A Tribute to Michael Chang

Thank you for dropping by. This small web site is not really about Michael Chang per se, it's more of a "Me and Michael Chang" kind of thing (You can count on us fans to put ourselves in the picture!). It was built as a fan tribute to the man and the legend. We hope you don't mind fan insight, it's all this site can offer ^o^

This site is currently looking for contributors who would like to share their Michael Story, and would love to publish any essay that is written in English and is encouraging to Michael. There is no length limit or style criteria, all that's requested is that the writer speak from the heart. Michael Chang fans: hope you are up to the challenge! Please click here for more details.

The links below will lead you to the pages in this site. Enjoy reading!

Essays - Michael Chang fans on their hero and inspiration
Michael, Me and Burnt Cookies - by Rayanne Chase New!
Finding Out About Michael - by Phoebe Chow
A Close Encounter of the Most Adorable Kind - by Carol Lim
Mike's the Man - by Spencer Wong
On Michael - by Beverly Claire Fangonon
Skin Center - skin your browser with Michael Chang!
Guestbook - your comments would be much appreciated =)
Links - cool Michael Chang web sites and pages
Awards - see what other webmasters say about this site
Contact - We'd love to hear from you!

Graphics and web design by ClaireWorks.
Copyright 2000 Beverly Claire L. Fangonon. All rights reserved.
Essays by C. Fangonon, S. Wong, C. Lim & P. Chow. Copyright 2000-2001 GSMC.
Some photos from Michael Chang's 1998 Calendar. Copyright 1997 Image Plus Publishing.
Claire would like to thank her dad Fred for "introducing" Michael Chang to the family
through an '89 French Open video he borrowed from a friend.