FerraFlex Minicam Systems
35mm Motion Picture Cameras For All Your Special CINE Needs

Mike Ferra  
3815 Burbank Blvd., Burbank, CA   91505
( PHONE )  818-845-2192   ( FAX )  818-843-8608   

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FerraFlex™ Minicam System

Very Versatile,
Great For Tight Spots
Crystal Controlled 6-60 fps
Reflex Viewing

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Low Slung-TBar Mode

Great For Low Angle Shots
And Tight Spots
Crystal Controlled 6-60 fps
Reflex Viewing


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FerraFlex™ FX-201
Reflex Crash Camera

200 Foot Daylight Load
Very Compact, Reflex Viewing
Shown With A
35mm Panavision
Anamorphic Lens Installed
Only 7 " Tall x  8 " Wide


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Body Mounts

Parrot™ Mount

Chest Mount

Shoulder Mount


*Click Here For Special Rigs*

*Click Here For Panavsion Crash Cameras*

*Click Here To See Our Newest Prototype Camera "The Humpback"*


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Sausage Non-Reflex
Crash Camera

100 Foot Daylight Load
Super Low
Crystal Controlled 6-60 fps
Built-In Infra Red Remote

Total Height Of  5" to 6"
17 " Long


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Reflex Crash Camera

Great For Tight Spots
Reflex Viewing
Crystal Controlled 6-60 fps
100 Foot Daylight Load
Shown With A
Canon 14mm Lens
9.75" Wide x  9.75" Tall
x 12" Long

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Underwater Housings

7.5mm Fisheye
" The Bubble "

FerraFlex™ Surf  Housing

See Our Review by Peter Skinner in RANGEFINDER® Magazine
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Need More Information or Request A Brochure
Click Here !

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Web Links

The FerraFlex™ Minicam System Contains:

35mm Movie Camera
Frame Rate and Footage Counter Display
Low Battery Indicator
Crystal Controlled 6-60 fps
Reflex Viewing - Optical or Video
Quick Release Top and Bottom Mount
100 Foot Daylight Load
Lens Canon Mount:
17mm, 20mm, 24mm, 28mm, 35mm, 50mm
Filters 72mm Screw In:
85, 85N3, 85N6, ND 0.3, ND 0.6, ND 0.9 and Clear
Batteries Included

The FerraFlex™ Minicam System has been used on a multitude of feature films including:

Features: The Island, National Treasure, Intimidation Game, Ring 2, Stealth, Tuxedo, Bad Boys 2, Xmen II, Oceans 11, Spiderman, A Beautiful Mind, How To Loose A Guy In 10 Days, A Walk To Remember, Pearl Harbor, Bandits, Swordfish, Castaway, Wind Talkers, X-Men, Mission Impossible II, Titanic, Con-Air, Water World, Batman, Batman Forever, Under Siege, Blackwood, In Dreams, Mask of Zoro, Lethal Weapon, Assassins, Speed 2, The Flood, Armageddon, The Replacement Killers, The X-Files, and other countless feature films.

TV Shows: C.S.I. Miami, Monk, Deadwood, Without A Trace, Angel, The District, Providence, 7th Heaven, C.S.I.
Top Commercials such as Budweiser, Lexus, Chrysler



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