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Kit Cloudkicker Fan Fics

The best stories are Tale Spin stories!


In my humble opinion the best stories in the world are Tale Spin stories. Tale Spin is a symbolism in itself; meaning to "Spin a Tale" or create a story. Storyline was one of Tale Spin biggest strengths and this page will be the index for both my stories; Kit Cloudkicker stories from other fans and Tale Spin stories that you will not find anywhere else on the World Wide Web..........

66th update: 03/02/99: Nina Adams first fanfic "Colors of the Past" (a series) is now up.(Part One- The End of the Begin)

Click Here for access to all of the TaleSpin Poems

My Stories:

"The Terror of TerraStone" : This is a story about Kit's first "real" friendship with Ernie and how the Jungle Aces were created. Plus; Dect. Thursday makes an encore appearance from the Tale Spin episode: "Vowel Play".

"Unforeseen Impact" : This is a pretty sad and somewhat dark story that proves that Kit, Rebecca and Molly are much closer related than originally thought. Molly accuses Kit of killing her father; a crime which Kit did see and tried to stop but didn't commit. This crime was the first step in Kit's choice to dump the Air Pirates altogether. Title given by Jeffrey Mika.

"Rebecca's Dairy": This is a short story about a series of events that occured during that week just after Baloo's plane "The Seaduck" was destoryed during the Lightning Gun battle in "Plunder and Lightning". This is sort of my version (or corruption) to tie up the loose ends of the original TV movie.

Kit Cloudkicker Fan Stories:


Nina Adams


Colors of the Past Series

The End of the Begin: Rebecca and Baloo are dead (Thanks to Don Karnage). Now; 12 years later, Kit now must face his biggest threat that will make him or break him.


Adam Davis

Lost City : A fanfic about a greedy hunter who is finding a city on a land inhabited by a certain spieces that shouldn't exist anymore but somehow does. The hunter kidnaps Kit who may hold the link to the finding of that city.



Where The Daisies Grow: Baloo's latest excuse might just prove deadly for Miss Cunningham.


Emilio Velez

Kit has a Girlfriend: Think of this story as Kit's very first pure crush on a girl.

Kit has a Girlfriend Quiz: Now see just how smart you actually are. NO CHEATING!!

Kit Goes to Puerto Rico: Need I say more? Kit is visiting Tammy's family and friends in Puerto Rico.

Kit Goes to Puerto Rico Quiz: It's quiz time again!


Alyson Terry 


The Properties of Life: Even after the Plunder and Lightning battle; Kit still seems to be afraid to trust Baloo. This might be the very first adventure involving the two since the Lightning Gun.

Mind over Matter: Kit's past may finally get the best of him as he must battle MacKnee (from "Mommy for a Day") once again. Also includes a novelization of "The Idol Rich" episode.

Essence on You: The Child Welfare Department finally finds out about the family that shouldn't be. Could this be the end of the Baloo/Kit relationship forever?


Dan Green

Click on this link for more of Daring Dan Green's fanfics

Dream a Little Dream of Christmas: A drama story about Kit Cloudkicker's very first Christmas.

(Webmasters Note: The views of Molly Jolly Christmas (A TaleSpin episode) are the views of the writers and are not the opinion of the webmaster; since my opinion to that episode is very different. Sorry Dan; I had to include this.)

Second Sight: A wacky story about a dream that Rebecca Cunningham has that shows why she, Baloo and Kit really need each other and why they were thrown together in "Plunder and Lightning".

Second Sight Part Two: In structure it is the same story as Rebecca's Dream; but this is for Kit Cloudkicker.

Second Sight Part Three: Again; the very same structure as Kit's Dream; but this one is Baloo. Plus an ending to prove the reason why these three characters really need each other. Special thanks to Mark Zaslove, Alan Burrnett and Len Uhley for writing the pilot episode.


Staci "Windsurfer" Faulkenberry

Plunder and Lightning Novel: An account or novel on the greatest pilot episode in Walt Disney Television History (And that's no lie!).



Deja Vu : Kit Cloudkicker makes a bad choice to save time and that choice has a huge story behind it. It is a link to Kit's very troubled past and prehaps Kit isn't the only one who wanted out of the Air Pirates.

Splitting Decision: Kit Cloudkicker is torn apart to choose between Baloo and Firehound. This gives the Pirate Ground Crew Leader a chance to kidnap the staff of Higher for Hire.

Present Past: Kit is accused of crimes that he clearly didn't commit. This story is very dark.

Brotherly Love: A story about Kit's twin brother.... Yes; a twin brother for the daring young bearcub. A tribute to Kristof's ill-brother which I hope he gets well very soon.

Air Freedom: Kit's life takes a turn for the worse when a rich-man tries to gain custody of both Kit and Chris. This story does contain abusive lanaguage; so view it at your own risk. This story doesn't end happily either as Kit now has to face up to his past to a complete stranger in order to clear his name for good!

A Clouded Day - The Aftermath of Fang's regin of terror. Is Kit's life going to get any easier?. NOT ON YOUR LIFE!!..... NEW!!



Christmas Eve: A Tale Spin story about Christmas.

Count Your Blessings: Kit Cloudkicker dead? It cannot be....


Marc Dadigan

Spirit In The Sky: Kit meet a flight spirit who tells him that a former Air Hobo has plotted a personal attack on the young bearcub. The spirit is also trying to convince Kit to open his past to the world and to his best friend Baloo.

The Crimson Circle: A TaleSpin story that proves Kit is not the only one who has lost so much.


Susie Walton 

Parent Trap: Kit meets his parents after 10 years of heartache. However; are they really Kit's parents?

Just the Bear Necessities: Baloo tries to show Rebecca that he's responsible after she and Molly get kidnapped.

I need your help for this part of the website. Please send in your fanfics, about Kit Cloudkicker. (No High Flight Stories Please!! And they must be your own creation due to legal issues. The last thing I want to do is have a story that I used without premission and have the original creator of the story flame me for it.) ASCII or Microsoft Word is fine; ( No HTML please because my editor does mess them up big time.) Size is now limited to 200K per story; not per chapter; I'm having problem with space now at Geocities. E-Mail them to me at:

Molly and Kit remind you to keep sending in those stories.


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Disclaimer: All images and material are (C) 1990/1991 Walt Disney Company and are being used without premission. The webmaster has made sure that no money was made in the creation of this webpage and all material represented here are used with the upmost affection and respect to the Walt Disney Company and the Tale Spin team.
Special Thanks to Geocities for providing space for this webpage. Click here to find out how you get your free homepage and 11 Megabytes of webspace.