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This is the page where you can read up on or follow links to the most recent news, scandals and dirt regarding movie celebrities. Find out who is saying what about who, who is sleeping with who, who is no longer sleeping with who, and anything else that might be a hot topic. Check on this page regularly as updates will be constantly made.

Top male model and bit-part actor Fabio had a recent collision with a bird ( of the feathered variety ) while enjoying a roller coaster ride at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, Virginia. Apparently the bird flew straight into his face . Fabio was reportedly taken to a hospital for minor cuts and later released. A spokesman for his publicist was noted as having said, "Oh my god! Think if his mouth was open!"

Action man Bruce Willis is reported as having said that he is turning his back on action movies following a spate of box-office flops. One of his flops that helped him make up his mind was the 1997 movie The Jackal which didn't even make the $65 million it cost to produce. Bruce says he wants to make romantic comedies, however judging by the success of his non-action movies he is probably better of staying where he is.

Do you feel sorry for any of these people?…Ben Affleck had a bit of a fall while filming of a prison movie and ended up suffering from a mild concussion; Leonard Di Caprio's boat capsized in Thailand with him in it ( I bet Claire Danes had a good laugh about that); Pamela Anderson's breast implants are leaking; and another one with water as a theme, Jennifer Aniston's water bra broke ( what exactly is a water bra?).

As part of a publicity stunt to publicize the very creepy and enormously popular ghost story the Blair Witch Project, the creators plastered Cannes with fliers that were headlined "MISSING" above the photos of the fictitious missing student filmmakers whose "found" footage is the movie. However, the next morning, its creators discovered that every flier had been torn down and trashed. "Cannes is a very clean place," commented Witch producer Gregg Hale over lunch. The problem was that a TV industry executive had actually been kidnapped (and subsequently rescued) just weeks ago at a local convention. The last thing Cannes wanted was more news of missing people, real or not.

For more gossip visit Anita Talbert

Gossip Page
Last Updated October 24, 1999
Web Page by John Princiotto Murdoch University
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