Collaborative work from Indonesian young people.
Thanks for supporting FFVII '99.

Thanks for supporting Independent film!

Prambors 102,3 FMania
102.3 FMANIA
Prambors - Jakarta

Ramako 106,15 FM
106.15 FM

Ardan 105,8 FM Bandung
105.8 FM



Registration and Conditions of Entry 

The Indonesia Independent Film and Video Festival '99 (FFVII '99) is a non-competitive and non-profit event. FFVII '99 is about appreciation of the spirit of independent film and video making. We are grateful for your support and involvement in the development of the audiovisual arts here in Indonesia. Please read carefully and fill out the registration form.

Join our mailing list :

1. Registration is from June 1 until September 6 1999
2. There are no limitations of genre or category.
3. Duration of film or video program may not exceed 60 minutes.
4. The program should clearly communicate a specific idea.
5. The program should demonstrate originality and innovation.
6. The video copy provided should not be a master tape.
7. The videotape is not returnable.
8.  Films and videos will only be accepted in VHS or Betacam SP format.
9.  A short synopsis of the program should be attached to the registration form.
10. Please include a brief biography of youself (including filmography).
11. Films and videos submitted must not be of a commercial nature and not owned by any company.
12. The committee reserves the right to promote any film or video selected for another festival event, on a national or international scale.
13. The committee reserves the right to reject any film or video deemed of an inflammatory or excessively provocative nature.

Send your film or video directly to one of the following addresses:

                           The Committee of FFVII '99
                             Jl. RM Harsono No.2, Ragunan
                             Jakarta 12550, INDONESIA
                             Tel. 0816 979 515,  Fax. 62-21 788 35071
                             E-mail :

                             LFM - ITB
                             Jl. Ganesha 10
                             Bandung 40132, INDONESIA
                             Tel. 022-251 0627, Fax. 622-250 5442
                             E-mail :

----------------------------------------------------* TO SEND, START HERE *-----------------------------------------
Please print out this form and complete it fully.  Don't forget to include a synopsis and biography.  Send this form with your video, or you may send it seperately by FAX, E-MAIL or AIRMAIL.

Deadline for Entries: September 6, 1999
Only one entry per form, photocopies of entry form are acceptable. Print Clearly!

Title of Entry :__________________________________________________________________________

Choose one category below for your film or video  (Use "V" to mark your selection).
(___) Animation – select one: (___) Cell Animation / (___) Computer Animation
(___) Slide show
(___) Drama
(___) Action
(___) Horror
(___) Thriller
(___) Experimental
(___) Film / video music clip
(___) Documentary
(___) Other - please describe here: _____________________________________________________________

Running time :__________________________________________________________________(max: 60 mins)

What is your contribution to this film or video? :___________________________________________________

Director :_________________________________________________________________________________

Producer :________________________________________________________________________________

Scriptwriter :________________________________________________________________________________

Please provide your full address :_______________________________________________________________



Phone / Fax :_______________________________________________________________________________
(include your area code)

E-mail :___________________________________________________________________________________

What is your current employment/ career position? :_______________________________________________

How did you hear about this festival? ___________________________________________________________


Approximate budget of the film or video: _________________________________________________________

Use "V" to mark to mark the correct option:
Copy format:                    (___) Betacam SP   (___) VHS

Audio Format :                 (___) Stereo    (___) Mono

Your original format :         (___) 16mm     (___) 35mm     (___) SHVS or VHS

                                       (___) Betacam Digital (___) Betacam SP

                                       (___) Digital Video      (___) Digital Handycam

                                       (___) Hi-8 / Video 8 Handycam

                                       (___) Other : _________________________________________

Synopsis :
Please attach a synopsis or summary (2 paragraphs maximum) of your  program, to be included in our booklet. Feel free to include any interesting or  unique experiences in the making of your production.

Credits :
Please attach a copy of your credit titles.

(___) Fully completed registration form
(___) Video copy of your film or video
(___) Credits list
(___) Biography and photos: 4 X 6 cm = 2 pieces
(___) Synopsis, 2 paragraphs max.
(___) Signature and date.

By signing this registration form I agree that :
1. I fully understand and accept the conditions of entry and the festival guidelines.
2. The information I have provided here is true and correct.
3. FFVII '99 is not liable for any and all claims of liability, including losses, damages,
    or expenses.
4. I authorize FFVII '99 to exhibit my film or video entry in whole or in part for educational and/or
    publicity purposes.



For further information please contact us:
The Committee of FFVII '99
Jakarta :
Jl. RM Harsono No.2, Ragunan
Jakarta 12550,  INDONESIA
Phone. 0816 979 515,  Fax. 62-21 788 35071
E-mail :

Bandung :
Jl. Ganesha 10
Bandung 40132, INDONESIA
Phone. 022-251 0627, Fax. 622-250 5442
E-mail :


Entry date: ________________________________________________________________________________

Via:                 (___) fax           (___) airmail/courier  (___) email

Film or Video copy: (___) received     (___) missing/ to be sent separately

Condition: _________________________________________________________________________________

Accepted by: ______________________________________________________________________________

Other notes: _______________________________________________________________________________

E-mail    :
E-group : 
Website  :

© The Committee of the Indonesia Independent Film and Video Festival '99.

-----------------------------------------* END OF FORM *-----------------------------------------