
Summer vacation starts in two weeks, so, I'll actually get the three stories online that I've been meaning to get up for several months. But, I hate to say this, after that update, I won't be excepting any more stories, except by special permission. Which means a select few people of my choice can give me stories, only if I approve of the story. Yeah, I know, this is going to piss you all off. But, I, for one, am tired of posting crappy writing. Don't get me wrong, not all of the stuff on this site, is bad, actually I like most of it. But lately all I've been getting is poorly written submissions. Therefore, stories have to be specially approved by me, and even if I like them, I may not put them up. So. The "submit" page will be taken down soon. Check back in June to see the final update.


Check it out! I updated!

LORD, FINALLY. I am SOOO sorry for the length of time with no updates! Geocities ate my member name and I simply couldn't get in to work on this site. Neither could Jack. So, anyway, I have some good and bad news. The good news is that there are two stories which will be posted within the week (Steps, Elizabeth, I greatly apologize for the length of time you've had to wait). The bad news is that I don't think this site is going to have many more updates. There are several reasons for this. One, I don't have much time anymore, and Jack is never around. Two, no one sends in stories, and when they do, reason number one prevents them from being posted. SO, you can still send in stories, don't get me wrong! It just may take a while, but I will now send out notices, giving you a time period when you can expect them to be posted (i.e. Summer Vacation). Anyway, for those of you who are kind enough to still be visiting this site, checking for updates, I'm a bit amazed that you still have the patience to wait for me to get my lazy butt to work! But thanks for sticking around!

And on a final note, if any of you have suggestions for things that should be changed about this site, no matter how miniscule the change, send those suggestions here.



Hey, I finally got the stories posted! Sorry that took so long everyone! Anyways, Christmas Break is coming up, so I'll have time to catch up on running the page. Jack basically doesn't do much on it anymore (Life has caught up with Jack) So, for now, it's just me running all of this, which means things will be slower for a while.


I know that there are several of you waiting for me to post your stories, and I'm ReALLY sorry that I haven't gotten them up sooner! I have no help from Jack right now with this site, and I don't have too much time! But I promise I'll get your stories up, even if it takes me until Christmas break. I WILL get them up! Thanks for your patience everyone!



Hey all! So, we finally put some stuff up. Just wanted to let you know that things are getting a bit hellish at school, so if you send in a story, it might take us a while to get up, but we WILL get it up! We promise!



Well.. we'd like to update, really we would, but no one's been sending anything in, so... it makes it a bit hard. if any of you have stories, please send them to us, okay? We'd really appreciate that. When we have stories sent in, we usually update once a week, and post them all. Anyways, other than that, we don't have too much to say.




Yes, school has started once again. We apologize for not having many updates lately. We've both been VERY busy lately. Then again, we've had hardly ANY stories sent in in the past few weeks. So PLEASE if you have a webpage, link to us, okay? We need advertisement!

And if you read nothing else, READ THIS. Alley posted a message on the Send in Your Own Stories page about not sending us .txt files from Word 97. If you have ANY OTHER word processor, you can send us .txt files. But she had to spend an evening repairing files and deleting the new Word 97 virus. So, until after Dec. 15th, just please don't send Word 97 .txt files. Anything else is fine.

Anyways, don't expect too many more updates for a while. October is going to be a hectic month for the both of us, and we won't have much time to update. But we'll be back!



By now you've all figured out that this is more of a bulletin board, right? We don't always post our updates here. But anyways, do you like the new look of the page? We thought it was time for a change. Or at least I thought it was time for a change. Jack hasn't been around much. (and for those of you who have been to our other pages and signed up for the Newsletter, that's one of the reasons that we haven't sent one out for a while. I sorta need Jack here to help out. I don't have that much time... heh)

So, anyways, school starts on Sept. 1st... so as soon as that happens, updates to the galleries probably will be limited to weekends. With the classes I have, I won't have time for much during the week, and Jack's transferring to the school across town, so that'll be a change...

But we will still be posting stories that are sent into us... J Don't expect that to change. We just won't be out scouring the net to find stories like we do sometimes. We'll be waiting for you to send stuff in.

So, until next time, CTB!



SOOO, updates... do we have any? Not really. You guys need to keep sending in your stories!!! We need new stories to post! Especially ones for the "Works in Progress" Gallery. So don't worry about having your story be complete! We'll take them even if they're not! J Um... remember that if you want to send in your own background image, that's perfectly fine. If not, we have a huge supply of them.

And I know I begged you all to do this last time I updated, but PLEASE link to our site!! We need publicity! Yahoo seems to refuse to put a link up to our site, so we need all your help!

And... if you want your site linked from our page, please send in your banners, site names, URL's, whatever. And back to my original plea, send in more stories!! J



Okay, so we haven't updated for a while. L Things were slightly busy around my house, and around Alley's. We both had relatives come during the same week. Wasn't that fun... So, anyways, we're back and trying to update. Alley's gonna move a few stories into the unfinished works gallery. See, we just copied the html from my stories page, and so we've found a few in there that aren't finished, that have been listed as completed. Oops.

But anyways, we want feed back! What do you think of the page? Is it nice? Should we change anything? Tell us guys! That and we need publicity. ANYONE who comes here and has a page, please link to us! Please oh please!

Well, I s'pose that's enough for now. All of you guys who went to the rally, hope you had fun!



Hey all... So, it's starting out a little slowly, but things are picking up! People are actually starting to mail us, sending things in... Actually, we've gotten more emails asking for the music on the pages than emails about stories. So we added a music page. See that little music note out on the main page right underneath the link for email? Click on that, and you'll be taken to a place where you can download the music. Sound good?

Let's see, what else? I know a lot of the links haven't been working lately. We've been working to fix that. I don't know now what works and what doesn't, so if anyone notices something that isn't up or that isn't working correctly, please email us, okay? Thanks.

Anyhoo, enough for now. Just send stuff in! And if you've got a page, please link to us, okay? See, we have a banner-

Use that. And link to this URL-


So, if ya do that, we'll love you forever. Until next time-

-Alley Kat


The Page is up and running!There's already a nice sized collection of stories in the gallery, but we can always use more! Send yours in! How do you send it in? Go here. The instructions are laid out there for you, just read through them, and go for it!

As the page is brand new, we would appreciate it if you would write us and tell us of any mistake you find. Such as a broken link, spelling errors, anything. Maybe one of the pages isn't loading correctly, or some of the pictures aren't showing up. Maybe you just really don't like a font (such as this one.) Just tell us, and we'll fix or change it.

The Stories section on Jack's Joint and Alley Kat's Lair is still up for now. It won't be there much longer, but for the meantime, it still exists. Pretty soon it will just link to this page. But, say you want to read a story, and for some reason the link at this page isn't working- it should work from the other page.

So! Send in your stories!


