Star Wars Roleplaying Page

WEG Mourning...


I am about to embark on a mission to fix some information on this site, mainly to create more feasibility and realism in it. If anyone has any points, data, information or anything they believe to be inaccurate e-mail me, e-mail is listed below. I have written a short thing about my beliefs on what sources are more believable, you can read it as my information disclaimer here.

General Stuff - Equipment - Weapons - Links

General Stuff
        Here is listed stuff such as rules and skill lists. This area is generally useful now and then.

Lt. Don Zondok Character Templates Expanded Skills List Character Advantages House Rules
Movement Rules Synoptic Teacher Utility Programs Missions list Imperial Calendar
General Stuff link descriptions

Equipment Lists and Non-Weapon Stuff
        This area is a list of the equipment stuff that I've found. Of course this is all non-weapons stuff but anything can be a weapon when used properly.

Equipment Prices Equipment Armor Imperial Armor Regal Engineering Corps
Equipment link descriptions

        " substitute for a good blaster by your side..." Han Solo, Smuggler.

        Blasters, slugthrowers, vibroblades... the list goes on. These are but a few of the weapons that can be found in the possession of the varied populous of the Fringe.  Face it, going about unarmed is about as safe as stepping out of an airlock naked, so get a blaster, get half a dozen, there's no such thing as too much firepower.  

Melee weapon Blaster Grenade Launchers RCPD's Slugthrowers Miscellaneous Weapons Cultural Weapons
Weapons link description


        I have too many links to list on this page so they are here on their own page. I like to keep things short, with minimal space used for maximum usage but, there's just too many. Click HERE to go to the links site.

General Stuff - Equipment - Weapons - Links - Top

This web site has had the following amount of visitors since I found a counter service on March 21, 2002:

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This web site works best with Netscape 6 at 1024x768. It was created with IBM Websphere Homepage Builder and windows notepad. All animated graphics were created with Gif Construction Set, 32-bit version, by Alchemy Mindworks. If you find any errors, typos or broken links please e-mail me about them so that I may correct them.

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