been writing fanfic for Lois & Clark since the spring of 1995 (I got hooked
on the show by Tempus
Fugitive, late second season, and got hooked on fanfic a week or so later) ... I have over 40 stories collected here, and I'm
still learning quite a lot about writing in the process.
Another story in my unintentional Alphabet Series...
is for JetSet -- Lois & Clark enjoy getting to know each other better --
and they both learn something shocking about Clark. (11/03, 188k)
The following is not my fault. I was chatting on IRC and found myself involved in an impromptu round-robin with Yvonne Connell. She'd type a line, I'd type another, and it just snowballed from there. None of this was planned out or discussed between us. And it shows <g>
Battle of the Network Printers -- One is sweet-natured and trusting; the other is coldly calculating. They're vying for the attentions of the same woman. Will true love prevail? Read this wacky tale to find out.
In August of '03, CC Aiken posted a fanfic challenge, and I just couldn't resist using her premise, which resulted in two quick vignettes. In order:
Chaos Unspool -- Lois has forgotten
all about her trip to Smallville, 1966. But on a date with Dan Scardino,
something triggers her buried memories. Now, if only she can make any
sense of them... (8/03, 14k)
Chaos Reintigrate -- Clark is overjoyed by Lois's sudden change of heart, but his initial joy sours as he concludes that she's saying the right things for the wrong reason. What could she possibly say to convince him otherwise? (8/03, 11k)
I hadn't planned to do any sequels to H is for Hubris -- but I realized that I'd left Our Heros in an interestingly unbalanced situation, one that had lots of potential, on ground that was rarely covered in fanfic... with some help from beta readers and naggers, I finally finished:
I is for Illusions -- Lois and Clark have agreed to act as if their one impetuous
night of passion had never
happened, and they're slowly becoming friends. But as Lois goes undercover at
the Metro Club, she's forced to realize that she's got a "crush on two" -- she
swoons over Superman, but is finding that it's not easy to forget Clark. (8/03,
Phone Tag -- Poor Jason Mazik. He's all set to blackmail Clark Kent about being Superman... but what on earth is Clark doing that keeps him too busy to take phone calls? Another look at the events in Jude Williams' "It's a Thing He Does at Parties." (10/02, 6k)
After finishing Hearts Divided, I took a break from fanfic to concentrate on my business. But one of my old WIPs (from 1998!) demanded to be finished...
H is for Hubris -- If things had
changed only slightly, Lois and Clark might have gotten together a lot sooner --
say, by the end of Strange Visitor. But would that ruin everything? H.G. Wells
to the rescue... sort of. (5/02, 41k)
On January 9th, 2001, I was hit by two things ... a story idea, and a car. It was only a minor fender bender, with no injuries, but it did make the date stick in my head! After a year of hard work, the idea's turned into my longest fanfic yet, "Hearts Divided."
Hearts Divided -- An elseworlds/New Krypton story which
continues my theme that Lois & Clark are destined to meet, no matter what
... but also explores the conflict between their desire and their duties.
(12/01, 462k)
I spent most of 2001 writing "Hearts Divided" ... but my muse demanded a few breaks for other things.
The Transfer, part 2 -- Tank Wilson wrote a very cute vignette called The Transfer. It stood complete as it was, but I couldn't resist taking it the next step, and Tank kindly allowed me to use his universe for a short sequel. (9/01, 20k)
The 2001 LAFF (Los Angeles FoLC Fest) had picked autism research as their charity for the year, and asked me to contribute something to their program book. This story was not easy to write, but thanks to lots of support from my friends, I managed to finish it in time. Any similarities between L&C's son Adam and my son Michael are entirely intentional.
A Special
Child --Their toddler's unusual behavior worries Lois and Clark, and they must learn
ways to cope with what they learn about their special child. (8/01, 34k)
In 2000, I took a break from writing for a few months, to concentrate on other matters... and realized that when I'm not writing, I just don't feel good about my life. So I got back to business and wrote my longest story yet :)
Tryst -- Lois may have died in
the Congo at the hands of a clever villain, but that won't stop our heroes from
getting the best of him. Destiny has decided that Lois and Clark *will* meet and
fall in love -- a little thing like death simply won't be allowed to interfere.
(10/00, 252k)
In Any Universe -- In this alternate universe, Lois never took that fateful trip to the Congo. So she was in Metropolis when Clark arrived -- along with his fiancee, Lana Lang. This world is somewhat different from the one we knew on the show ... but some things are the same, in any universe. (10/00, 119k) (illustrated! <g>)
Private Grief -- A quick recap of Clark's "death" in That Old Gang of Mine, from a different perspective, and with a twist. (1/00, 12k) (I added some pictures 10/23)
Marry Christmas -- a very fluffy quasi-crossover with the James Bond movies... (12/99, 7k)
I began writing Just Like That before the series went off the air, believe it or not. However, I wasn't quite sure where to go with it (I've got an entirely different ending now than what I'd originally envisioned) and I got distracted by many things ... but posting the beginnings of this on Zoomway's message boards motivated me to finish, and the feedback I received there, as I progressed, helped to shape the story. A very interesting, interactive experience!
Just Like That...? -- What determines a person's identity? Their body ... or
their soul? When Lex and Asabi succeed in their plan to
put Lex and "Wanda" in new bodies (from the episode
Seconds), Lois finds out, first hand. Now all that remains
is to convince Clark. (part 1 of 2; the sequel is "Being
Lois Lane") (11/99, 48k)
Being Lois Lane -- In this sequel to "Just Like That", Lois and Clark strive to rebuild their shattered lives. (part 2 of 2) (11/99, 55k) (These two stories have been nominated for Kerth Awards in Best Elseworlds, and Best Series)
Lessons -- Once again, Lois needs
rescued ... from Clark? A vignette in S6 continuity, set some 20 years in
the future. (10/99, 6k) (Won a Kerth Award in Best Comedy)
I have six or seven incomplete stories on my hard drive. They may yet get finished -- "Blind" sat around for 18 months before I finally figured out how to tie it up. With "Fate" on the other hand, I finished the first draft in just over a week. <shrug> It just depends on my muse and my available time....
Fate Worse Than Death -- Lois is forced to choose between Clark and Superman, with devastating results. (9/99, 70k)
Evening Delight -- Clark comes home to a pleasant surprise ;-) This was one of two short vignettes co-written with Chris Mulder. (8/99, 4k)
I'm Back -- A tiny rewrite of the end of Oedipus Wrecks. (8/99, 3k)
Blind Leading the Blind -- Superman has been
blinded by the bad guys, so he's staying at Lois' place until he recovers. While he
sleeps, she's got lots of time to think about her relationships with the two men in her
life. And when Superman starts running a fever and talking in his sleep, she gets a
lot *more* to think about.... This is a B-plot rewrite of The Eyes Have It. (5/99,
44k) (Nominated for a Kerth Award in Best Episode Rewrite)
Lucky Lois -- Clark doesn't know what he's done to make Lois slam the door in his face, and she's not in the mood to talk ... so he may need to take more drastic action to get her attention ;-) (5/99, 8k)
Double Jeopardy Ending -- At the end of Double Jeopardy, Lois told Clark that she didn't love him, and that she wanted to go with Lex. Clark's not the sort of guy to tell her what she can and can't do, so what choice did he have but to let her go? Here's my take... (not on the archive) (4/99, 4k)
I wrote Strained Relations about the time I got pregnant with my second baby, and while I was mothering my toddler -- if it weren't for deadlines, I'm sure I'd never have finished it <g> Marissa continued to impair my writing, and caused a stir at the 1999 Kerth Awards -- I was having false labor during the ceremony <g> After missing the big night, though, she decided to wait, and was born 2 weeks later, on April 14, 1999.
Relations (co-written with Barb) is the season opener for the Lois&Clark web-based
Season 6. (click here
to see the new poster) (Winner of the FOLC
Fave Long Fanfic award) (Kerth Award winner in Best S5/S6
Episode!) (10/98, 137k)
Hi-ho Silver! -- A vignette sequel to "The Lone Rider", which is a prequel to the ep "SoulMates". (not on the archive) (8/98, 11k)
Time -- The season finale to Lois & Clark Season 5. You should probably read the other 21
first, to get the full effect -- but then, you should read them all anyway, 'cause they're
good! :-) (You can also peek at the poster) (nominated for a Kerth
in Best S5/S6 Episode) (5/98, 128k)
Million Miles Away -- The alternate-universe Clark
tries to convince himself that he's got a pretty decent life. But when the
opportunity comes to take a closer look at the Congo, he's unable to resist the chance to
find what happened to his Lois... (11/97, 58k)
Time Flies -- just a short fluff piece I wrote as a fantasy for some friends :-) Starring the author and her friends... oh, and Lois & Clark, as well... (7/97, 32k)
The Last Goodbye
-- A letter from Lois. (Winner of the FOLC Fave Dramatic Fanfic award) (nominated
for a Kerth in Best Vignette/Short Story) (3/97, 6k)
The idea for "Crazy for You" burst upon me in June of 1996, and I started writing... but then, in July, I got pregnant. Being pregnant was amazingly tiring, and it definitely cut down on my fanfic writing. Michael (the Infamous Anklebiter) was born April 6th, 1997.
Crazy For You -- My attempt at writing a script; this was intended to approximate a 4th-season, post-wedding story. (12/96, 78k)
What Dreams May Come -- My conclusion to the New Krypton arc. Lois retreats to Kansas to seek some comfort, and to talk to the Kents about the strange dreams she's been having... (8/96, 30k)
The mid-third-season "non-wedding" arc (I Now Pronounce You - Double Jeopardy - Seconds - Forget Me Not - Oedipus Wrecks, from Jan to March, 1996) was also known as the "arrgh" for the frustration it caused. But during those interminable weeks, I wrote a *lot* of fanfic, either in direct reaction, or as a sort of antidote.
Forget Me Not, Redux -- This episode was *so* painful that I *had* to
rewrite it. I think you'll find it much improved <g> Lois still has amnesia,
but instead of staying at a clinic, she moves in with Clark, and gets to know him all over
again... and I do mean, all over... <eg> (5/96, 32k)
Presidential Party (3rd in the series) Further complications, and a partial solution. (5/96, 53k)
RIP, Tommy Crooner -- (co-written with an unindicted co-conspirator) A revenge fanfic written immediately after that horrible ending to Forget Me Not. (not on the archive) (3/96, 3k)
The Lois Wave -- Another FMN revenge fanfic; with a little extra for diehard Babylon 5 fans. (not on the archive) (3/96, 4k)
All the President's Men (2nd in the series) How can Clark be Superman with Secret Service agents around? (3/96, 20k)
Quiet Night -- Lois spends yet another night without her husband, and starts to wonder why she puts up with it. (2/96, 20k)
President Kent Just a bit of whimsy that sparked a series... A
highly improbable look into L&C's future. (1/96, 13k)
Second Chances -- Lois is attacked by villains intent on learning Superman's secrets, but she doesn't tell them anything. As Clark helps her recover, and they track the bad guys, they both learn some valuable lessons. (11/95, 88k)
The summer of 1995 was a very fruitful time for me... I had only just discovered the show and fanfic, and I was going nuts reading and writing <g>
Smallville Revelation -- Martha and Jonathan are quite surprised
when Superman shows up on their doorstep with Lois in tow... (9/95, 3k)
Going to the Chapel -- (co-written with Sarah Wood, and finished
well before INPY aired) Lois & Clark are determined to get married *and* get the
scoop of the year, but what if they can't do both? (8/95, 130k)
Seeing is Believing -- Agent Scardino just has to give it *one* more shot -- and Lois decides to teach him a lesson. <eg> (8/95, 9k)
It's a Surprise -- Lois & Clark get themselves trapped by the bad guys. Gosh, Lois wishes she'd brought Superman along instead. But while they're stuck together, they have a chance to ... talk ;-) (7/95, 16k)
I Need You -- This is my *other* ATAI continuation (it was a long summer <g>) Lois accepts Clark's proposal, then goes on to tell him all the reasons she wouldn't want a real relationship with Superman. D'oh! (6/95, 10k)
Prelude to an Answer -- A continuation of the 2nd season cliffhanger, "And the Answer Is". Before Lois can give Clark an answer to his proposal, she needs to have a little chat with ... Dr. Friskin? (5/95, 17k)
Getting Away From It All -- Lois & Clark finally managed to have an uninterrupted date, but Lois still thinks Clark disappears too often. He decides they need a change of scene. (This was my very first L&C story, and I'm afraid it shows) (4/95, 15k)