fEEL fRee tO cOpY !!!
An off center indie mega/fan-zine
Amateur Video and Filmmaking Useful Links
Helpful links for advice on making amateur video movie
The Home of Independent Films & Filmmakers on the Internet.
Brand spankin new! elektrik coma filmworks On-Line!
Film, baby, film.
"Clerks of Darkness" Independent Feature
Home page for Bossanova productions' film
"Death to Stoughton!"
An amateur horror/suspense movie being made by a senior in high school.
"Dinners on the Table"
"Follow the Bitch" Film Site
Romantic Comedy to be released on 4/3/98
"How to Make Your Movie: An Interactive Film School" on 3 CD-ROMs
learn the process of filmmaking step-by-step.
"INDIECLUB - The Networking Site!"
Find others in your area that are interested in making movies (film or video).
"Red Dirt"
Independent feature
"Structuring the Deal" Seminar Real Audio Recordings
"TELLURIDE, Time Crosses Over"
"The Distinct Smell of Red"
Details about the feature film, "The Distinct Smell of Red",
"The Handler" Home Page
Home of filmmaker budget tools and script
"Wanna Be In Pictures"
Produced by Adobe Pictures, an expressionistic movie about making a low-budget movie.
"loser" website
critically acclaimed first feature, 50 theatrical dates after premiering at Slamdance
Small time movie making with an EDGE!!
--Power Absolute--
Power Absolute is a new indie film with an extreme sci-fi edge, check it out and see the future.
Director Arthur Borman's web site
1997 HotLinks FOR Independent Filmmakers
Links to free services not available elsewhere,
1998 Digital Preview Systems - No more paper proofs
1998 Digital Capture Systems
1998 Las Vegas Film Festival
Official Site
21st Century Pictures Group
Indie Film Community, Resources, Links, Articles, Chat
45 North Broadcast Group
Video Production Services
A Festival for Short Film
Coming Soon- The 3rd Annual Shorts International Film Festival, in NYC
A Warped Production
independent film and video production in St. Louis
Chicago based independent film company
Norwegian Actress Liv Alexander presents Burt Ward in STAR QUEST
A family feature film for the next millennium
ASU Art Museum Short Film & Video Festival
Annual Short Film & Video Festival
Ace in the Hol Motion Picture Company
Adryenn Ashley
Indie Producers Website
Advance Media Concepts
MPEG2 DVD and Streaming Video Service Bureau
American Dreamer independent filmworks, inc.
Site for Scriptwriters, Filmmakers, and Movies Lovers
American Interactive Pictures
Film, Video, Interactive CD-ROM Production and Distribution Company
Anastasiya.Home Page Composer Alexei Karpov
Symphonic music for filmmaking ,Theater shows
Andrea's Film Resources
Links to great film making resources
Angenue Films
New York-based Independent Filmmaker
Ann Marie Fleming
Anna in the Sky
Press kit for
Anna in the Sky
Press kit for "Anna in the Sky"
Archimage Studio
Production/Distribution Company
Arizona Independent Film Mailing List
Meta-Networking Medium for Filmmakers in or Interested in Arizona
Arizona International Film Festival
Arizona Media Arts Center and the 1997 Arizona International Film Festival in Tucson
Association of Independent Video and Film
Austin Film Festival
The first festival dedicated to recognizing the writer's contribution to the film industry.
Auteur Mirror Website
Free Filmmakers Newsletter
Avid Film Camp
Provides participants six weeks of training and editing a new film on the Avid Media Composer
B-Movie Theater
The center for cult movie sales, news and entertainment in cyberpsace!
BCFlat Productions
On-Line Studio
BDR2000 PRODUCTIONS - We Create!
Entertainment and Production corporation
Bangor Films
Director Todd Verow and Screenwriter James Dwyer's production company
Bench Warmers
Independent Feature Film Shot in June 97
Best Flicks at the Best Prices
News, Reviews, Interviews and Articles about independent films.
Bill Cammack: Editor
Freelance Sphere/Cube Videotape Editorial
Bite The Pillow Productions
Very Independent Filmmaking
Bleak Future: Super 8 Feature Film
Book Wars
A guerilla doc about street booksellers in New York City
Breaking the waves
the making of
Brooklyn Film Institute
A non-profit organization dedicated to bringing the art of film to the public
Brookside - A film by Phillip Sumner
Independent film being shot in Tulsa, Ok
Business Strategies
Film financing business plans, book and newsletter.
Buttermilk Records , AUSTIN, TEXAS
unreleased original Texas music from-60's-80's for use as background and theme music
MediaHead is looking for shorts to show at our monthly screening in Atlanta, GA.
CINEMANIAX! Filmproduction
German independent film and video production
Pitch ideas to award winning independent producer - Tips for your film!
Maryland underground video production company
digital video movie company
CYBERPITCH for Indie Filmmakers
Online screenplay "pitches".
Cali Z Productions
Motion Picture & Television Production and Development Company
Callaloo Production
Creative and informative site by Independent mediamaker Ryan Saunders
Calypso Films
Check out some Calypso Films!
Canadian Film Centre
Catalyst Films
Chaos Control
Sound Design, Original Scores, Soundtracks for film.
Charmed Life
Comedy noir
Cherry home page
Making an indie film starring Shalom Harlow
Chicago Filmmakers
Independent Film School/Rental House
Chris Hansen's Home Page
Award winning writer/director's home page
Chris Hansen's Home Page
Award winning writer/director's home page
Christian Filmmaker Ministry
Producing Family Films for the Glory of Jesus Christ.
Christian Filmmaking
Filmmaking for Jesus
Cinemashow Pictures
Independent Film Production
Cinematexas International Short Film-Video New Media Festival
Celebrates independent short film
Claire's Corner
Dedicated to the Arts
Rohypnol Summer or Rock Opera? Check out the rock-fueled drug-riddled comedy set
CrashCam CineProductions
Production company for indie filmmaker Bob Ray in Austin, Texas
Creative Commercials Inc.
Film/Video production company located in beautiful sunny naples, florida.
Cresent Moon idependent film studios
A Horror/Sci-fi/Action horror page of our fims and other films
CrewFilmOK's Home Page
Oklahoma Film Crews
Cyber film school
From Hollywood to deep underground
CyberGalaxy Productions
Wanted: screenplays and/or anyone interested in making a film.
Cybernetics Connections..../LLC
Motion Picture Development and Production
Cypress Films Home Page
An Independent NYC Film Company
D.FILM Digital Film Festival
Submit your work info, view current clips, and find how-to info on digital film.
D.M.E. film productions
new website! casting and crew calls!
DAD - Digital Archive Distribution
FREE Listing of Independent Films, Videos, Scripts, Talent, Equipment Worldwide
Digital Cinematography and the Forman Camera Bicycles
DME film productions
film studio
DME productions
seeking film projects with funding attached!
Daily Variety
Online version of Entertainment Industries leading trade mag.
David Winning Official Site
David Winning Official Site, director, filmography, downloadable video, photos,
Dear Saint Anthony Online
Entertaining site promoting new indie featre film comedy, "Dear Saint Anthony"
Deer Creek Productions
Film & Video Production Company
action adventure about a medical missionary of the Mayan's is a diamond suggler
Director Unknown
Movie of the Web
Directors Sound Studios
Post Production Sound
Professional directors' home pages
Distributors List
Do You Use Words...? Images...?
Writer-Producer-Director Lorenzo Orzari -- Feature Films, TV, Books...
Quarterly documentary magazine
Dreamscape Filmed Entertainment
Drop Dead Films
Independent Horror/Sci-Fi/Thiller production company. Offers free advice.
Dunraven Films
Small Independant Film Company
Dark Currents Cyberserial... Independent Film and Video
EPYK Entertainment
EVEREST - The Movie
Shot in IMAX. Witness the "human will" triumph over the disasterous 1996 climbing season.
Earth Films - Andy Kochendorfer freelance
18 years directing, cinematography/videography and editing.
Easy Budget Software
Low cost motion picture budgeting software
Echo Films
stock footage, cinematography, productions
Elektrik Coma Filmworks On-Line
The home of true independent filmmaking
Elephant Boy Pictures
Don't Believe The Hype (we also have Real Video- hee hee)
Elf Gas's Confusing Website
Elf Gas is a film maker.......as well as an author of strange and entertaining stories.
Emerald Elephant Productions
Entertainment Law
An entertainment lawyer shares wisdom..
Entertainment Law Resources
Erik Burke: Independent Filmmaker
Ethereal Darkness Film Music Productions
specialize in composing, recording, orchestral film music.
Evans & Turner Entertainment, Inc.
Company Site
Experimental film
Ryerson graduate
Resource for young filmmakers
Resource for young filmmakers
independent production company
Learn how to get music done on your film!
Feature production, editing, investment opportunities, videos, filmmaking how-to book, below-the-line deals!
FLO Film Fest
film/video fest in downtown wpb, FL
FLO Film Fest (seeks films/videos! thanks!)
film/video fest open to beg, prof. alike, any length film
Faded Pictures
the strange world of indie film
Feature Filmmaking at Used-Car Prices
Super no-budget info on making feature-length movies.
Felony Films
Sports action films dedicated to the extremist. See Jet skiing, motocross, and anything extreme!!
Festival of Shorts
independent film/video festival-austin,tx
Fiddler Productions Inc.
Indie located in Naples, Fl: short films:
Fierce Films
Television, Film and Video Production and training
Fifth Sun Productions
A Michigan based production company
Film Art Studios
website for film artists and independent filmmakers interested in working in Albuquerque
Film Finders Buzz
Film Industry Reform Movement
Film Terms
A great glossary of Film Terms & Info
Film Threat
"Hollywood"s Indie Voice"
Film and Video Producer's Guild
An organization established for the professional as well as the up and coming generation
Indie Film Company, "loser", "My Sweet Killer"
Location Scout
Filmmaker Magazine
The magazine of independent film
Filmmaker Magazine On-Line Discussion Groups
Filmmaking and Special FX
The ultimate filmmaking and special FX links page
Films That Suck
Feature Film with a life of its own
Filmwaves Magazine
The lo/no-budget magazine for filmmakers
Firewater Films
An independent short film series screening in a former adult theater in Times Square.
Flickerfest '97
6th Australian International Short Film Festival
Floating Image Productions
For the Love of It
Dedicated to the filmmaker in us all
Foundation Productions-Experimental Funk Music, Video, and Film Production
Be a part of the audio/visual revolution.
Fox Searchlight Pictures
A major studio supports and promotes independent style film
Freedom, The Movie
Independent film about the struggles of a Cuban political prisoner and rafter.
Freelance film maker/video maker
Personal, Resume
Fresco Pictures, LLC
Fuel Independent Film Tour
Touring Independent Film Festival
Full Sail
Highly concentrated, Top gear list, hands on
Find out how to order GMP Pictures moves for cheep! We are a low budget video company from chicago
Gargoyle Girls
12th century Gargoyle girls unleashed in 20th century New York.
Gen. X Productions
Film Production Co.
Gerry Mendoza, Filmmaker
Gerry Mendoza
Globus Film Production
St. Petersburg (Russia) based location and Production Company
GoMo Entertainment
seeks to explore and leverage the net as a new entertainment paradigm.
Gotham Literary Consulting
Services and Contests, links
Greenlight Pictures
HIA Productions - Hobos In Action
A meandering flock of Funky Filmmakers
HC wants to coproduce films in which the occult is demystified to be an intangible reality
Hale Park Films/ Royce Dudley, DP/Gaffer
Equipment & crew serving Central California Coast
Harbinger Media Arts
Established independent production company.
Hard-Boiled Productions/ ScreenForge
Screenwriting software for MS Word.
Heartfall Productions
Independent Film Producer/Director Lars Wyka
Hennessy Animation
Animation cv and portfolio of Scott Hennessy
Links to NO-Budget filmmaking page for public access cable - 16-minute (2-acts) hands-on pre-post-production
Hollywood Media Productions
The independent Hollywood scene in media, television and film productions.
Hollywood Rock Web Movies & Video
web video conversions and content
Holy Toledo Pictures
Hot Coffee Motion Pictures
Dedicated to the indie comdey feature "King of the Road".
Hungry DP w/GAFFER
Allow me to introduce myself. I am a man of light and frames.
IF Magazine
On line Independent Film magazine with interviews, articles on tips & advice, reviews, and more.
Internet adaptations utilizing the existing medium and technology of the Net.
Iconoclastic Entertainment
The Best Scripts In The World And Everything A Screenwriter Will Ever Need!
Idyllwild Film Festival
Film Festival Oct 2-4 Ca. Mountains
In Christ Mod Incorporated Ministries
We are searching for information to put together a filmmaker company
Independent Edge Releasing
Independent Productions, B-movies,Comedy, Cultural Stage Performances
Independent Feature Film Market FAQ
Independent Feature Film Market Home Page
Independent Feature Film Market Unofficial Webcast
Independent Feature Project Home Page
Independent Feature Project Online Forums
Independent Film Channel Classified Page
Independent Film Makers Sweden
Independent Filmmakers 1997 Links Page
Links to FREE services not available elsewhere.
Indie Clips
Indie Filmmkers - visit Synopitch for low budget screenplays
Links to online screenplay pitches.
IndieFilms Film Distribution Web Site
IndieWire - Independent Film News
Find out the latest happenings in independent film
IndyFilms is an independent multimedia group specializing in video production.
IndyFilms is an independent multimedia group specializing in video production.
InterMedia Development Corp.
Television/film content developers
Interactive Film School
(3 CD-ROMs) A source of basic filmmaking knowledge and experience.
International Film Financing Conference, San Francisco
Ipse Dixit Films
Internet Underground Cinema at its finest
Iron Orchid Films Hawaii
A tv commercial, movie & television production company in Hawaii.
Jacqueline Garry -- Independent Filmmaker
Independent filmmaker Jackie Garry specializes in edgy comedy
James Dean Claitor
January Productions
Brent Roske's Minnesota based studio
Jeffrey Butscher's home page
producer, filmmaking, film distribution, top 15 pics, development, production, credits
Jennifer Delora
movie links, resumes, etc.
Jessen Productions
Independent Feature Film Production Company: Film "THE VOW"
Jim Bihari
Johns Hopkins Film Festival
April 15-18, 2nd annual johns hopkins film fest in baltimore, md
Jon Mossie Productions: Film & Editing
A place where all flim makers alike can come and collaborate.
K.I. Film Production
Independent Filmmaker
Independent Fight Action Video in Japan.
Kinetic Image Co., Ltd.
Kiwi House
Music, Audio, sfx. Toronto, Canada.
Kiyo Mourakami' Home Page
A filmmaker,based in Yokohama,Japan,provides info.on his works and services.
L.A.Bridges Theatre Co. of the Deaf
deaf related projects, films, tv shows
TVCs,MTV Production,International Liason
LOW RES Film Festival
Serbian underground cinema
Lexstar Entertainment
4 da luv of music
Lights,Cameras & Credit Cards
Searching for Independent films for documentary.
Lime Music
Original Music for Film
Little Venice Pictures
UK Independant Production Company
Little Venice Pictures
UK Independent Production Company
Lo-Con.Com Festival of Short Film
Oct 3-5, 1997
Loganworks Ltd. (Feature Film & Television Production Co)
Producers of T.V. Programs and Feature Films
Lois Siegel Filmmaker
film and photography site
Lonely Man Productions
Independent Film Production Company
Lost Generation Studios and Silhouette Pictures
A small grassroots film production company with a short history.
Lowcountry Filmmakers' Accord
Film/Video Production Office Coordination Services
M O V I E H O U S E P I C T U R E S - Online
producing Feature motion pictures and television programs
M Productions, Ltd.
Indie feature, work-in-progress
Mama Medea
Manifest Destiny Productions
Low Budget Production Co.
Margin Films
Film Distributor
Mark's Screenwriting Page
site for aspiring and experienced screenwriters to find screenwriting
Martha's Flavor Fest
The premier independent Black film and screenwriting festival.
Matlin Recording : Audio/Video Post
post facility for independents
Matrixx Entertainment
World's First Virtual Movie Studio
McLennan Music
Film Music Service
Mecca Motion Pictures
Production Company
Media 100 Worldwide Users Groups
For fans of the Media 100
Media World Television, Inc.
A Film and Video Production Company
Memphis Film & Television
Film. television and corporate video production
Mental Pictures
Commercials, Marketing Videos,Music Videos,TV Shows
Mike Brantley's Super 8 Filmmaking Page
Mike Hein, Artist / MooDude Productions
Two sites about what we do
Mind T.A.P.
Seeking Investers for Feature Film, Mind T.A.P.
MindLapse Gallery
Conceptual Design by A. B. Ortiz Fernandez
Mindstar Productions, Inc.
Software for Script Supervision, Scheduling, Budgeting, and more.
Miroslav Nikolic - film director
More information about me amd my work.
Miroslav Nikolic - film director
More information about me amd my work.
Money Into Light Motion Pictures
Independent film production company
Motion City Films
Independent Film Production Studio
Motion-Picture Industry
Educational filmmaking resource with actual filmmaking opportunities for anyone who stops by.
Movie Proposals
Rain City Cinema a production company and service providing business plans for your film project.
MovieBuff Online
Software Database to research film credits and industry contacts
Moviemaker Magazine
independent filmmakers' resources in Italy
Mule Productions
Independant Film Company
Producing Independent Films in Maine
Our pride is large are movies are small
Nanova Corporation
A DVD Technology Company
Narrowsburg Internation Film Festival
Independent Film Festival discivering new talent
Nashville Independent Film Festival
Longest Running Film Festival in the South Celebrating our 30th year
National Film School Accountability Exchange
Natural Art Films
Natural History film/video producers
New England Film & Video Makers
resource and magazine for film and video makers in New England.
New Media Magazine
The magazine for the creators of the digital future
New Media Revolution
Collective of artists utilizing the power of the New Media to realize their artistic vision.
Nic's Homepage....c'mon just look at it!
All about me, and stuff.
NonfictionFilms.COM-independent documentary films.
Independent documentary films and filmmaker's resources
Northlunde Pictures Corporation
Independent Film Production Company
Northwest Film Center
A non-profit media arts organization
Not Another Hollywood Film (NAHF) -- An Independent Film Production Company
filmmakers located in New York
Not Now I'm Busy
Family Feature Film in pre production
Oliver Twisted
suspense horror with Erik Estrada and Karen Black
OneWord Films, Inc.
Independent Film Production and Distribution
Order Zone
Offers the best in crap on the low budget homevideo market!!
Organ Cranker Commons
animator's web site
POP - the movie
Indie feature starring Elisa Donovan and Peter Paige
Continuity Scripts, Dialogue Lists + Script Preparation Services
Pacific Film Factory
Palm Springs International Short Film Festival
Palm Springs, CA, USA, Aug 6-10, 1997
PantheonArts Virtual Studio
Direct distribution of independent films.
Parker Music Group
Music Clearance, Licensing & Supervision
Parks Productions
Information on how to get into show business
Pegasus Productions
Plan to shoot in India? Get in touch.
Percussion Productions
Showcasing Independent Filmmakers
Performing Arts & Artists Worldwide
A Giant Link Page by Country
Petur Jonsson Homepage
Director's personal page
Petur S. Jonsson homepage
Young Icelandic director invites you to his cybercubicle
Phunny Pharm Philms
Phunny Pharm Philms
Pirromount Pictures
ultra low budget film company
Pitch me LOW - budget screenplays
Index of lowbudget unproduced screenplays
Plafjae Productions
An Australian group of indy filmmakers, specialising in off-beat, zero to minimal budget short films
Pleasure Dome
Pluton productions Iceland
student friendly production house in Iceland
PowerProduction Software
StoryBoarding Software
PrePros Preproduction Services
Preproduction services available, affordiable.
PrePros Preproduction Services
Preproduction services available, affordiable.
Jimmy Jib & BetasSP video equipment available for productions.
Producer - Director - Camera
producer - director - camera Imagecraft - The Netherlands
Producers Source
Definitive Film Resource Worldwide
Proletariat Pictures
Independent Film Organization supporting and producing independent films.
Psycho Haven Entertainment
Moviegroup from Sweden doing new kind of movies.
Pure Broadcasting Networks
Access your media any time from any computer
Pure Grain Digital Productions
Queso Productions
RJM Productions
Film, Video, and Beyond
Independent Film
Reel Creative Pictures
Film Production and Training in South Africa
Jobs, scripts, behind-the-scenes dirt
Reel World
Personal reviews, Movie guide, RL MultiMedia Grp.
Reelends.com | A Forum for the Independent Filmmaker
articles on all aspects of filmmaking, disccussion
Rinkel Film Producties
Dutch Film and Television Company
Rinkel Film Producties
Dutch Film and Television Company
Robert Anderson
Location Sound Recordist, Based in Edinburgh, Scotland. UK
Robert Rodriguez's Ten Minute Film School
Ronin Entertainment
Motion Picture & Television Production Co.
Running Dog Films Ltd.
Brit Indie site with how-to no budget advice
SPOOKY Productions
Production Company
Daily Summary of Entertainment Industry News
Screenplay Pitch of the Month (free E-zine)
Script Room
Page of info and tips
Seattle Independent Film and Video Consortium
Setec Astronomy Productions
Indie crime drama Production Co. Seeking cool slick film noir shorts to produce and distribute
Shashank dabral
An Actor's Page
ShortFilmz Homepage
Dedicated to getting the independent short film made and seen.
ShowBIZ Data - The Entertainment Search Engine
Everything you ever wanted to know about the film industry
Sightsound.com is a download service provider of independent and major motion pictures over the Internet.
Sinister Films
A small independent film company located in Orlando, Florida.
Six String Samurai
The official web site
An amateur film company made up of some very ambitious teenagers.
Smash Alley Film Productions
Aggressive, cutting-edge, films. Now seeking independent complete shorts or features for video
Something in the Water
A suspense/thriller shot aboard a canoe in the Adirondacks
Songwriter Services - Music Clearance
Music Clearance, Supervision and Related Services
Southern California Independent Film Mailing List
Meta-Networking Medium for Indie Film in S. Cal
Sparks Entertainment Group
Motion picture production company
Special Makeup and Effects of Tim Northon
This is an interactive resume and portfolio of my experience so far in this field.
Independent production, facilities, distribution
Speed City Filmworks
Home page for independent film company located in the San Francisco Bay Area
Speed City Filmworks
Home page for independent film company located in the San Francisco Bay Area
Spike Lee IS Mozart
I argue that He Got Game is the greatest film ever made and Spike Lee is the Mozart of film.
Splash Films, Miami
Independent feature film production.
Star Wars Episode II: The Menace Strikes Back
A sneak peek at the soon-to-be awaited Episode II movie...
Starlight Pictures Online
Independent filmmaker Gabriel Campisi's production company...
Starstorm Entertainment, Inc.
Entertainment and Production corporation
Stealing Thunder Productions
Europes newest prod. co, already causing a massive stir on both sides of the Atlantic.
Stranger Than Pictures
Online journals of a filmmaker making a feature this summer
Sullivan Ballou Film Project
Sullivan Ballou
Surviving Paradise
A Kids Road Movie ... With an Edge
Sweater Productions
Synopitch - A Screenplay Synopsis Pitch Online
Showcasing completed low budget screenplays
Dedicated one-hour short film tv series
narrative feature film
TORONTO FILM resource and study centre
servicing the independent spirit
TRAKK Productions
Film production company / Latest release "THE GLASSHEAD"
TVN-The Video Network
Broadcast video services.
NEW all artists website. Need a video for TS? Want to promote your video production company free?
Talking Records
Telling You
The official web site
Telluride Independent Film & Screenwriters Festival
The American Friend
The Big Lebowski: The Making of a Coen Brothers Film
Written by William Preston Robertson, edited by Tricia Cooke
The Blood
The CallBoard
Posting area for writers/tech/audition listings
The Casting Couch Micro Cinema
Luxury screening room in SF screening only true indie works.
The Centropolis Entertainment Filmmaking Site
Resource for filmmakers and film fans
The Cinemarquee
an entertainment film resource, film & writing academy
The Craft Services Board at Independent Film Channel
The DV Filmmaker's Report
Devoted To Digital Video Filmmaking
The Dead Good Film Company
Hardcore no-budget black comedy action
The Dog and Pony Show
Cable TV show showcasing short films
The Eagle and the Condor, a Native American film
Eagle Visions Productions is making the first feature film to be written, produced and directed by a Native person in Maine.
The Edwoodian Video Society
Dedicated to the presevation and production of bad videos
The Farnham Film Company
Production Company, UK, mainly TV
The Film Factory @ VTR
Video and Film Post Production House
The Flicker Pages
The Geneva's International Productions
Seeking potential investors, partners and\or co-producers for
The Hollywood Reporter
A scaled down version of the trade. Lots of Links too.
The Independent Filmmakers' Coalition
Kansas City, MO
The Indie Filmmaker Home Page
Information and links for producers, actors and casting people
The Iranian-American Film Forum
The LA Film Factory
Serving Indie Needs..
The Last Place On Earth
Indie filmmaking, cinematography, stills photography, and more!
The Low Budget Special Effects Discussion Forum
Popular resource for discussion of film & effects technique
The Making of Tommy
A documentary film on the making of one of the greatest show Tommy
The Michael Bernstein Website
Steadicam & Special Effects
The Miyazaki Web - Studio Ghibli
This site details Miyazaki and Takahata's work; with updates, news, and information.
The New Film Company
UK Independent film production and effects company. Seeking scriptwriters and other talent
The New York Comedy Film Festival
Film Festival
The Premier Robert Rodriguez Site!
The biggest Robert Rodriguez Site on the Planet!!
The RLMultiMedia Production
Personal reviews, Movie guide, RL MultiMedia Grp.
The Revolutionary Film Company
Film production company with opportunities postings and film projects.
The Robert Rodriguez Domain!
Robert Rodriguez
The Screenplay Multiplex
Featuring previews of original spec screenplays ready for production.
The Shooting Gallery
information about films produced by The Shooting Gallery (
The Source Shop
representleading manufacturers/manufacture products for the Film, Television, Studios, Theatre industries.
The Sync On-Line Film Festival
Popularly judged Internet film festival
The Tooniversal Company
Animation Production
The Ultra 1 Entertainment Corporation International
Feature Length and short Film Making
The Zak Forsman Page
Third World Newsreel
independent producer and distributor
Thura Film
Production of Feature Film and TV
Tiefenschaerfe - Filminitiative Koeln
Toast Productions, Inc. - Chicago
Full Service Film and Media Production; Live Action and Animation
Tom Tyner Films
Award winning filmmaker, Director*special effects
Trance Planet-A Psychedelic Cyber Comedy
Underground video made by a collective of DJs, cyberartists and techno party crew
True Player Productions
Independent Film Company
Turbulent Arts
International film sales, production & distribution.
A new exciting movie
UUM NUPER paragraphix
3D, Compositing and FX-Design at Zürich, Switzerland.
Ugly Betty Productions
Independent Film Production Company.
Uli Stoeckle videoproducer
homepage of a cameraman and videoproducer
Underground Filmmakers
A showcase of independant, amatuer, and student filmmakers
Underground Filmmakers
A showcase of independant, amatuer, and student filmmakers
University Filmmakers Alliance
Univeristy of Texas at Austin film organization
Unproduced High Concept Comedy Screenplays
Synopses of Available Scripts
Urban World Film Festival
Aug 20-24, 1997, New York City, NY, USA
VENT! the online magazine for disgruntled filmmakers
indie filmmaker mag
VIZIONS Productions
Homepage for independent film co., looking for new talent
Vicious Circle: An Independent Film
Video Hell
free film forms, horror, polls and more!!!
Video University
Extensive free library of how-to information on video
Video University
Free Library and bookstore with expert articles and resources
Virtual FilmFestival
Wagner Entertainment
Check under Videos (2 productions)
Wanna Be In Pictures
Expressionistic movie about the making of a low-budget movie.
Warrior Filmmaker
Independent, Warrior Filmmaker's Journal
An unofficial movie site related to film events in Oslo, Norway
Webster University
A Private University with a Film School
Welcome to Twirly!
Twirly is a Chicago cable access program dedicated to the broadcast of innovative short film and video.
White Hotel, a documentary
Two American women in Africa investigating AIDS
Wicked Pixel Cinema Presents...ICE FROM THE SUN
Eric Stanze's latest dangerous experimental punk art film.
Wild Rose Films
Feature Film Production Company
Wise Fool Productions
Wondermen Productions
Official webpage of Wondermen Productions
Xenomorph Filmworks
Showcasing Independent Filmmakers and Their Films
Young Irish Film Makers
Youth film and production training facility
Youth Cable Television
Training, production and distribution of TV made by Young People
Zeitgeist Films
Distributor of Irma Vep
Zelda64 Help!
This site has ALOT about Zelda64
Zero Pictures
A filmmaker's coop in LA. Wanna make a film? Get involved!
Zoie Films Internet Festival
Internet Film Festival / Production Company
dme film productions
new film company new website
the internet resource for young filmmakers
film underground
information source dedicated to underground and independent film
filmzilla, zilladome
film, video production company
North Americas premiere film tour paying filmmakers to screen their films to a national college audience!
gothic productions
experimental film
holycowboy.com - film & video
film links, independent film showcase
i_LINE (indiefilm cybernetwork)
the #1 swedish indie film page!
jiwon's 16mm workroom
16mm work description in South Korea
New indie projects-midwest
opt. studio
Music videos, digital postproduction
production services
film production caribbean
Where Short Films are: Comedy, Action, Documentary, Drama, Animation, Music Videos, & Avant Garde Films.
the New York Underground Film Festival
North America's leading showcase of cutt; March 10-14, 1999ing-edge
A 365 day televised film festival. Uncensored
independent production co.
wriglie productions ltd.
indie production company
FLO Film Fest web site page, up in a week!
zgb website
soundtrack cuts for movies