON THE WEB.
What does the above question have to do with anything?: NOTHING
Why am I asking stupid questions?: I DON'T KNOW
What do you think of my guest book?: IT'S NICE
I LOVE CHARMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steph - 04/05/00 23:51:52
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: the girls their so cool and inspirational
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: All of them
Who recommended this page to you?/How did you get here?: surfing the web
What does the above question have to do with anything?: who knows
Why am I asking stupid questions?: you tell me
What do you think of my guest book?: just another guest book
great!you need more pictures of aylssa milano and group ones also other than that it's more interesting than others that I have been to!!!

Joyce - 02/11/00 19:09:26
My URL:http://www.relivonline.com/pchypnosis
My Email:pchypnosis@relivonline.com
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: Killing Warlocks
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: Piper
Who recommended this page to you?/How did you get here?: Surfed in
What does the above question have to do with anything?: Your magical
Why am I asking stupid questions?: Your magical
What do you think of my guest book?: Fun
Say I enjoyed my visit to your site. How about a visit to my site. It's new and ever improving. Tell me what you think. Joyce www.relivonline.com/pchypnosis

jen gibler - 01/03/00 10:20:27
My Email:cherrypop119@aol.com
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: the way they have extremly kewl powers
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: Piper Halliwell
Who recommended this page to you?/How did you get here?: my sister
What does the above question have to do with anything?: i dunno
Why am I asking stupid questions?: thier not stupid
What do you think of my guest book?: groovy kewl
Charmed is my favorite show I love it so much. I think all of the Halliwells are great but I especially like Piper she's absolutly the kewlest! I wish Holly Marie Combs, Shannon Dorehtty, and, Alyssa Milano would put out a charmed movie it would kick @**

EDTWAN WADE - 01/03/00 05:05:07
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: WHEN THE GO TO THE PAST
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: HOLLY MARIE COMBS
Who recommended this page to you?/How did you get here?: INTERNET
What do you think of my guest book?: i THINK IT HONORS CHARMED

Sue Webb - 01/03/00 04:34:28
My Email:web1@advertisnet.com
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: the girls
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: Milno
Who recommended this page to you?/How did you get here?: myself internet
What does the above question have to do with anything?: nothing
Why am I asking stupid questions?: who knows
What do you think of my guest book?: ok I guess
I would like to know why you took it off the air my husband and I loved the show and it never fails when you find a good tv show they take it off the air are you going to put it back on and when we want to see more shows like this. The girls they seem lik they click very well on the show as if they are really sister, so could you keep us informed when they are going to put it back on, we would really like to know so we can watch it once again thank you Sue Webb

Q Madp - 11/12/99 21:10:48
My URL:http://www.cokelover.com
My Email:q@0707.com
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: Holly
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: Holly
Who recommended this page to you?/How did you get here?: Surf and drop
What does the above question have to do with anything?: you're curious
Why am I asking stupid questions?: You like me
What do you think of my guest book?: It's cool
Cool Website!!! Check out some of my home pages http://www.0707.com sometime, or http://www.cokelover.com , http://www.qpolice.com Hope you'll like them.

Krystal - 10/12/99 00:17:48
Who the hell is Jason?? And why does half the people in the guestbook mention his name??

Krystal - 10/12/99 00:14:12
My Email:barbie_girl624@hotmail.com
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: Leo & Piper, and my old fave. was Pru & Andy
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: Phoebe
Who recommended this page to you?/How did you get here?: Just Browsing
What does the above question have to do with anything?: ???????
Why am I asking stupid questions?: Maybe because you are stupid?!?!
What do you think of my guest book?: Kinda dumb!
The pictures are okay, but your guestbook is very childish and pointless, most people like it when you get straight to the point!!

arlene - 09/07/99 02:39:46
My Email:arlene@mypersonalemail.com
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: what part? if u're referring to d episodes, i like d story of mark & holly.the chinese guy was killed & became a ghost, the charmed ones help him.
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: i really love all of them, but i think poebe is really sexy.
Who recommended this page to you?/How did you get here?: just surf
What does the above question have to do with anything?: i don't know
Why am I asking stupid questions?: ask yourself
What do you think of my guest book?: cool
hope to see more info and pictures about the charm ones

jessica - 08/18/99 07:55:58
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: everything that happens, its the best witch show I ever saw.
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: piper.
Who recommended this page to you?/How did you get here?: from a magazine called TVhits,its an australian mag.
What does the above question have to do with anything?: EVERYTHING! The show. To keep this fantastic show on TV forever!
Why am I asking stupid questions?: these ar'nt stupid questions.
What do you think of my guest book?: its wonderful!
keep up the fantastic work,and dont ever stop showing CHARMED!

tabatha - 06/29/99 13:20:13
My Email:Pooh_N_TMA@webtv.net
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: dont have one
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: dont have one
Who recommended this page to you?/How did you get here?: jason
What does the above question have to do with anything?: dont know
Why am I asking stupid questions?: because you are
What do you think of my guest book?: kool
why do you keep on having the same questions

tabatha - 06/29/99 13:16:18
My Email:Pooh_N_TMA@webtv.net
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: dont know
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: dont know
Who recommended this page to you?/How did you get here?: jason
What does the above question have to do with anything?: nothing
Why am I asking stupid questions?: because you are
What do you think of my guest book?: kool
why did you say the same thng over agian for

tabaha alewine - 06/29/99 13:11:43
My Email:Pooh_N_TMA@webtv.net
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: donthave one
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: dont have one
Who recommended this page to you?/How did you get here?: jason
What does the above question have to do with anything?: dont know
Why am I asking stupid questions?: dont know
What do you think of my guest book?: kool

Jennifer - 06/29/99 02:40:29
My URL:http://put it in later
My Email:Mickey_N_KLG@webtv.net
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: The adventure they have solving their problems
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: I don't have a favorite; I like them all.
Who recommended this page to you?/How did you get here?: Jason, I got in from the bottom of your e-mail.
What does the above question have to do with anything?: Nothing
Why am I asking stupid questions?: 'Cause you are stupid
What do you think of my guest book?: It's cool
I love it

Jessica - 06/22/99 03:18:27
My URL:http://:80/Petsburgh/Zoo/9061/index.html
My Email:i Tigger-JNM@webtv.net
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: i have never seen it
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: none of them
Who recommended this page to you?/How did you get here?: JASON Jason took me there
What does the above question have to do with anything?: nothing
Why am I asking stupid questions?: cause u are stupid
What do you think of my guest book?: KINDA

Kerri - 06/21/99 23:43:50
My Email:rainstorm14@yahoo.com
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: i haven't seen it but one time so....
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: who?
Who recommended this page to you?/How did you get here?: jason,you emailed me,asshole!!
What does the above question have to do with anything?: i have no idea
Why am I asking stupid questions?: cause you love fruit drinks
What do you think of my guest book?: cool
Cool page!!!

Jason - 06/21/99 15:31:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Park/4738/index.html That's my main page.
My Email:Radimedean@webtv.net, Crow_3_16_@webtv.net
What is your favorite part of Charmed?: The whole show! I especially love the atmosphere of it, and how it introduces me to new music!
Who is your favorite Halliwell sister?: All of them! I couldn't possibly say one without the other two, now could I?
Who recommended this page to you?/How did you get here?: I did! I got here by entering in my user name and password!
What does the above question have to do with anything?: I have no idea!
Why am I asking stupid questions?: Because stupid is as stupid does.
What do you think of my guest book?: I have to like it, don't I?
This is it! You made it to my Charmed guest book! Have any questions/comments/suggestions? Don't be afraid to e-mail me at the e-mail thingies above! I don't bite, much, and I'll be happy to receive your thoughts!

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