Chapter 12 The shadows played over her face as she lay in bed. She couldn’t figure out why the light seemed to go in and out….Opening her eyes she realized the sun was breaking through the fig tree outside her window. At least that’s what Nikolas had told her it was, a fig tree. She had asked him how they got Newtonized, but as usual, the joke was lost on him. She pulled the silk sheets up around herself and walked to the window. It was late in the morning. She looked down to the beach and she could see Zander and Emily running and playing together, taking what time they had before Emily had to return to Port Charles. After all of this that had happened, Emily was coming through this still looking happy. It was amazing. “What are you thinking about?” She turned to see Nikolas standing in the doorway, wearing a pair of white cotton slacks and carrying a carafe of orange juice and two glasses. “How happy Emily looks. How happy I am. How she deserves it. And I don’t.” “What are you talking about? I thought we already had this conversation.” “Her happiness won’t last, Nikolas. Yeah, Zander’s safe now. But she’s got to leave him. That’s going to tear her up.” “Yeah it probably will for awhile. But we’ll figure out a way to get Zander back to the States.” “Oh, and how are you going to do that? Plastic surgery? Sex change?” “Well I don’t think Emily’d appreciate that, and I know Zander wouldn’t, but believe me, we Cassadines have our ways…” “Oh you do, huh,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Yeah we do…we can do all sort of things…” “Like what….” “Oh let’s see…. save General Hospital, make diamonds the size of your fist, freeze the world….” “What? Freeze the world? You’re kidding, right?” “Long story….So what do you want to do today?” “You say you grew up here? At this resort?” “Well, I wouldn’t call the Cassadine Family Compound a resort…but yeah…here and a few other islands around here…” “So there are horses here?” “Oh yes….a whole stable full.” “So…” “So?” “So let’s go riding.” *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* They came in from riding laughing and joking. They fell silent as they walked into the main sitting room. Emily and Zander sat together and held each other, crying…. Nikolas walked up cautiously… “Guys…what’s wrong?” Zander got up and walked toward him. “I can’t stay here, man. Thanks a lot for all you did and all. But I can’t stay here anymore than I could stay in Canada. You got your girl off of the charges, and I know she won’t testify against me, so I don’t I won’t get the death penalty now. I want to go back.” Emily shrieked, “NO!…you can’t go through all of this to spend all your life in prison….” Gia held her… “Let’s sit down, honey….I can see you’ve tried to convince Zander what a stupid lame brain idea that is….let’s let Nikolas take a shot…Nikolas, we’ll be on the veranda…” Nikolas watched them go. He turned at looked at Zander. “It’s for Em, isn’t it? You want to go back for Em.” “I came back for her…and I don’t want to be away from her. I know seeing her at visits won’t be the same but at least it’s something. Besides, what am I gonna do here, but get bored and think about her?” “You’re going to live. And did you think I hadn’t thought of a way to get you back? I wouldn’t do that to Emily. Give you the time with her here, just to show her what she couldn’t have?” “So you know…what’s going on with us….” “Yeah….just as I’m sure you could tell what’s going on with Gia and I….” “Well, you could learn how to hide it, dude…” “Not from you…you’re about as subtle as a brick…” “Well, you know..” “Yeah, I do….so I have a proposition for you.” “What kind of proposition?” “Well, you’d have to grow a beard…” “What kind of proposition?” “Can you be loyal?” “Yeah…if it means I get to see Emily…I’ll do whatever you tell me to…but I don’t want to do anything criminal again.” “Nothing so dire. How does lifetime employment sound to you?” Back to the: Library |