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SpiritFire - 05/28/00 19:20:34
My URL:http://www.spiritfire.webprovider.com
My Email:spiritfire@preacher.co.uk

Great site!! please, please, please and please get some more pictures of Christie/Rowena. She must be the most beautiful woman in the NAORH to date. If you look closely she is in the title sequence (i think) i some rather fetching clothing (no im not a pervate, just a devoted fan). I think i shall be making an addition to my upcoming website with a page dedicated to Christie. Keep up the great work and PLEASE get some more pictures of Christie

Locutus - 04/28/00 15:46:12

Hope to see such a beautiful actress in other movies or shows.

Tera - 02/25/00 18:33:22
My Email:Pandora_95@hotmail.com

Ok, if this is really David Anderson doing all of this and making all of this up that is sad. If it is not please e-mail me and I will later explain why I have wrote this.

Rowena - 01/24/00 20:24:04
My Email:rowenas@eircom.net

Hi there, My name is Rowena and I'm quite confused over this whole web-site as we do not have the show as fas as I know here in Ireland. I have yet to meet someone who shares my name but it's good to know that at least this girl is keeping the side up. Love to all, ROWENA

Pat - 11/11/99 02:23:27

The chick on this show is so so so so hot.

B. Woods - 05/06/99 19:50:35

Love Rowena,But of course I would. Im her dad. Thanks Billy

Fanatic - 03/31/99 04:42:37
My Email:fossies@hotmail.com

I love your page, and I seem to be the only one who doesn't know who the actress who play ROWENA is.

jeff - 03/13/99 11:48:37
My Email:ponytail1@geocities.com

An EXCELLENT job! I don't think I can get enough pictures of Rowena/Christie. Thanks SO much for this GREAT collection!

lasermn - 03/11/99 16:37:43
My Email:lasermn@hotmail.com

Pictures of Mortiana, Olwyn, and ROWENA, such a great addition to your overal effort to promote the show. yyyippeeeeee! yeeeeeeeeehaaaaa!(rebel yell), followed by a stunning vault (midair double forward summersault, landing on the balanced beam, does 4 backflips, and dismounts with a triple back flip, sticks the land, and begins vigorously "thumping" chest.) C'mon ROWENA, where for art thou? Just point your boney index finger at yourself, and APPEAR! I'm still waiting for that autographed picture, and your phone call, let me know when you'll be coming to visit me. Will be sure to have a bouquet of Yellow Roses and some real genuine Phoenix, Arizona Chili that will make you forget that tasteless Tex s chili

Micheal - 03/09/99 09:02:39

This is a great fan page!! Its so nice to see more info and pictures on Rowena. She is for many reasons a true asset to the show. I'm also glad to hear she's becoming a major character. This makes me look foward to watching upcoming new episodes. I'v actually been a fan of the show since the first Robinhood. I have to say that the anticipation of whether or not Rowena will be in each weeks adventure has definitely raised my interest in watching the show each saturday. Keep up the great work!!

Jeanne - 03/07/99 23:37:23
My Email:ladyrichard@home.com

Diane, what was jokingly suggested has turned into a wonderful site for the lovers of Robin Hood magic. Terrific job. Jeanne

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