Welcome to the APF homepage. The alt.pets.ferrets newsgroup is an unmoderated forum for ferret owners, shelter operators, breeders, or even just people who love ferrets. This website is a place to view photos of members, get email addresses & links to member's websites,find links to good and/or useful ferret websites, and a place for people who don't have their own websites to post photos of their ferrets. Fire up your favorite news reader and join in the ferret fun :)
Or visit the newsgroup at Deja.com:

Golden Rule/APF Etiquette Why you should not post binaries to APF

Ferret Sitters Sign up to be a ferret sitter!

Member Profiles Ferret Links

Ferret Pictures:1 2 3 4 5

Ferrets Asleep Ferrets at Play Snow Ferrets

Cap's Herd

PD Ferrets - public domain ferret images Ferret Mailing Lists

Caring for ferrets or politics?

Here's a sneak peek of one of the photos from the 2001 Ferret Calendar put out by The Ferret Company! Thanks Jeanne! To go to the Ferret Company website click on the photo!

For any questions, problems, complaints, and praise send an email.