
11/18/02 12:18pm Turkey Bowl on the Horizon
Hey everyone, if anyone out there is still checking. I'm still alive. I have been working 40 hours a week at Target. Combine that with my new major, Mathematics, and a full schedule, and I don't have much time for my webpage. I'll tell you about classes another time, right now I'm in between classes trying to get this quick update in.
The 5th annual Turkey Bowl is scheduled for Thanksgiving morning, 8am. Any and all are welcome. Yesterday, I had some time on my hands, and I made the Official Turkey Bowl Website. Check it out, it has some good stuff on there. We're entering the real busy time at Target, so I don't know how often I'll be able to update, but if some interesting stuff happens to me, I'll try and get it down for you. For now, check out the Turkey Bowl website, and I'll see you soon.

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