Looney Tunes

Special Collection of Bugs and Daffy.

Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck have been with us more than half a century now and have continued to make us laugh from childhood through adulthood. Bugs always outsmarting everybody to Daffy not outsmarting anybody, especially himself. These two characters are unique and special in everyway, a special thanks to Warner Brothers for their creation and imagination in the development of these two characters and the many more they interact with. I have created a collection of some of the many characters that have come out of Looney Tunes, but because Bugs and Daffy are my personal favorite, I have included them just a little bit more than the others. I have included a little bit of history of the creation of each character as well as some of their more memorable moments on screen. So sit back and relax as we try to find out whether it is wabbit season or duck season. Click Bugs & Daffy to view some of the Looney Tunes characters.

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