Olivia heeft inmiddels verschillende musical soundtracks op haar naam staan, en diverse speelfilms.
Hieronder volgt een overzicht.
Olivia has already made several musical soundtracks and movies.
For more details see the list that follows.
Funny Things Happen Down Under, 1966
Toomorrow, 1970
Grease, 1978
Xanadu, 1980
Two of a Kind, 1983
It's My Party, 1995
Sordid lives 1999
The Case, 1972
A Mom for Christmas, 1990
A Christmas Romance, 1994
Snowden on Ice (voice over), 1997
Saturday Night Live, 1982
Snowy River: The McGregor Saga, 1994
Human nature 1995
Murphy Brown, 1997
Midi-sound: "Take me home Country Roads"
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