locket from the Salem Witch Trials releases the spirit of a witch
who takes her vengence out on family members from those who imprisoned
her. Its up to the Legacy to find out exactly what is happening
and who is really behind this unearthly havoc.
Salem, Massachusetts - 1692
Proctor stood indignantly before Abigail Williams, Reverend Paris'
young niece and pointed a boney finger at her. Her looks were gone,
her eyes blazing and the sound of revenge tainted in her voice.
Elizabeth had once been a respected woman in the community of Salem
but now -- now that Abigail Williams and her bratty cousin Betty
Paris had interfered in her master plans -- everything had been
DARE you accuse me of being a witch after all I've done for thee?"
Elizabeth's face flushed with red and a scarlet light entered her
eyes. It was an unholy light. It made Abigail flinch at the sight
of it.
are of the devil Goody Proctor not I. I did not lie." Abigail
said trying to seem older than her mere eleven years. In fear she
stepped backwards and tripped on the hem of her long skirt falling
to the ground in pain. She clasped her ankle. The pain was immense.
"I did NOT accuse falsely. I only confessed the truth."
condemn me child, yet you are like me. You are also a witch."
Elizabeth seemed to take much pleasure in throwing this taunt back
into the child's face.
am NOT like you Goody Proctor. I do NOT consort with the devil.
I do NOT do his bidding like you. You only hate me because I revealed
your true nature to your husband, John. He is a good man, a man
who deserves to know exactly whom he is married to."
anger grew in waves as energy blasts came closer to Abigail's body.
Her laughter was stained with evil and the young Williams girl held
her hands to her ears to keep out the sound of Satan's advocate.
child!" Elizabeth bellowed. I will NOT let you or John condemn
me to death. But if I do die, know this, I will defeat death and
haunt you and your every descendent."
older faced the younger and raised her hands in a frightening gesture.
Abigail was frozen in fear. Who would save her now? Who would save
her from the evil Goody Proctor?
response came forth like a knight on a horse. John Proctor, along
with a crowd of others, appeared through the trees like an answered
prayer. God had not forsaken her on this night. God was good and
goodness would win or die trying.
Elizabeth!" yelled her husband, John Proctor. "I will
not allow you to haunt anyone. You will condemn no one on this day.
You convict only yourself with your blasphemous words of witchcraft.
Next to John stood Rev. Samuel Paris, Magistrates John Hathorne
and Jonathan Corwin, and Governor Phips. The rest of the Salem townsfolk
encircled them from behind in a mob-like crowd.
town of Salem condemns you, Elizabeth. Not Abigail. It is only through
her that your evil has been revealed. You are the devil's spawn
and once we're rid of you, the trials will cease. All ended because
of this one moment. Good will prevail, wife." John then lit
his candle as did many of the others in the crowd.
Abigail!" John shouted.
the blink of an eye Abigail was up and thrusting herself toward
Elizabeth Proctor's body. She used all her strength to overcome
the sudden pain in her ankle. Rising like a cobra from its nest,
Abigail snatched the pewter locket from around Elizabeth's neck
and threw it across the clearing into John's hand. Two local women,
Sarah Good and Rebecca Nurse handed him objects encased in burlap.
They threw the ingredients into a large copper bowl which served
as their cauldron.
centered himself and began to chant lightly as did many of the other
Salem townsfolk.
chanting increased and as it did it ignited the ingredients in the
bowl. The resulting smoke swirled around Elizabeth Proctor.
stumbled across the clearing toward her friends crying out in pain
with each step. They were good witches, John, Sarah and Rebecca.
They were witches only out to serve their Lord in heaven not the
devil in hell like Goody Proctor. Abigail also joined in the chanting.
Their words became clearer as they raised their voices to shouts.
this wicked time. Through your foolish gain. Know only sorrow. Know
only pain. We banish your soul. Into this heart of pewter. For your
devilish role. This locket will suit you."
and over they spun the words until each member of the group spoke
them loud enough for Elizabeth to hear across the clearing. She
screamed something between a cackle and a moan. It wasn't intelligible
to the folks behind them but Abigail and John caught their meaning.
goddess Hecate, I will have vengeance against them. Help your servant."
her words emitted from her throat, the smoke enveloped her and thrust
her into the locket. It snapped closed by itself to the gasps of
the magistrates behind them.
that night Abigail Williams and John Proctor met under a cloak of
darkness. Neither wanted their descendants haunted by one such as
Elizabeth Proctor so they put one final barrier between her and
this world. They sealed the edges of the pewter locket with a band
of silver. They did this to ensure that Elizabeth's soul would never
be able to escape her imprisonment.
~ Present Day: Boston~
Corrigan watched the light from the fireplace flicker in David Laskey's
eyes. She knew from the first moment she had met him she would spend
the rest of her life with him. Love appeared in his eyes like a
gift from above and she cherished every wayward glance. Never before
had she felt such a connection as this. Never before had she believed
that love conquered all. Not until today.
are you thinking about?" David asked, curious.
you must know," she said playfully, "you."
really?" His thumb brushed her knuckles and gently caressed
the soft spot between her thumb and index finger. She shivered and
their heads drew closer like opposite ends of a magnet. Nothing
would keep them apart. Not now, not ever. They had faced so much
adversity already.
gathered her lips into his and she sighed as the chemistry between
them heightened. Without warning the warmth from his mouth was gone.
He pulled away and Cora verbally moaned.
blue eyes danced with happiness "I love you," he said
love you too," she replied, her eyes filled with a hunger only
he could quell. "So, come back here."
can't. We have a list to fill out." He ruffled the papers in
front of him like a truce flag. "We've put it off too long.
If we don't do this now, no one will be at our wedding besides us."
who wants people at our wedding?" She grabbed him around the
neck and planted a series of kisses up the side of his throat.
stop," he said breathlessly. "My mother will kill me if
we don't have this list completed by tomorrow. As it stands, you'll
have to call all your relatives in San Francisco. If you don't,
they won't make it in time."
glanced at the clock sitting on the mantle above the fireplace.
"Tomorrow is hours away. We still have time for a few distractions."
that, the papers were forgotten and the two spread themselves out
on the rug. Firelight danced on their skin and love was in the air.
hour later while they basked in the afterglow, Cora detailed the
few names on her list. There weren't many people in her family and
only a few close relatives. David's list was more extensive but
David's mother was much more the socialite than anyone in her family.
She had an image to maintain. Somehow Cora didn't think she would
ever live up to the ideal David's mother had set for her.
plopped down on a pillow beside Cora and handed her a small golden
like the gifts have started to arrive. Open it."
giggled like a three year old and tore into the gold wrapping leaving
it like a lost memory on the floor. Inside the small box was a very
old, very delicate looking locket. The sides were encased in silver
but the seal had been recently broken.
It's beautiful. Who is it from?"
searched the discarded paper and found nothing to reveal the sender's
it's from a secret admirer."
love it! Can I wear it now?" Cora pushed golden hair away from
her neck as David encircled her throat with the long silver chain.
it toward her, Cora tried to open her new gift. She found she couldn't.
It was stuck. Only when David provided assistance did the locket
finally open. A gust of wind came forth suddenly swirling around
the room. It was so powerful it extinguished the fire in the fireplace.
stared at the blackened logs with wide-eyed surprise. "How
did that happen?"
~ Present Day: San Francisco ~
squirmed as she watched herself hurl energy pulses at her own daughter's
helpless body. The very act was awkward. She had conjured a spell
to gain the supernatural power of the Corrigan line, but she never
wanted power like this. Power that could hurt her Katherine, but
that was exactly what she was doing, hurting her own daughter!
almost lifeless form cowered on the floor twisting itself into a
small ball attempting to fend off the attack.
Katherine," Rachel heard herself say. "Fight."
warning, even to herself, she pitched another wave of violence toward
the only important thing in her life. Her own body recoiled in horror
when the wave hit its mark. The bottom dropped out of Rachel's stomach
when Kat grew increasingly weaker.
it, Mom," she screamed. Her voice was high pitched and full
of terror. She held her hands to her ears. Tears gathered under
her eyes and Rachel could only watch as each drop fell to the ground
like an unanswered prayer. "You're hurting me, Mom," she
first the voice sounded like her daughter's, then it modified, lowered
to one she didn't recognize. The small girl before her began to
unexpectedly change. With a loud moan, the spirit of Miranda wenched
herself free from its vessel.
stay away from my daughter!" Rachel spat.
was now weaker in her crone form, but the strength emitting from
her frail hands was immense. It sent Rachel hurling against the
far wall. She had to vanquish the crone if she ever wanted her daughter
is mine now." Miranda said with glee. "Mine, forever."
The witch stepped again into Kat's helpless body.
The hoarse cry ripped from her throat as she sat straight up in
bed. "Kat!"
Moreau grabbed a wet cloth from a copper bowl sitting on the bedside
table and dabbed Rachel's forehead with a cool compress.
calm down. It's all right. It was only a dream." Alex pushed
her back into the pillow and pulled the covers closer to her chin.
dream? It was only a dream?" Rachel felt confused. How could
it have been a dream? It was so real.
have been a doozie of one too. Look what you've done to your room."
bed sheets were a twisted tangle and half the contents of the bedside
table had been batted to the floor. Alex bent down and retrieved
a small picture frame. It's glass was shattered but the image was
still intact. It was a photo of Kat. Rachel reached for it and pressed
the likeness to her heart.
dreamed that Miranda tried to take Kat away from me." Rachel's
eyes were hooded, stressed, as if a great weight had been thrust
upon her unexpectedly. "Kat's in trouble. I can feel it. A
mother knows these things." Her body spasmed as a tremor ran
through it.
dead. You killed her. Vanquished her. She's never going to be a
threat to you or anyone ever again. Don't worry. Nick and I are
here for you. We'll keep you safe. We'll keep of you safe."
know... it's just... I have a strange sense... about... evil. Alex,
I've warned Kat to stay away from magic..." Rachel's words
trailed off. She was too tired to think clearly. She hadn't had
a complete night's sleep in days.
Kat gave up her powers just like you did. Don't worry. She's fine."
sat on the edge of the bed pushing the covers closer around her
shoulders. For a moment she waited for Rachel to return to some
semblance of sleep, then quietly, she exited.
found Nick exactly where she expected him to be, standing in the
hall outside of Rachel's room pacing back and forth. His eyes inquired
to Rachel's condition before his lips formed the words.
is she?" Nick's tired voice sounded particularly guarded.
worried about her, Nick. She's having those dreams again."
mean, the ones about Kat and Miranda?" He raked an uneasy hand
through his short brown hair in frustration."
and they're only getting worse."
been a long time since Miranda was alive. Why is this happening
now? She's no longer a threat. She's dead."
she? Or did Rachel only detain her for a short time?"
glanced at Nick with nervousness edging on worry.
gotta hate those what ifs."
hope I'm wrong," Alex said.
me too."
in Rachel's kitchen, Alex poured herself another cup of coffee.
The rate at which Rachel's dreams had been developing Alex thought
it best to stay with the psychiatrist until the effects lessened.
cup?" Alex asked, ready to pour the hot black liquid into another
flowery mug.
Nick shrugged into his coat. "I've got to get back to the island.
Construction. I have to be there to oversee everything. I think
Derek would have wanted it that way."
smiled. "The burden is yours to carry now. Construction and
I know. How can I forget?"
masked the twisted wreckage of the Angel Island Legacy House. Most
of the grounds and servants' quarters had been untouched by the
detonation but the house itself needed major reconstruction. Workers
had been busy for weeks creating the castle from scratch. Legacy
archives produced blueprints for the workmen to work from and craftsmen
and artisans from around the world attempted to recreate the castle
in all its former glory.
for the outside structure had been shipped directly from Ireland
and most of the hard wood special ordered. The house itself probably
cost a fortune to build back in the old days, but the Legacy wasn't
worried about money. They had money. Old money. And he didn't want
to know where they got it. He didn't need to know and didn't actually
care. The Legacy higher ups only cared about one thing...sealing
off the portal for good no matter what the cost, and the only way
to ensure that was to take possession of the grounds again. Which,
of course, is what they had done.
A series
of priests, rabbis and shaman blessed the burnt structure and holy
water saturated the ground. No precaution was too great. This house
would have to last another thousand years until the next millennia.
Nick was only glad he didn't have to be there for that one as well.
All he knew for sure was that the damn portal under the mansion
had ruined his year, his life and his family. Would any of them
ever be the same?
wondered how hard it would be to walk into the house and know Derek
would never set foot inside again. Maybe he was with Kristen and
guarding the island. The angels of Angel Island. He liked to think
of Derek in that way. At least thinking of him as an angel made
him forget the pain, forget the loss and forget that his leaving
put another hole in his family.
A muscle
in his jaw throbbed and he tried to control his anger. This wasn't
fair. Derek shouldn't have had to die. A workman walked by and patted
Nick on the shoulder. His name was Gary and his father owned the
Angel Island Ferry. When he wasn't rebuilding blackened hollowed
out shells of castles, he was running the ferry. It wasn't too exciting
but Nick guessed it was a living.
okay there, Nick?" Gary asked, as the last of his workmen packed
up their gear.
fine. Peachy."
real sorry about Derek. Nice guy."
by the way, we got all the bedrooms finished. Phone lines are in
and a few of those fancy computers arrived today. I put them inside
the main foyer."
it look like? Got an ETA?"
week. Maybe two. The stones on the outside will be a bitch since
I can't get a crane over on the ferry. But we'll manage somehow.
Always do."
Gary. Have a nice night."
too. Get some sleep. You look like you haven't seen a bed in weeks."
mention it." Gary smiled, waved and headed toward the ferry
where his men were waiting.
was like walking in a dream. There was the staircase. Same as it
always was. How many times had he and Derek ascended them talking
about one case or another? How many times had he talked with Derek
or kidded with Derek before turning in for the night? How many times
had he taken for granted that Derek would always be there?
A tear
slipped through his tough exterior. No matter how tough he tried
to act, it was going to be a long time before he could ever walk
up those stairs and not think of his friend, his confident, his
father-figure. Damn, this was going to be harder than he thought.
He ran, not walked, up the sloping staircase. The memories were
everywhere. The walls were blank but in his minds eye he could visualize
every canvas, picture them in intricate detail, remember exactly
where they hung on the wall.
the door to his room was a comfort. Solace from the memories. Somewhere
to hide. God, where was the SEAL he had trained to be? Where was
the hard nosed tough guy with the considerable attitude? Maybe it
was his lack of sleep that made his mind waver like this. Maybe
not. Maybe tomorrow would be better. Somehow he didn't think so.
had been asleep nearly four hours. Adequate rest for the SEAL he
use to be, but now not nearly enough for the man he had become.
Ever since Derek's death he'd been withdrawn, moodier than usual
and needed a heck of a lot more zzz's. So today, four hours was
like being asleep for four minutes. Just enough to get him started.
Now he knew for certain he'd be cranky in the morning. He prayed
Alex and Rachel were nowhere near him when his dark angry side came
bursting out. Nick didn't like being that way. Hostile and moody.
At least, not in the morning.
noise which had initially woken him was only an annoying hum, something
he figured he could ignore. But when the sound didn't cease, he
swatted at the air next to his bedside hoping to hit the alarm clock
dead on the snooze bar. His hand connected with only open space.
There wasn't anything there to be swatted at. The only piece of
furniture in his room at the present was the bed. Not his bed, the
really comfy, soft one, but some other generic bed they'd loaned
him until the real deal arrived tomorrow.
his eyes still shut, he figured it to be five am. Six if he was
lucky. Peeking open one eye he peered at his watch. The indiglo
button revealed he was correct. His internal clock was right on.
Five-thirty on the dot.
was at that moment, while he was partially awake, he realized what
the annoying noise was. It was the phone. The only other thing in
the room. A bed and a phone. A dastardly combination when you were
tired and needed your sleep.
was definitely cruising for a bruising waking him at this hour.
reached down, extending his arm farther than he thought possible
and picked up the extension. A woman greeted him with a hearty,
if not sunny, "Hello."
he said, huddling into a ball on the side of the bed. He bunched
up the covers around his neck cradling the receiver in one hand
and listening with his free ear. The one that wasn't smashed into
the pillow.
didn't recognize the voice. Then again, he didn't think too well
on four hours sleep.
I'm Cora Corrigan." She said it like it should explain everything.
It didn't. He didn't know who in the hell Cora Corrigan was.
What do you want?" It sounded rude even to Nick.
sorry to bother you. I know it's rather early out there. What is
it? Six-thirty? Seven-thirty? I get the time zones so confused."
sounded like every ditzy blond he'd ever known or viewed at the
movies, except she really wasn't acting. She was a flake. For real.
five-thirty here," he said groggily.
thirty?!" her pronouncement practically blew out his ear drum.
He held the phone away from his head. "I am sorry. Do you want
to shoot me or what?"
tempt me, Nick thought. He didn't answer her question. He wasn't
rude. Nick wondered if screaming at her would make her go away any
kinda early. What did you say you wanted?" Nick's jaw throbbed
with the early stages of anger.
yeah, right. I just wanted to invite Rachel and Kat to my wedding.
It's this next Friday. I waited so
that I totally forgot to mail the invitations."
wondered why he wasn't surprised. Definitely a flake. "Sorry
to hear that."
she wailed. "You're sorry to hear that I'm getting married?"
Her voice grew pouty and he could imagine her lip severely jutting
I meant that you forgot to mail your invitations. Happens to the
best of us."
the same thing happen to you?"
I'm not even in the neighborhood of getting married. Is there something
you wanted me to tell Rachel? Something specific?" He jotted
down the information after rifling through his clothes for a scrap
of paper and pen. Usually he didn't carry either. Today he had both.
Thank God for small favors. Five seconds after she hung up he was
sound asleep.
poured Nick his second cup of coffee. He'd been at the Angel Island
site all morning observing construction and maintenance crews. Everything
was finally complete. The furniture was due in the next few hours
and all that was left was to set up the control room and buy himself
a whole new wardrobe. In the rush of construction he'd totally forgotten
to buy clothes for himself. It wasn't something he was looking forward
to. Shopping wasn't his thing. Although Rachel and Alex seemed to
enjoy it.
Corrigan, huh? Did she say how she was related to Rachel?"
not one word. But I wasn't quite in the listening mood, know what
I mean." Nick raised his eyebrows and cast Alex a determined
bounced in the room with socked feet and slid across the linoleum
floor until she reached the shelf where Rachel kept the cereal.
She grabbed a box of her favorite and poured it into a brown bowl.
isn't it a little late for breakfast?" Alex asked.
never too late for breakfast, right Kat?"
Nick," she said in a cheery mood.
wished he could bounce back as well as she had. Kids were so resilient.
breezed in behind Kat. Her mood didn't match her daughter's. It
mimicked Nick's.
bowl. That's all," Rachel said in her strictest motherly voice.
one bowl." Kat scooped in a mouthful of colorful breakfast
food and smiled at both Nick and Alex.
downed the remains of his coffee, poured himself another cup, and
sat at the table next to Rachel. She had her hand to her temple
in a mock gesture of pain. Her head was bowed, and she was pretending
to read the morning paper. He knew she wasn't because it was upside
down before her on the table. Nick waved his hand under her nose.
Her eyes didn't register the motion as she continued to stare into
are you sure you're all right?" Nick sipped at his coffee.
When he realized an answer wasn't forthcoming, he shook her shoulder
lightly. "Rachel?"
She acted as if she'd been pulled from an intense moment of contemplation
and glanced up to him offering a slight smile.
Nick," she said slowly. When she brought her own coffee cup
to her lips, she thrust it away. The coffee was ice cold.
still haunting you, isn't it?" Nick turned his voice down a
notch to the tone of compassion. It wasn't a voice he used often.
nodded and a tear slipped down her cheek. "Kat almost died
that day," she said muffling a sob. Rachel wiped rapidly at
the tears and smiled half-heartedly at Nick again.
was a long time ago. She's a kid. They bounce back better than us
know. You're right. But I can't let go of the feeling that Kat is
still in danger."
those dreams, right? Alex said you were having them," Nick
glanced toward Alex. He hoped it was okay to delve into this line
of questioning.
so strange. People are dying. Kat is in trouble and we're not where
we're suppose to be." Rachel tried to force the dreams to reemerge
but they were only faint images now that she was awake.
was a long quietness before Nick decided to break the silence.
by the way, Cora Corrigan called for you while I was at the castle.
Guess she doesn't know you have your own phone number. Anyway, she
said she was getting married. Wanted you and the squirt here to
come and watch her get hitched." Nick ruffled Kat's hair and
she brushed his hand away.
Corrigan? There's a name I haven't heard in years. She's my husband's
sister. Practically the only real family we still have."
fiddled with the last batch of wires hooking up the new control
room computers to the outside world. He had yet to hook up to the
exterior surveillance equipment which luckily wasn't a problem since
there hadn't been any poltergeist-ish activity in the last few weeks.
He was glad too. The guard at the front gate didn't start up rounds
again until next week.
to Nick, a stranger entered the control room. He observed Nick crouched
in an awkward position underneath a console making connections with
a pair of wire strippers hanging out his back pocket. Nick was intensely
concentrating on the complexities of the satellite link when the
stranger placed a light hand on his shoulder.
A dose
of adrenaline coursed through Nick rocketing him to a standing position.
Grabbing a gun from his boot, Nick took a ready stance. He should
have never let his guard down.
the hell are you? Nick trained the gun on his unexpected visitor.
man before him was dressed in a tan sports coat and a very faded
pair of blue jeans. He reached out a hand to Nick who cautiously
regarded it like it was a bizarre relic from an alien civilization.
Carefully, he steadied the gun and stood his ground. Something about
the man seemed familiar, familiar in a British-not-from-this-town
sort of way.
Nick let his gut speak for itself and held his gun on the stranger.
ole Nick," the man said twisting the edges of his moustache.
"I'm quite hurt that you don't recognize me."
man got a peculiar expression on his face as if he'd just had a
moment of enlightenment.
it's the moustache." He held a hand up to his face covering
the facial hair there revealing to Nick the remainder of his rugged
it can't be... Raymond? I thought you were dead." Nick lowered
the gun and a quick smile graced his tired face.
did I, Nick. So did I."
Hartford, well, I'll be."
a cup of horrid coffee, the only kind Nick was capable of making,
Raymond related his mysterious near death accident. Nick marveled
at how much the man had changed in three years. He had been not
much more than a severely underweight, gawky, British computer nerd.
Now he looked more like a lumberjack with an English accent. The
new addition of the moustache just seemed to complete the package
somehow. If he had seen Raymond on the streets of San Francisco,
he would have walked right on by. That's how much his old friend
had changed.
conversation lasted well on into the afternoon and much to Nick's
delight Raymond helped him complete not only the internal and external
security, but patch up the glitches in the control room.
old saying is right," Nick lamented as he plopped down on the
couch in the sitting room.
that?" Raymond wondered aloud.
heads are better than one."
Too true, but you better not let your Legacy co-horts hear that.
It's just enough to ruin that macho reputation you've worked so
hard to attain." Raymond couldn't help but smile. "By
the way," he glanced behind him. "Where are the lovely
Rachel and Alex?"
their way to Boston. Some relative of Rachel's is getting married.
Alex went with them."
and her daughter, Kat. Kat can't wait to visit the witch museums
in Salem, but I don't think Rachel is too keen on the idea."
eyes arched curiously.
story. Don't ask." Nick got up, closed the compartment below
the console hiding the wires connecting their computers to the outside
world. They were finally up and running once again.
what brings you to my neck of the woods?" Nick fingered the
gold precept's ring encircling his finger.
I'm here about that ring Derek gave you."
old thing? It's tarnished and it doesn't fit right. You'd hate it."
Nick offered up a lopsided grin.
smile animating Nick's face slowly dropped when Raymond clutched
his chest. His face pinched in what Nick could only guess was pain.
It didn't seem Raymond was capable of calling on Nick for assistance.
Nick stepped forward, and a strong wind swirled around the British
gentleman. It's power and frequency increased in waves until it
had actually lifted Raymond off the floor hovering him near the
tugged at Raymond's feet but the wind was stronger than he was.
Suddenly, something almost like an invisible hand shoved Nick catapulting
him toward the far wall. He crashed into it backwards and crumbled
to the floor in a heap.
he passed out Nick could swear he heard a woman's voice, and then
a hard thump as Raymond's body fell to the Earth.
all generations. Throughout all time. My enemies will die. Vengeance
be mine!"
San Francisco Airport was bustling with travelers hurriedly on their
way to one important destination or another. Each was carrying a
multiple array of suitcases crammed to near bulging with every necessity
they could possibly require for their journey. Alex, Rachel and
Kat, however, were not so similarly endowed. They all had one small
bag, big enough to easily carry in an overhead compartment or under
a chair. They were seasoned travelers and so in their infinite travel
wisdom, they chose to pack accordingly.
the fervor and chaos of the airport, the travelers were surprisingly
able to strategically miss each other by scant inches. Some were
flying down corridors to departing gates while others were merely
standing around acting as obstacles for those in a rush to get to
their destinations quickly. Soulless voices shouted at them from
all angles reminding the passengers that their flights had either
arrived, were delayed or cancelled all together. The noise of yakking
voices droned on like an endlessly annoying buzz.
Corrigan couldn't seem to contain her excitement. They were going
to Boston. It was, for her, like going to an enchanted part of another
world. In Boston was Philip, and also not far from bean town was
Salem. The young girl only hoped she could talk her mother into
letting her visit the town of the witch trials. She really wasn't
holding out hope that pigs would fly but somehow she prayed that
her mother would relent and let her at least visit the town if nothing
else. Sure she wasn't a witch any longer, and she didn't have powers
but the culture and history of witchcraft would be forever linked
to Kat's soul. She only wished her mother understood that.
flight appeared to be delayed and Kat played in the waiting room.
She bounced on empty chairs while her mother sat staring at the
floor in deep contemplation. She knew her mom wasn't quite in the
mood for a trip out of town but something else seemed to be bothering
her. Kat only wished she knew what it was.
on the other hand, was pacing in front of Rachel and Kat. Her brown
eyes were everywhere taking in the commuters, tourists and travelers.
Somehow Kat knew Alex was looking at the people but not seeing.
She was seeing something else, something no one but her could see.
Kat knew that Alex Moreau was having a vision.
~ Present Day: Boston ~
Boston P.D. were baffled. Ten strange deaths in three days, and
each victim had on his person somewhere an odd mark seared into
their skin. What was this world coming to?
Arthur Knight secured a badge to his belt and set forth in finding
the culprit of the unusual deaths. He made his exit from the station
quietly. He didn't want the guys in the precinct to know exactly
where he was going. Somehow paying a call on a priest didn't quite
make him seem like a macho man.
outside a church wasn't something Arthur did on a regular basis,
not even on Sundays, but Arthur knew that if he wanted to find out
who was killing innocent people - he needed Father Philip Callahan's
help to do it.
church loomed large in the hot afternoon sun. Arthur cringed before
going in, much like he guessed a vampire would if burned by a cross.
Religion was definitely not Arthur Knights forte, not even in the
same galaxy as any talent he possessed or wanted to. Arthur Knight
was a cop, born and bred. He didn't go in for sissy pew squatting,
but today he was making an exception. Planting his hand on the large
door handle, the veteran cop let himself into the darkness of the
sanctuary. He exhaled a sigh of uneasiness.
next time he'd make damn sure Callahan came into his neck of the
woods instead of vice versa. It only seemed fair.
Callahan had experienced many things in his young life so when Arthur
Knight walked into his church he recognized the man's need of guidance
immediately. He knew a soul in need when he saw one. And the man
who had entered the sanctuary looked more in need of saving than
many of the homeless he tended to each night. Philip watched the
man curiously for a few minutes giving him time to get use to his
new surroundings. Before Philip could make his way to the back of
the church, the new visitor was seeking him out.
he shouted across the way. Patrons glanced up from their prayers
- bent knees, hands clasped - and watched the slightly balding,
overweight man come barreling down the center isle toward Philip.
Callahan?" he asked, again he spoke loudly not caring whom
he disturbed.
you don't mind, this is a church. You don't have to yell. I can
hear you perfectly well."
was just trying to catch your attention, Father," Arthur Knight
said licking the remainder of a pastry from his fingers.
have my attention now... Mister?"
Arthur Knight," he said, heavy emphasis on detective, like
it was a get out of jail free card enabling him to get away with
... detective,... do you have a reason for interrupting the prayers
of the people around you or is this merely a social call?"
was usually the calm, cool, collected one but at this particular
moment he felt more like Nick Boyle - angry at this man's intrusion
into his life.
Father - may I call you Father?" Philip nodded. "Actually,
Father, I've put two and two together."
Philip said trying to glean on his meaning.
right. Today two plus two equals you." Arthur Knight took a
stance like he'd solved the riddle of the Sphinx and was ready to
tell the world of his discovery.
tried not to laugh at the man's obvious arrogance.
did you come up with that equation, detective?"
really. We've had ten deaths in the last three days. Each victim
carried a bizarre oval marking on their body."
took a step backward. This was beginning to sound more like a job
for the Legacy not the Catholic church or the Boston P.D.
this relates to me, how?" Philip knew Arthur Knight had a reason
for being there. It was obvious the man wasn't there to give reverence
to his God.
Father, each victim was either a patron of your church or you officiated
at their wedding." The detective crossed his arms as if he'd
just sealed the priest's fate by his words.
haven't officiated at a wedding in the last three days, detective."
man stumbled over his tongue before throwing a taunt back into the
priest's face. "Technicality. You're still in one way or another
linked to all the victims."
are you saying I killed these people?" Philip didn't like where
this was going.
don't know, Father. You tell me."
~ Present Day: San Francisco ~
Nick?" Alex couldn't contain her fear that something horrible
had happened to Nick. She had abandoned Rachel and Kat at the airport
minutes before their flight departed and hurried back to the Legacy
mansion. The grounds surrounding the castle were quiet. The house
was quieter. The stillness didn't do anything to ease her mind.
called out over and over hoping nothing had happened to Nick. Her
premonition told her he was in danger, not dead. She held onto hope
that her premonition was correct.
searched the entire mansion without success. The only room left
was the control room. She stepped in front of the large ancient
map and waited for the retinal scanner to complete the identification
process. She heard the computer digitally say, "Alex Moreau."
new." she whispered, as she walked through the holographic
map and into the control center of Legacy operations.
spotted him the moment she passed through the holographic image.
Nick was lying on the floor motionless, but he was alive. She could
see his chest rise and fall. Alex breathed a sigh of relief. The
man lying awkwardly on the other side of the room wasn't as lucky
as Nick. He wasn't breathing. He was dead.
to his side, Alex checked for injuries. Other than a blow to the
head, nothing seemed out of place. No knife wounds, bullet holes
or puncture marks. Thank god for small favors. She placed a pillow
under Nick's head and then turned her attention to the other man.
he'd changed a lot, Alex recognized Raymond Hartford immediately.
he doing here?"
whispered the question but suddenly realized what his mission to
San Francisco probably had been. "He's here for Nick. The precept
glanced at Nick's now stirring form. She felt bad for him. He and
Raymond had been very good friends at one time. But now that Hartford
was dead, the London House would probably send someone who would
be less lenient on Nick. It must have been pure luck that Raymond
was assigned this case at all. Luck that had unfortunately run out
for the Legacy researcher turned field agent.
she returned to Nick and his injuries, Alex noticed a small mark
on Raymond's collarbone. She moved the material away and uncovered
an unusual scorch mark. It resembled the design on a necklace or
charm. The symbol called out to her and Alex placed her fingertips
on the strange marking.
world suddenly became black and white as it always did in one of
her visions. The environment seemed different, fresher, cleaner.
Men dressed in vintage black overcoats and women in an almost peasant-like
costumes. But Alex knew this was no vision from a costume party.
Immediately she felt a shift in the time period.
A mob-like
crowd chanted. She couldn't see any of their faces clearly but four
stood out among the many. They were clearer and chanted the loudest.
Then a necklace came into view. It flew across the landscape of
her mind in slow motion. On it was the symbol she'd seen on Raymond
Hartford's body. Before the vision escaped into the nothingness
where visions went, Alex heard a name. Abigail Williams.
~ Present Day: Boston ~
church was empty and Rachel realized that she and Kat must be extremely
early for Cora's wedding. Either that or she'd missed it entirely.
on, Mom," Kat begged for the fifteenth time. Can't we go to
honey. You know how I feel about that stuff and its influence on
know, but pleeeeaaaseeee!" Kat was practically on her hands
and knees begging. Rachel tried not to give Kat the impression she
was wearing down. Salem wasn't hell, at least she didn't think it
was. Maybe a trip there wasn't such a bad idea. She'd see how she
felt about it tomorrow.
Rachel, give your daughter a break for once." She turned to
address who was talking to her. But she knew who it was before she
glanced up.
Kat said with glee. She ran with exuberant joy and leaped into his
arms. "I've missed you."
missed you as well." He cupped the child's face then looked
to her mother. "And you too Rachel."
Philip," she said with genuine surprise. "What are you
doing here?"
moved his hand around indicating the sanctuary. "Look around.
This is a church. This is my church. I work here."
felt like a complete idiot. She had failed to observe the church's
nameplate upon entering the sanctuary. She glanced around finally
recognizing it.
so sorry. I've just been a little distracted lately."
know," he said, honestly. "Alex is worried about you."
girl does get around."
chuckled. "Yes, she does indeed."
Philip and Kat talked about old times, Rachel answered her cell
phone. It's ringing was of particular annoyance since she was in
a house of God where you were suppose to remain silent and reflective.
whispered a "hello" then retreated to the lobby. Philip
and Kat promptly followed her.
it's Alex."
is everything all right? You rushed out of the airport so fast I
didn't know if we were suppose to wait for you or not."
sorry about that but we have a big problem." Alex tried to
relate as best she could about Raymond Hartford's death but since
Nick still hadn't completely regained consciousness she didn't know
the entire story.
there's this mark on his body," she said finishing up her account.
"Oval shaped with a sort of flower motif in the center. It's
burned into his skin like a brand."
oval brand?" she echoed Alex's terminology.
eyes perked up at the mention of the strange marking. He indicated
to Rachel that he wanted to talk to Alex and she quickly handed
over the phone to him.
would this be an oval with a flower design in the center, almost
like an impression of a locket?" Philip became more concerned
by the minute.
that's it exactly. How did you know?"
been a string of deaths in the Boston area over the last few days.
Ten so far. Each was marked with an oval brand like you described."
like a pattern to me. I'll start researching into the design and
the ten victims and how they relate to one another. Oh, and by the
way, have you ever heard of Abigail Williams?"
Williams? You mean the girl from the days of the witch trials?"
Philip was confused. Why had that name suddenly come out of left
heard of her?" Alex seemed to be pumping him for more information.
course, haven't you?"
why would I?"
thought everyone had to read Arthur Miller's 'The Crucible' when
they were in school." Her silence told him she'd never read
it. "It's a play set back in the time of the Salem Witch Trials.
As far as I know he used actual people in his adaptation."
Abigail Williams was a real person?"
assume so. Why?"
when I touched the scorch mark the name Abigail Williams invaded
my mind."
her computer search of the victims, Alex discovered something interesting.
Each person was in some way related to Abigail Williams. Finding
that certain link had been easy. They'd done it before on other
cases - searching the family histories for possible crossovers.
But somehow Alex didn't think finding the source of the burn mark
would be as simple. She knew the image had great significance. If
it didn't, Alex wouldn't have been able to draw a vision from touching
a complete search of the internet found nothing curious, Alex turned
to the vast Legacy archives. She didn't know how long it would take
to get a match from their immense database, but at least she wasn't
sitting on her laurels doing nothing.
anyone get the number of that mac truck?" Nick said as he entered
the control room through the holographic map image.
entrance startled Alex. "God, Nick. Warn a girl before you
come sneaking up on her." She glanced at his bruised face and
forearms. "You look awful."
good. At least I know how I look and how I feel echo one another."
Nick sat down next to her wincing at the strength it took just to
find a comfortable position.
you sure you're going to be all right?" Concern animated her
invisible demons can't get me down. And some of the best have tried."
offered a wan smile and returned to her computer search. Later she
figured she'd ask him about what really happened, but right now
she had a job to do.
watched over her shoulder as she displayed the burn image on the
left of the screen. Other photos of possible matches flipped on
the right. He squinted at the marking.
are you doing?"
have been some strange deaths in Boston. Each victim was branded
with this image."
laughed then stopped when the pain in his side returned. "What?
A bi-costal ghost?"
stared at him strangely. "What are you taking about? I think
that whatever-it-was knocked you on the head a little too hard."
didn't see it?"
mark on Raymond's body? It's exactly like that one."
~ Present Day: Boston ~
church had gotten busier and busier over the course of the last
few hours. Caterers, florists and bridesmaids readied for the wedding
of Cora Corrigan and David Laskey.
did Alex find out?" Philip asked as he and Rachel walked through
the halls of the sanctuary dodging delivery men.
much so far but she did link all the victims to Abigail Williams."
Williams," Philip said contemplatively. "There's that
name again."
do you say that?" Rachel was curious.
totally forgot this until a little while ago, but David Laskey mentioned
to me that was related to Abigail Williams. It seems the connection
made him somewhat of a celebrity in high school. And not in a good
related to Abigail Williams?"
have to warn him. Someone is killing her descendants and not taking
particular care about who they destroy."
waited in the area that contained the Sunday school rooms and stared
out the window. Being here was boring. She wasn't getting to talk
and she wasn't getting to go to Salem. It was a bummer all around.
You're interested in Salem, little one?"
gasped at the sound of the strange women's voice. She whirled around
but no one was there. At least, no one living, but she could feel
the entity's presence. Unexpectedly, the woman appeared in a translucent
form. Her image wavered distorting the bookcase behind her. Kat's
breath came faster and she tried to scream but words wouldn't come
wanted her mom.
me alone," she said through ragged breaths. "Get away
from me." Kat tried to race by the woman's spectral shape but
found she couldn't. She bounced back into the room as if she'd hit
an invisible wall.
the doorway she could see a man staring at her. His eyes were wide
and his face flushed. "Help me!" she squealed.
man came toward the door but he was thrust away by one wave of the
woman's hand.
have no need of him. We are kindred spirits, you and I. Let us go
to Salem where you most desperately want to be, and I will teach
you my ways."
image of the woman swirled around Kat in a mini whirlwind. The young
girl screamed but her protests fell on deaf ears. Suddenly, they
both vanished.
man who had been beating on the invisible barrier was finally able
to rush into the room. He trained his eyes quickly around the empty
space and shook his head. He couldn't have seen what he thought
he saw.
Arthur Knight picked up a child's backpack from the floor and made
his way back to the sanctuary- at a run. Maybe Father Philip Callahan
could explain this one to him, but somehow he didn't think so. It
didn't seem to fall under the 'will of God' category.
~ Present Day: San Francisco ~
saying Raymond Hartford's body had this marking on it?" Alex
was getting more confused by the minute.
Exactly that. It's not something I'm likely to forget."
I'll find out what made this burn mark and you find out who or what
Abigail Williams has to do with any of this. I was only able to
find the regular mumbo jumbo about her on the internet. Leader of
a childhood rebellion that started the Salem Witch Trials. But I'm
sure the Legacy archives might mention more about her than the usual,
I hope."
Nick said smiling through his pain. "Getting a little pushy
in your old age."
forced a fake smile his way and returned to her computer search.
Nick did the same and together they went hunting the Legacy database
for clues.
~ Present Day: Boston ~
Arthur Knight raced down the sanctuary middle aisle faster than
he thought possible for the overweight investigator. Plus, he didn't
have his smug, I-know-better-than-you look on his face. If Philip
wasn't mistaken, it was replaced by a mask of fear.
he yelped, his voice changed jumping an octave. Clearing his throat,
he tried again. "Father! Father! I really need to speak with
he caught up with Philip he was panting and frantically waving a
small backpack.
wrong, detective?"
pointed back toward the Sunday school classrooms while gasping for
air. "Back there." he said barely in a whisper. Then louder
when he found his voice again. "Back there... Girl... Ghost...
Thing... Gone..."
seemed the detective was so frightened he was unable to make complete
sentences. Rachel watched the man with an eye of a doctor and tried
to ascertain his symptoms. It was near the completion of his tirade
she noticed the backpack he'd been flailing around. She grabbed
it from him in motherly anguish.
did you get this?" Rachel asked the man, ready to slap some
sense into him if need be.
continued to huff and puff and pointed again back toward the classrooms.
"Gone... Vanished. Poof!" He made a gesture in the air
like a magician.
took her?" Rachel said now nearing hysterics. "Where's
my baby?"
decided that it was time he intervened. Rachel was in no condition
to question the detective. He pulled her away from the man and turned
toward him putting himself between the two.
took Rachel's daughter, Kat? Did the ghost say anything that might
tell us where they went?" Philip said his words in a calm,
not intimidating manner.
investigator's eyes grew wide. Not in fear but in that 'eureka'
moment where he remembered something important.
She's taking her to Salem," Knight said, now in control of
his vocabulary again. "She said they were kindred spirits.
And the girl wanted to go there. Or something like that."
ghost must be a witch, then," Philip said. "That would
make them kindred spirits."
the worst kind." Rachel said. "But Kat isn't a witch any
but she was a witch once and nearly turned to the side of evil.
This is something that might forever taint her soul making her susceptible
to evil entities." Philip knew this might upset Rachel but
she had to know what could come of her daughter in the future if
she once again turned to the dark side.
have to get to Salem. Kat could be in great danger."
Rachel and Detective Knight raced out of the church and into the
investigator's car which was parked illegally outside. Cora Corrigan
saw the three high tail it away from her at top speed. She wondered
what they were in such a hurry for.
fingered the necklace at her throat. The pewter locket gleamed with
an ethereal light. She really needed to ask Rachel an important
question. And she had to do it before the wedding tomorrow. She
followed the three outside and watched as they drove away. Her car
was nearby and she chased after them recklessly dodging cars who
were following the rules of the roads. This must have been a book
Cora was not completely in touch with. She drove like a stock car
driver in a demolition derby. Many of the nearby cars had dents
in them as a result.
~ Present Day: San Francisco ~
Williams was quite the heroine in her time." Nick said after
discovering a journal from a Legacy member back in 1692. "Quentin
Berryman was a Legacy member back during the witch trials. He wrote
this in his journal. It seems that Abigail Williams along with John
Proctor, two other witches and the entire town of Salem banished
a woman into a locket. There's a sketch."
brought the sketch up on the computer. It exactly mirrored the burn
marks on all the victims.
Proctor was condemned by the entire community as being the one to
instigate the witch trials. According to the journal it was a way
for Elizabeth to rid herself of the good witches in their society.
She wanted to make Salem a community of evil crones and her ultimate
goal was to resurrect a demon whom she served as master. Quentin
didn't know who that was. That's all I have here."
that's a lot more than we had two hours ago. Plus, I found the locket.
It's in the vault at the Boston House. Unfortunately, it disappeared
three days ago." Alex picked up the phone and called Rachel.
She had to be apprized of the situation.
gathered up his coat and gloves. "Use your cell phone."
he said suddenly. "I have a feeling that we're going to be
needed in Boston."
~ Present Day: Salem ~
child, are the one I've been waiting for - returning me to this
Earthly plane so I can further seek my vengeance. First the descendants
of the bratty Williams girl, then my beloved husband and after that
every person who ever was linked to someone in this dreadful town.
They will be eradicated from this level of existence as if they
were never born. And I will revel in the fact that I did it all."
Elizabeth Proctor came as fully visible as she was able and stared
down at the small child sleeping before her.
do not know it child, but you too are a descendant of this town.
But you carry with you the power, the power I require to vanquish
this world."
we letting our anger get the best of us Elizabeth?" Reed Horton
materialized next to Kat's sleeping form and confronted the witch.
"I only helped you escape from the locket for one reason and
one reason alone. I have a vendetta of my own to settle."
Corrigan careened down the highway like a mad woman in pursuit of
Rachel. The locket at her throat flopped like a fish with each jump
the car made. She was nearly upon them when a helicopter hovered
over a clearing depositing two people on the soft spring grass.
It was a man and a woman. They seemed to be meeting Rachel and her
two friends. Cora wondered what was going on and skidded to a halt
a few feet from the helicopter. Her dangerous driving drew the group's
lady, where'd you get your driver's license? Combat school?"
Nick was in no mood to deal with innocent bystanders who couldn't
help but nose in on Legacy business.
glanced up from her tears and noticed the woman. "Cora? What
are you doing here?" She flicked the wet droplets from her
face and tried to regain some sort of composure. She wasn't used
to being without her daughter. She wasn't use to not knowing what
was going on.
really need to talk to you," she said with a sheepish smile
on her face. "I completely forgot to ask you something. Would
you be the maid of honor at my wedding?"
laugh burst out like rapid fire.
you have lousy timing. Rachel's daughter is missing and we don't
even know when we'll find her. So why don't you go back and...,"
Nick had only started on his tirade toward the blonde dingbat when
Alex stopped him in mid rant. She rested an arm on his shoulder.
Look at her necklace." Alex said softly.
came close. He fingered the pewter item then grabbed the locket
and yanked it from around her neck breaking the chain.
Cora yelled. "Someone gave me that as a wedding present. Give
it back."
tried to console her. "Cora, you don't know what sort of evil
that locket holds. It's better off if you leave this to us. We can
get you a different locket."
I don't want a different locket. I want that one."
Nick, give her back the locket. It has only one use, really. And
I doubt Elizabeth will be wanting to return to its depths anytime
soon." Reed Horton appeared next to Cora and she jumped at
his arrival.
did you come from?" Cora said sensing that he wasn't of this
Nick and Philip said in sync.
thought you were dead." Nick said to the now solid form of
Reed Horton.
there, done that." Horton said mockingly. "You severely
underestimate me, Mr. Boyle."
releasing Elizabeth Proctor from the locket was only a way to lure
us out into the open away from our home base?" Philip said
in a moment of realization.
priest gets it in one. Very good. Until you and your little group
are disbanded from the earth I'll continue to come back again and
again." Horton put his hands on Cora's arms. "But not
just yet. If we want to make this interesting, you must come and
get me. And I'll take dear Cora here as insurance." With that
as his last word on the subject, Horton disappeared along with Cora.
dangled the locket from his hand then stuffed it in his pocket for
safekeeping. "Someone's gotta teach that guy how to die."
least we have the locket," the scared detective said. "Maybe,
if we're lucky, we can get both of them in it."
group looked at him with scowls on their faces.
five of them came up with a plan one that would most definitely
banish Elizabeth Proctor back into the locket, this time hopefully
for eternity. Nick had his research from the Legacy journal of Quentin
Berryman and in it the man had chronicled the exact incantation
which put Elizabeth in the locket in the first place. They were
going to use this as the ace up their sleeve. The only thing they
didn't know was how to deal with Reed Horton. The man seemed to
have an issue with dying and meaning it.
a last resort they called on David Laskey. Rachel hated doing this
but it meant saving both Cora and Kat's life and if David loved
her enough he'd be willing to sacrifice his own life for hers. So
in other words, David Laskey was bait since he was a descendant
of Abigail Williams.
set up their trap in the exact same clearing Abigail Williams and
John Proctor had used so many years before. While they hid among
the trees lining the small open area, David pretended to be looking
for Cora. He called out her name over and over until the gamble
paid off and Elizabeth Proctor revealed herself. It seemed she couldn't
pass up a chance to rid herself of the Williams line.
came out from her hiding place and shouted. "The town of Salem
condemns you Elizabeth Proctor. We condemn you."
joined her along with Philip and they threw the ingredients into
a large copper bowl which served as their cauldron. As the ingredients
blended a fine mist formed around the clearing. The sky grew dark
and the wind howled. Rachel held the locket in her hand. It was
open and ready.
this wicked time. Through your foolish gain. Know only sorrow. Know
only pain. We banish your soul. Into this heart of pewter. For your
devilish role. This locket will suit you."
and over Rachel, Philip and Alex spun the words until each member
of the group spoke them loud enough for Elizabeth to hear across
the clearing. She screamed something between a cackle and a moan.
she wailed. "You tricked me!"
tricked yourself, Elizabeth. Believing that Reed Horton would help
you. He is only out to fulfil his own evil ends. He doesn't care
about yours."
and Arthur Knight appeared from the opposite side of the clearing.
With them were Kat and Cora. They had devised this little ploy to
give Nick and Arthur time to locate Cora and Kat and extract them
from where they had been hidden. It seemed this day their scheme
was successful.
pulled her attention from her daughter's frightened glances and
started the chant again, this time joined by Alex and Philip.
this wicked time. Through your foolish gain. Know only sorrow. Know
only pain. We banish your soul. Into this heart of pewter. For your
devilish role. This locket will suit you."
mist grew heavy and Elizabeth's moans grew weaker and weaker until
she and the mist were sucked into the locket. The pewter necklace
jumped from Rachel's hand and fell to the ground. As it snapped
closed, the sky returned to its normal brightness and the haze was
ran into her mother's arms. "Take me home, mommy," she
we're going home, sweetie."
group stood in shock for a full minute taking in the grandness of
what they had been able to accomplish. And from the looks on the
faces of them all, they were glad it was all over. There was, however,
one person who was still intent on accomplishing her one true task.
stared at all their gloomy faces and stood aghast as they started
to walk away from her toward the helicopter.
she cried as if in a great amount of anguish. "What about my
~ Present Day: San Francisco ~
Angel Island house was finally complete and each member of the team
found solace in their new rooms. The house looked exactly as it
had before but something was different. They each felt something
was either missing or new. It was an odd feeling. A feeling that
unsettled Alex who began to have strange visions.
came bouncing down the staircase the next morning after the wedding
and smiled widely. "The house smells funny."
because it's new, silly. New things always smell funny." Alex
said. She felt increasingly unsteady around Kat and couldn't for
the life of her figure out why.
going on down here? Is this a party or can anyone join?" Nick
appeared from the front door wearing a jogging outfit, a sweaty
t-shirt and cut-offs.
just made a new pot of coffee, if you want some." Alex sipped
at her own steaming cup.
you are a goddess."
Nick could run upstairs, Alex stopped him. "What do you think
happened to Horton?"
the devil got angry for him screwing up yet another mission, I don't
know. But I'm not questioning this one. I don't know how we would
have dealt with him. He seems to have major issues with dying."
turned back to the book she'd been reading as Nick raced up the
stairway. Kat watched them both with increasing interest. Her eyes
for a moment glowed a strange blue.
have my own vendetta to settle," she whispered, but her voice
sounded like that of Reed Horton. "And I will not rest until
each of you die." She smiled inwardly and tried not to release
the laugh welling up in her breast. "This new vessel will serve
me well. "Derek and his team should be on guard, because when
I want something... I intend to get it."
the glowing blue disappeared and Kat became herself again. She bounced
down the hallway toward the kitchen not knowing what evil lie inside
her waiting to extract his revenge on them all.
Cast List:
Elizabeth Proctor................Sarah Jessica Parker
Corrigan................................Alyssa Milano
Laskey.....................Sean Patrick Flannery
Arthur Knight.....................Bruce McGill
Proctor..............................Michael T. Weiss
Williams..........................Alexandra Purvis