Collaborative work from Indonesian young people.
Thanks for supporting FFVII '99.

Thanks for supporting Independent film!

Prambors 102,3 FMania
102.3 FMANIA
Prambors - Jakarta

Ramako 106,15 FM
106.15 FM

Ardan 105,8 FM Bandung
105.8 FM



The organizing committee for FFVII '99 is made up of young people with a common vision and idealistic spirit, coming from varied disciplines and tertiary institutions.
Please join us and get behind FFVII '99. Our aim is not exclusivity but an enthusiastic cooperative. Despite of limitations, we want to encourage culture and creativity in Indonesia, specifically in audiovisual field.
The facts and idealism that joined to be as one in the common spirit, finally united us to struggle - prooving that this country has many potentials of the richness of arts and creativities which are deserves to be shown to this nation. Keep that spirits high and proove it!

We want to know what you think! 
Send us your comments and opinions and read what other visitors to the site have to say.



updated: 25 May 1999
"Audiovisual for all”
Between Idealism and Reality

Indonesian independent film and video community - Student Film Community of ITB - Student Society of Fine Art and Design ITB

The Indonesia Independent Film and Video Festival '99 was born through the convergence of a group of people who, despite their differing backgrounds, found that they shared a common vision. Our goals are to examine the state of independent film, to openly discuss and criticize and, most importantly, to act positively and make real changes for the better. We are people with strong ideals and, when it comes to creativity, our motto is "Never say die!" 

Art and culture is always changing, growing, evolving: there are always new forms and new perspectives to explore. But when society imposes oppressive standards and restrictions creativity is stifled. Artists may become too comfortable in their positions, too arrogant or lazy to seek out new ideas and inspiration. Their work, as a result, is deadened. Elitism and exclusivity narrow artistic vision and diminish us all. 

Through the Indonesia Independent Film and Video Festival '99  (FFVII'99) we want to showcase the wealth of creativity that does exist,  specifically in the audiovisual field. There are so many great films and videos  out there, so many talented and imaginative people. Against the odds, these  young film/video makers prove their capability and determination by the very act  of making their creations. But what forum do they have for to show their work?  How can the public get to see it? This is the main problem to be addressed  through FFVII'99. 

Read our complete proposal:

Articles about independent film:



The INDONESIA INDEPENDENT FILM AND VIDEO FESTIVAL ’99 is an effort to highlight the creativity of Indonesian independent films and videos.  The festival is a non-competitive and non-profit event.  Films and videos selected by the festival committee will be shown in our “large screen” preview rooms.  Films and videos not selected for such prominent display can also be seen, playing continuously on TV monitors outside the screening rooms.


Bandung (West Java) - Indonesia, 28 –31 October 1999. 


The inflexible standards imposed during every stage of production, intolerantly regulating the process of film and video making in this country, have resulted in the projection of a false version of reality.  Both industry professionals and their audiences have become used to a sanitized, perfected representation of Indonesian characters and lifestyles.  Programs have become monotonous and lifeless and, as a result, appreciation of film and video, particularly local product, is at a low ebb.  The ideals of the creative process, clashing with the imperatives of commercialism, have been stunted and repressed.  Every attempt to infuse an imaginative spirit is knocked down, every deviation from the norm discouraged.

With these conditions in mind, we in the independent film and video community (Confiden) have joined together through this festival to generate an atmosphere of appreciation.  Our aim is to ignite a renewed spirit of enthusiasm and awareness.

Short term objectives
1. Pluralism and diversification of language
The principle of freedom of creativity is key to this festival.  As such, we will reject any limiting criteria (be it of form or content) that might narrow the range of submissions we receive or the selection of work to be screened.  The clear goal is to expose the diversity and richness of the films and videos being produced (but we will not select work that we feel to be overtly political, which could cause or inflame conflict among groups within our heterogeneous society).  Pluralism of language will reflect the pluralism of our society.

2. Demolishing exclusivity
The gap between established professionals and struggling 'junior' film/video makers has evoked a gap in the creative process and a decline in quality.  'Junior' is a label that is thrust upon those who are young and less experienced and it holds them back, undermining the value of their work and limiting their potential.

But these young artists have great reserves of ability and enthusiasm, and greater determination to survive hard times than those who are complacent in their positions.  We expect FFVII'99 to prove this assertion.  Not in an environment of competition but by exhibiting the work of these unrecognized artists and, in doing so, influencing and encouraging others.  We wish to create a forum for the expression of true creativity.

3.  An environment conducive to unity
One of our greatest hopes is to strengthen the ability of audiovisual artists to survive in these difficult times (particularly in light of recent economic conditions) and strengthen their determination to be true to their artistic ideals.  A crucial part of this goal is fostering a sense of unity.  It is important that we communally acknowledge the difficulties we all face, finding strength in shared experience.

Of equal importance is the forming of ties between established audiovisual professionals and their younger colleagues.  Young film/video makers will benefit from guidance and mentorship and, conversely, the younger generation may influence their elders with fresh ideas and enthusiasm. 

This is a unique time… and it is just possible that the crisis sweeping Indonesia will give insight and opportunity for learning that could not have been gained any other way.

Long term Objectives
1. Building relationships
The festival will provide the means of initial contact between participants and will enable them to build upon contacts and relationships formed.  And, as well as the opportunity for Indonesian audiovisual artists to interact, we hope to warmly encourage the building of relationships with artists of other countries.   We will endeavor to showcase the work of young directors from other nations and so present different outlooks and different approaches to film making, and points of reference for our own work.  We want to encourage fellow feeling between young film and video makers from around the world.

2. A forum for Appreciation 
Above all, this festival is about nurturing appreciation of audiovisual creations in this country, particularly those that can find no place in the mainstream arena.  We wish to increase awareness of this work, both among fellow practitioners and audiences, thereby generating community enthusiasm for our local industry.

3. Establishing an Indonesian Independent Film and Video Society
The festival will be an annual event.  It will also be a non-profit enterprise and any surplus funds after the festival will be used for the establishment of a subsidizing society for the development of independent film and video in Indonesia.  This institute will have specific criteria for selection of projects and will play a role in unifying the Indonesian independent film and video community


A. Pre-conditoning for FFVII ’99 
Screenings of films and videos and discussion forums will be held at universities and cultural centers in Jakarta and Bandung. Also, the event will feature in talk show discussions on several private radio stations in Jakarta and Bandung.

Three KELILING discussion forums have been conducted so far.

The first discussion was held on 3 May ’99, at the campus of the University of Indonesia.  The topic for debate was: "Pluralism in film language.”
Speakers included Hanny R. Saputra, director of Sepanjang Jalan Kenangan (Along the Road of Memories), which won 8 awards at the Festival of Indonesia Sinetrons in 1997, and  M. Abduh Aziz of Creative Producers.

The second discussion was at the campus of the Catholic University Atma Jaya on 6 May ‘99, with the topic: "Making films is easy!”  The speakers were: 
Hanung Bramantyo, student from IKJ-Jakarta Institute of Arts, whose film "Tlutur" was awarded first place at the Alternative Film/Video Competition 1998/1999,
Aryo Danusiri, student at the University of Indonesia and winner of the third place prize at the Amateur Film Competition - Jakarta Board of Art 1997/1998 and
Rizki Balki, student at the Bandung Institute of Technology, acting as moderator for the discussion.

From this 2nd KELILING discussion, the committee had support from PRAMBORS Radio 102,3 FM.

The third discussion, on 15 May ‘99, featured the topic: "Film and television as a medium for cultural expression".  It was held at the IISIP campus and the speakers were Sujiwo Tejo (singer/musician) and Riri Riza (director, winner of Best Video Clip at the Indonesia Music Video Awards 1999).

The topics of these three KELILING discussions were given wider consideration and exposure a radio talk show at RAMAKO RADIO 106.15 FM, on 29 May 1999.

The KELILING discussions are scheduled to continue up to the first week of August in Jakarta, Bandung, and Jogyakarta.

b. Main event: 
The core events of the festival will be the screening of selected films and videos, discussion forums with the participants and exhibits of related materials, along with a film and video market.

The committee will be accepting registration of films and videos from 1 June until the first week of September 1999.

For further information please contact us:
Aditia Sudarto ( pgr 13055 id 56401/ email :, 
George Arif K. ( pgr 13031 id 40479 / email : ), and
Eko (pgr 13011 id 75320 / email ) 
Thanks for your attention.


                        JAKARTA Secretary, 
                         JL. RM Harsono No. 2, Ragunan Jakarta 12550, INDONESIA
                         Phone. 0816 979515, Fax (62)-(021)-78835071

                        BANDUNG Secretary, 
                         Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132, INDONESIA
                         Phone. (62)-(022)-2510627, Fax (62)-(022)-2505442 

E-mail    :
E-group : 
Website  :

© Committee of Indonesia Independent Film and Video Festival '99