Farewell to Sinbad

by Shelly


Queen Hallyn and her husband, King Brill, stood on the balcony over looking the City of Syllon. There were masses of people milling about below. It was the time of the Festival of Brides. An annual, two week celebration that began at dawn of this day. All the young women of Syllon, who were of the age of twenty, and fortunate enough to have a beau, would be married on the last day of the festival. In between now and then would be an unceasing celebration.

Panthos, the advisor to the King and Queen, came barreling out onto the balcony. "Your majesties," he cried, falling to one knee.

"What is it, Panthos?" Queen Hallyn asked, without turning around to face him.

"The prophecy has come true, my Queen!" he panted.

The Queen turned to face him now, her eyes wide. "What are you saying?" she demanded.

Panthos rose to his feet and took a deep breath. Then he blurted out his news. "The man from the sea has come. The one who is to marry your daughter. The Princess Michaelene."

"Are you certain?" Queen Hallyn, questioned. "It is him?"

"I am positive," Panthos confirmed. "He is exactly as is described in the book of the Ancients. A man from the sea. A young man, and one whose beauty would make even the angel's weep with envy. He is all that and more, my Queen."

She was pleased. Queen Hallyn turned to her husband. "I told you, my lord. Yet you were worried that Michaelene would not be wed on the day of the Brides."

King Brill had the grace to look sheepish. "Forgive me, my dear," he requested. "I should have believed you."

"Where is this man?" the Queen asked her advisor.

Panthos pointed. "He's down there...among the people. He's come with his crew to enjoy the festival."

Queen Hallyn smiled. "And what is his name?"


"Fetch me Doza, the apothecary," the Queen ordered Panthos. When the advisor had gone. Queen Hallyn took her husband's arm as they turned back to stare out over the crowds below. "On the last day of the festival, Michaelene will marry this Sinbad. And she will bear him a son who will be King of the Gods...as is written in the book. And we will be all powerful, my lord."

King Brill nodded. "What ever you say dear." He was not concerned about power. He wished only for his daughter's happiness. "Do you think she will like this Sinbad?" he asked.

The Queen laughed at the absurdity of such a question. "It matters not if she likes him, my lord. It matters only that she marry him. The prophecy must be fulfilled."

"Of course, dear," King Brill replied. Then he wisely kept all other thoughts to himself.


Sinbad gazed about at his companions who were thoroughly enjoying themselves at the Festival of Brides. They were eating, drinking, laughing and dancing, and Sinbad was happy to see it.

Doubar joined Sinbad and laid one arm across the younger man's shoulders. "So...little brother. Was I right, or what? Wasn't this a good idea?"

"You were absolutely right, Doubar," Sinbad conceded, as he grinned at his brother. "This was a great idea! And it's exactly what we needed." The past few months had been difficult ones for the crew of the Nomad. They had battled magic and monsters, as well as Mother nature on their voyages as they searched for Dim-Dim. But they had come up with only dead-ends. And they were tired and depressed. So this was the perfect way to raise their spirits.

Mave came over to Sinbad, and right behind her was a woman bearing a tray laden with goblets of wine. The woman offered them to the trio, and served them when they accepted. "This is very good wine," Maeve commented, after taking a few sips.

Sinbad concurred. "The best I've had in a long time." He turned to watch the serving girl make her way over to Rongar and Firouz with the wine. It was rather odd that she seemed to have singled them out. Sinbad was about to comment on that fact, when Doubar clapped him on the shoulder.

"Let's make a toast, little brother!" Doubar proposed.

"How about to smooth sailing ahead?" Maeve suggested.

Sinbad nodded and smiled. Then he raised his glass. "To smooth sailing ahead," he said.

Doubar and Maeve raised their goblets as well, then the three drank.

A few hours later, Sinbad stood beside Firouz and Rongar, watching as Maeve tried to teach Doubar how to do a Celtic dance. Sinbad was laughing as he watched Doubar trying not to step on Maeve's feet. But then Sinbad felt a sudden wave of dizzy wash over him. He swayed, and would have fallen, had Rongar not grabbed his arm.

Firouz saw Sinbad turn pale. "What's wrong?" he asked, his voice betraying his concern.

"I don't know." Sinbad felt his knees turn to water and he collapsed into Rongar's arms.

"Sinbad!" Firouz cupped his hands around the Captain's face, and realized that Sinbad had a fever. "You're burning up," he cried. Firouz looked at Rongar. We need to get him to a shady place."

Rongar lifted Sinbad into his arms, just as Doubar and Maeve came running over. Maeve took one look at Sinbad's pale face and gasped. "What happened?"

Firouz shook his head. "I don't know. He got dizzy and collapsed. He's burning up with fever. We have to get him out of the sun."

Doubar reached out to take Sinbad from Rongar. He would carry his brother. He could feel the heat of the fever emanating from Sinbad's skin, and it frightened him. Once, as a young child, Sinbad had fallen ill with a fever. And he had very nearly died. "You have to do something, Firouz!" he shouted.

"I'll do what I can, Doubar," Firouz promised. "Perhaps it would be best if we took Sinbad back to the Nomad?"

"I don't think that would be a wise decision," interjected a soft voice. Queen Hallyn strode forward, a smile on her face.

The crew of the Nomad stared at her. "And you would be?" Maeve asked?

"Queen Hallyn," she replied. "This is my kingdom." She gestured about. "I have a carriage nearby. I think we should take your friend to the palace. I have physicians and an apothecary. He will be well taken care of." She looked at Firouz. "Of course, you may examine him at your leisure, and anything you need you have only to ask."

Firouz nodded, then looked at the others. "I think that would be the best thing to do. For Sinbad's sake," he acknowledged.

That's all Doubar needed to hear. "Where is this carriage, you majesty?"

Queen Hallyn gestured for him to follow her. "Come. I'll show you."

The others followed quickly behind her. The carriage was large enough to take everyone, and the ride to the palace was a short one. Once there, Queen Hallyn led them inside and ordered her servants to call for her healers and the Apothecary. She then led the crew of the Nomad up the curving staircase and down the long hall. A moment later they entered a breathtakingly beautiful bedchamber, and the Queen gestured for Doubar to lay Sinbad down on the huge, four-poster bed.

Firouz went to him immediately. He was worried by how pale Sinbad was, the heat of his skin, and his shallow breathing. Helooked up to see Doubar and the other's staring at him. Grimacing, Firouz said, "I think it would be best if I were left alone with Sinbad for a few minutes. As soon as I know anything, I'll tell you," he promised. He made eye contact with Rongar, who stepped forward to take Doubar and Maeve by the arm and lead them from the chamber.

Queen Hallyn stepped over to Firouz. "My healers and Apothecary are at your disposal. As are my servants. Ask for what ever you need."

"Thank you." Firouz was truly grateful.

"He's so young," Queen Hallyn commented, as one hand reached out to brush a lock of hair off of Sinbad's forehead. "And quite beautiful. I will pray for his quick recovery."

Firouz took her hand and shook it. "I don't know how to thank you enough, your Majesty. You are too kind."

She shook her head. "Nonsense. I'm happy to do what I can. I will leave you now." And, so saying, Queen Hallyn glided from the room. A smile curved her lips. Sinbad was everything Panthos had promised he was, and the Queen was pleased.

Maeve, Rongar and Doubar paced outside the bedchamber for nearly an hour. They didn't speak a word to each other, for each was lost in their own thoughts. But Doubar was getting ready to break down the door, when Firouz emerged.

The inventor couldn't wipe the frown off his face. "Sinbad is sleeping," he said.

Doubar's eyes lit up. "Then...he's going to be all right. Right?"

"I don't know, Doubar," Firouz confessed. "I can't discover what's causing his fever."

Maeve caught her breath, then asked. "Could it be magic, Firouz? Like what happened with Princess Gaia?"

Firouz shook his head. "I don't think so. Not this time." He sighed. "I almost wish it was magic."

Doubar had to swallow hard before asking, "Can I see Sinbad?"

"Of course." Firouz pushed open the door. "But try not to awaken him. He's in a natural sleep now. Maybe that's what his body needs to fight the fever."

Everyone stepped inside the chamber, but their step was light as they crossed over to the bed.


As the crew of the Nomad kpt vigil over Sinbad, Queen Hallyn went to visit her advisor. "You were right, Panthos!" she enthused. "Sinbad is exquisite. There is no doubt in my mind but that he is the man of the prophecy. Now I must go and tell my daughter that she will be wed in two weeks. Then I will take her to meet her husband to be." Smiling, the Queen bustled out of the room.


Doubar sat on the edge of the bed and wiped Sinbad's face with a cold cloth, as Firouz had instructed. His eyes searched for some flicker of reaction from his *little brother* , but Sinbad remained in asleep. And the fever refused to break. Nearly twenty-four hours had passed since Sinbad had collapsed, and Doubar was beginning to lose hope. "Don't leave me, little brother," he whispered, as he smooth back Sinbad's hair with one large hand. "I need you."

"Dou...bar..." The word barely slipped between Sinbad's lips.

"Sinbad?" Doubar caught his breath as he watched his brother's eyes flicker, then open. A smile crossed his face and tears filled his eyes. "SINBAD!" he shouted.

The others came running over to the bed. Maeve reached for one of Sinbad's hands. She squeezed it tightly as she watched him focus on Doubar. Tears prickled at her own eyes and she blinked them back. "How do you feel, Sinbad?" she asked. Her voice was husky with emotion.

Sinbad looked at Doubar, then at Maeve. He felt so weary, as if he had been walking for days on end. But he managed to smile at the beautiful sorceress. "I'm...a little..thirsty," he admitted.

Firouz reached for the water pitcher on the table beside the bed. He filled a goblet with the clear, cool liquid, then handed it to Doubar..who held it to Sinbad's lips. "Not too much, Sinbad," Firouz cautioned. "Small sips to start."

"That's it, little brother," Doubar commented, as he watched Sinbad closely. He set aside the goblet when Sinbad held up one hand. "What else do you need?" he asked.

"A few answers," Sinbad replied. He saw the worry etched on the faces of his brother, and friends. "Where am I?" He inquired, as he gazed about at the magnificent bedchamber.

Maeve answered him. "Your in the palace of King Brill and Queen Hallyn, Sinbad. The Queen offered to have you brought here, when you collapsed at the Festival."

Sinbad nodded. "I see. And...how long have I been here?"

"For a day," Doubar told him.

Firouz pressed the palm of one hand to Sinbad's forehead. It was cooler, but the fever was not entirely broken. "You need to rest, Sinbad," Firouz said firmly. "The fever is still in your system."

Maeve was surprised to hear that. "But...he's better. Right?"

"Better," Firouz allowed. "But not completely well." He made a shooeing motion with his hands. "Everyone should go and get some sleep now. Sinbad is going to be fine. But he needs to sleep."

Sinbad made a motion, as if to sit up and found Firouz's hand pressed against his chest. "Firouz," he said, offering a half smile. "From what you've said...I've been sleeping long enough."

Firouz shook his head. 'You're staying in bed, Sinbad. And that's an order."

"But I'M the Captain!" Sinbad protested.

"And I'M the physician!" Firouz countered, not in the least bit intimidated. Sinbad had suffered a close call, and Firouz feared that he was still not entirely out of the woods yet. He didn't want to take any chances. "Say goodnight to the others," he ordered sternly.

Sinbad sighed, but obeyed. "Good night, dear friends. Brother. Sweet dreams."

Doubar patted Sinbad's shoulder. "Same to you, little brother. We'll see you later." He smiled then moved to the door.

Rongar patted Sinbad's shoulder as well, then he followed Doubar. They were sharing quarters.

Maeve was the last to go. She smiled at Sinbad as she reached out to brush an errant lock of bronzed-colored hair off his forehead. "Rest well," she bid him. Then she bent and brushed a kiss against his cheek.

Sinbad caught his breath at the soft warmth of Maeve's lips against his skin. She smelled of Jasmine, and the scent filled his senses as she pulled back, then turned and walked out of the chamber.

Firouz was watching Sinbad closely. He had never seen his friend look so pale, or worn out. Sinbad possessed a vitality that always seemed unshakeable. But that force of life...that fire that burned deep within him...was burning out. And Firouz could find no scientific reason for why. The worst part of that being that he was certain that magic was not involved. But Firouz didn't share his thoughts. He merely tucked the blankets more securely around Sinbad, then dropped into a nearby chair to keep vigil over his friend. "Goodnight, Sinbad," he said softly.

"Good night, Firouz," Sinbad replied. He expected to lay awake for a time. But in the space of a heartbeat, he was sound asleep.


It was nearing dawn when Sinbad awakened. He stretched beneath the mountain of blankets that lay over him, then pushed them aside. Sinbad looked over to the chair where Firouz sat, snoring loudly, then he cautiously slid out of bed. He felt his knees buckle and grabbed a hold of the bed post for support. After a wave of dizziness had passed, Sinbad risked taking a step. Only to collapse in a heap on the floor.

Doubar and Maeve had just entered the chamber in time to see Sinbad fall. They ran to him and Maeve shouted for Firouz. Doubar scooped Sinbad up into his arms and placed him back in bed. Firouz was beside them in an instant.

Sinbad tried not to let his fear show in his eyes as he gazed up at his friends. "I'm sorry..." he apologized. But he winced at how weak his voice sounded.

Firouz was thinking the same thing. He had been about to yell at Sinbad, but he calmed himself and said gently, "You shouldn't have tried to get out of bed, Sinbad. You've still got a fever." This was determined when Firouz pressed his palm against Sinbad's face.

"Could I have some water?" Sinbad asked. His throat felt parched.

"I'll get it," Maeve volunteered. She poured a goblet full then sat on the edge of the bed and helped hold the cup while Sinbad drank. When he had his fill, Maeve reached out to smooth back his silky hair. "Can I get you anything else?" she asked, with a forced smile. Maeve was frightened to death by Sinbad's condition. She had never seen him felled by anything. But now he was as weak, and dependant upon them, as a newborn babe.

Sinbad shook his head, even as he felt his eyes closing. "I'm...just tired," he whispered. Then he drifted off into sleep.

Doubar looked at Firouz, and his eyes were cloudy with concern. "Sinbad isn't any better, is he?"

Firouz sighed, then shook his head. "No. And I don't understand why not. I've tried everything, as have the King and Queen's healers. We can't find any reason for the fever. It's not a virus, or an infection." Firouz threw up his hands in frustration. "I just don't understand!"

Maeve's eyes never left Sinbad's face as she asked, "So what are you saying, Firouz? That he's not going to get better?" That was a thought that Maeve could not bear to consider.

"I don't know," Firouz replied honestly. "All we can do is wait and see." He looked at Doubar. "Sinbad is young and strong. I don't see any risk of his dying. But....I can't offer any hope beyond that. Not right now, anyway."

Doubar took a deep breath, then released it slowly as he considered what Firouz had said. He nodded. "I'll settle for that, for now," he replied. Then he looked at Sinbad and pressed one hand to the beautiful face. In slumber, Sinbad looked like an innocent youth of sixteen. "You hang on, little brother," Doubar whispered. "You'll beat this thing. Whatever it is."

Maeve smiled up at Doubar. "He will," she confirmed. For she could not accept anything less.

Firouz gestured for them to move away from the bed. "You should go now. If there's any change....I'll send for you."

"All right." Reluctantly, Doubar turned to go. "Maeve?" He reached for her hand, needing her comfort.

Maeve understood what Doubar was feeling, so she took his hand and squeezed it firmly. "Let's go for a walk in the gardens," she suggested. They both needed to talk.

Doubar nodded and they walked out.


From a shadowy corner of the corridor, Princess Michaelene watched the big man, and the beautiful redhead exit the bedchamber. Inside lay the man her parents had told her about. Sinbad. The one of whom the Prophecy foretold. Michaelene's mother had told her to visit him. So....here she was. But she was hesitant to enter the room. In fact, Michaelene had just decided to return to her own room, when her parents came striding towards her.

Queen Hallyn was smiling as she reached her daughter. "So, Michaelene...what do you think of your husband to be? He's quite handsome...isn't he?"

"I don't know," Michaelene replied, softly. "I haven't gone in yet. His friends just left."

"Really?" Queen Hallyn grabbed her daughter's arm. "Come then. It's time for you to be properly introduced. Now, remember what I told you, Michaelene. Befriend Sinbad. But don't mention the wedding. Not yet."

Michaelene was reluctant to enter the room, but her Mother didn't give her much choice. She saw the man called Firouz rush towards them.

"Your Majesties," Firouz offered in greeting. "Um...I'm afraid that Sinbad is asleep right now, and he really needs to rest."

Queen Hallyn smiled at the scientist. "Of course he does, Firouz. And so do you. The princess will keep vigil over Sinbad. You must go and rest now." She took Firouz's arm to lead him from the room.

To Firouz's surprise, he allowed it. After all, who was he to argue with a Queen. And a part of him hoped that after a good bit of sleep, he might be able to identify the cause of Sinbad's illness. "Umm...you will call me if Sinbad wakes up?" he inquired.

Michaelene smiled at him. "Of course." She watched Firouz and her parents leave the room, then she went to the bed. When she saw Sinbad, Michaelen's breath caught in her throat. He was as beautiful as the angel's that she sometimes dreamed about. One hand reached out to tangle in his hair. It was softer than silk. "Sinbad..." Michaelene whispered. Then she pulled her hand away and went to sit in the chair that Firouz had vacated.


Sinbad awakened to a powerful thirst. He was about to call out for Firouz, when a gentle hand touched his face and a soft voice said, "Drink this."

Michaelene held a goblet of cool water to Sinbad's lips. She had heard him stirring and guessed that he would be thirsty, given that he had a fever. As she held the goblet, Michaelene pressed her free hand to Sinbad's forehead. Warm...but not hot. A good sign. "Enough?" she asked, when he laid his head back down on the pillow.

"Yes...thank you," Sinbad replied. He studied the lovely, young face before him. "Do I know you?"

"No...I'm Princess Michaelene." She reached for his hand. "And you're Sinbad. My mother sent your friend, Firouz, off to bed. So I'm keeping watch over you. How do you feel?"

Sinbad considered the question. "Weak," he admitted. "But better. What time is it?"

Michaelene looked out the windows. "Midday. The sun is shining and it's nice and warm out."

"I want to go outside," Sinbad said, as he tried to push himself upright.

"You need to rest," Michaelene scolded him, as she pressed one hand against Sinbad's chest to keep him down. The soft shirt he wore was open and her palm pressed against warm, bronzed flesh.

Sinbad scowled at her. "I need some fresh air and sunshine." Suddenly he smiled. "Please...?" Sinbad whispered.

Michaelene knew she shouldn't give in, but she couldn't resist his dimples. "All right," she allowed. "But stay put till I get back. Promise?"

"Promise," Sinbad agreed. And he laid back against the pillows as Michaelene ran from the room.


Maeve, Firouz, Doubar and Rongar were all stunned when they returned to Sinbad's bedchamber, only to discover that the bed was empty. A servant told them that Sinbad was by the fountain, with the Princess. So the followed his directions and were relieved to see Sinbad lying in a lounge with a blanket over him, and laughing.

"Little brother!" Doubar said in greeting. He was pleased to see a bit of color back in Sinbad's face. "I didn't expect to see you out of bed." He bowed to the Princess. "My lady."

Sinbad smiled at his brother. "I was feeling better, so I talked Michaelene into coming outside. It's a beautiful day."

Firouz went to Sinbad and pressed one hand against the other man's forehead. "Your fever downs, but not gone," he said. "How do you feel?"

"A little tired, and weak," Sinbad acknowledged. "But better for being out in the fresh air and sunshine."

Maeve watched Sinbad, and found it hard to get past the fact that he had addressed the Princess by her first name. They had become acquainted quickly. Just as Maeve was about to comment on that fact, she gasped. A voice filled her head. Cairpra's voice.

....Go to the Raissa Isle... Dim-Dim is there...

"What? Caipra!" Maeve shouted.

The others looked at her. Sinbad frowned. "What's going on, Maeve?" he asked.

She grimaced. "Caipra contacted my. She said to go to the Raissa Isle. That Dim-Dim is there."

Sinbad tossed off the blanket and moved to rise. If Doubar hadn't been beside him to grab his arm, he would have collapsed. "NO!" Sinbad shouted in frustration.

Doubar scooped Sinbad up in his arms. "I think it's best if you go back to bed," he said firmly. He was sure of it when he caught Firouz's eye.

"You're right," Sinbad whispered. He felt tears prickle at his eyes and he blinked them back as Doubar carried him inside the palace.

Everyone returned to Sinbad's bedchamber. They needed to discuss what Maeve had told them. Firouz fussed over Sinbad who tried to ignore him. "Maeve," Sinbad said. "You and the others must take the Nomad to the Raissa Isle. Doubar can Captain her."

Doubar shook his head. "I'm not leaving you, little brother."

"Nor am I," Firouz confirmed.

Sinbad scowled at them all. But it was a weak attempt at best, for he could feel exhaustion seeping into his bones. "You must ALL go," he ordered. "I'm certain that I will be well looked after. The King and Queen have been most gracious."

Michaelene nodded. "Our healers will take good care of Sinbad," she assured the others. "As will I." As she spoke, Michaelened glanced over at Maeve. It was obvious that the beautiful, red-haired woman had strong feelings for Sinbad. Michaelene couldn't blame her.

"How far is this Raissa Isle from here?" Maeve asked.

"About a five days journey," Sinbad replied. "You'll be back in no time," he said firmly. "And, with a little luck, Dim-Dim will be with you."

Maeve nodded. "Sinbad is right, we should go." She was thinking that if they COULD find Dim-Dim, maybe he would be able to heal Sinbad.

Doubar didn't like it, but he wouldn't argue with the Captain. "Let's be off then," he ordered. He patted Sinbad's shoulder. "We'll be back soon, little brother."

Sinbad smiled at them all. "Safe journey."

The foursome filed out of the room. Michaelene watched them go, then turned her attention back to Sinbad. He was sound asleep. She smiled softly as she made herself comfortable in the chair by the bed.


A week had nearly passed. Sinbad figured that his companions would have just about reached Raissa, barring any complications. He wished that he could be with them, but knew that it was not to be. Despite the best efforts of the King and Queen's healers, Sinbad could not shake the illness that had befallen him. His fever had broken two days ago. But his weakness would not pass. He couldn't even stand without assistance anymore, and he tired easily. So his days were spent on a lounge chair in the gardens, with the Princess Michaelene by his side. Sinbad was grateful for her companionship, for she was beautiful, bright and witty. She would sing for him and tell him stories, and she never failed to make him laugh whenever he fell into one of his depressions. Which happened often. Sinbad couldn't help but decry his helplessness. He was used to good health. To running and jumping and swordplay. Now he was merely an invalid, and completely dependant on others.

Michaelene was watching Sinbad, and could guess what he was thinking. The look of sadness on his beautiful face made her want to cry. She wanted to distract him, but decided that it might be best if he were to talk about what he was feeling. "Dinar for your thoughts," she offered.

"There not worth that much," Sinbad countered, forcing a smile.

"I'm a pretty good listener," Michaelene prompted.

Sinbad nodded. "I know." He sighed, and it came from his very soul. "I've just been thinking about the future." And thinking long and hard, especially after the talk he had had with Queen Hallyn late last night. She had come to visit with Sinbad, and had gotten him to thinking about what would happen when his crew returned. She also pointed out the fact that his illness appeared to be permanent, and that it might be in his best interest if he could accept it by the time his companions returned. That way it would be easier for them to accept as well.

Michaelened remained silent for a long moment, then she touched Sinbad's arm. "Go on," she entreatied. "What about the future?"

"I used to dream about it," Sinbad said softly. "And it always included great adventures with my brother and my friends, on board the Nomad. And I had hopes of growing old with Maeve by my side."

"And red-haired children at your feet," Michaelene guessed.

Sinbad nodded. "Yes. But Maeve is a free spirit...and I'm land bound now. That future is no longer mine to wish for."

Michaelene's eyes widened in shock. "Don't say that, Sinbad!" she protested. "Don't give up so easily. You will get better."

"No...I won't!" Sinbad shouted the words. Then he caught his breath, for he realized that he truly believed them. He would be an invalid for the rest of his life. And that was a burden that he would not place upon his friends. And, especially, not upon Maeve. And Sinbad thought about something else the Queen had said. She had invited him to stay with them while his crew searched for Dim-Dim...no matter how long it took. Sinbad hadn't taken her invitation seriously at the time, but now he did so. He was thinking about Maeve, for he knew that she had strong feelings for him. But he couldn't bear the thought of her feeling as if she had to stand beside him, especially since he could know longer stand.

"What are you thinking?" Michaelene asked, for Sinbad had an strange expression on his face.

Sinbad smiled at the Princess. "The festival of Brides will conclude in a week," he said.

Michaelene nodded. 'Yes. The wedding night is my favorite time. The brides are all so beautiful. And everyone is so happy."

"How would you like to be one of the brides?" Sinbad questioned.

"What?" Michaelene was stunned by the question. And she refused to even allow to hope at what Sinbad might be asking her. For she had fallen in love with him almost upon sight. But, she doubted that he loved her, and the Prophecy be dammed.

Sinbad reached for Michaelene's hand. "I want you to marry me," he said firmly. He was as surprised as Michaelene appeared to be, but something told him that he was doing the right thing. The Princess would be content with him as he was, for she had never known the *other* Sinbad. The one who had been vibrant and alive. The man he would never be again.

Michaelene squeezed Sinbad's hand, as if needing reassurance that he was real. "Do you really want me to marry you?" she countered.

"I do," Sinbad whispered.

"Then...yes." Tears of happiness rolled down the Princess's face. "I will marry you, Sinbad," she replied. Then she leaned forward to brush a kiss against his lips.

From behind a giant rosebush, Queen Hallyn smiled. Her plan was working perfectly. In six days, Sinbad would marry her daughter, and the Prophecy would be fulfilled.


On board the Nomad, Maeve was in the cabin down below, trying to make contact with Cairpra. She was about to give up when she heard the sorceress's voice in her head.

"Greetings, Maeve," Caipra said.

Maeve was thrilled. "Greetings, Caipra. I don't have much time, but I need to ask you a question. Did you contact me a week ago and request that we go to the Raissa Isle?"

Cairpra laughed. "By Allah...no, child. Why would I do that?"

"Never mind," Maeve said. "I have to go. Thank you, Caipra. I'll explain it to you sometime." Maeve dissolved the spell then ran topside. Doubar was at the tiller. She told him what had occurred, and admitted to having bad feelings about the whole thing.

Doubar didn't know what to think. "If it wasn't Caipra that contacted you in the gardens...then who?"

Maeve shook her head. "I don't know. But that doesn't matter right now. Turn the ship around, Doubar. We have to get back to Sinbad."

"Agreed," Doubar said, Then he shouted orders. "Hard about, MEN! And full sails! We're heading back the way we came!"


Sinbad was sitting in a chair on the balcony of his room when Doubar and the others came storming in. He offered them a smile, but received glares in return.

Doubar got in his face. "What is this we here about you and Princess Michaelene getting married tonight, little brother?" he demanded.

"Well, it IS the last day of the festival, Doubar," Sinbad countered. "That's when the marriages take place."

Maeve was furious. "But you don't love the Princess," she protested.

Sinbad met and held her dark gaze. "You're wrong, Maeve," he said softly. "I do."

Doubar couldn't believe it. "Sinbad!"

"NO!" Sinbad waved one hand to cut him off. He glared at them all. "My mind is made up," he said firmly. "Now...you can attend the festival or not. But I'm getting married!"

The Queen entered the room in time to here Sinbad's declaration. She smiled at his companions. "So, Sinbad has told you the good news." To the Captain she said, "The carriage is ready, are you?"

Sinbad nodded. "Call one of the guards to bring me out," he said.

Doubar shook his head. "No, little brother." He bent and lifted Sinbad into his arms. "I'll carry you myself." And so saying he turned and strode out of the room.

Maeve stared after them in disbelief. "Why?" she questioned, of no one in particular.

Firouz took her arm to lead her out of the room. "I don't know, my dear. But we'd best go with them." Firouz couldn't image why Sinbad was acting the way he was, but he was bound and determined to find out.

Rongar trailed behind the others. His eyes shimmered with sadness, for he believed he understood what Sinbad was doing. And it broke his heart to know that his friend had given up on himself so easily. As well as given up on them. Shaking his head, Rongar ran to catch up.


As Princess, Michaelene would be the last to be bound in matrimony, and she and Sinbad awaited their turn on the platform. She held Sinbad's hand as she knelt beside his chair, but her eyes were on his companions. She saw the pain in Maeve's dark eyes, and it saddened her. Her own happiness seemed dulled by it. But she pushed such thoughts aside as the priest came forward to annoint them.

He had just asked who gave offered the Princess in matrimony, and the King and Queen were about to step forward, when a gale-force wind swept over those who were gathered. And from the wind a form materialized.

Maeve gasped as she recognized the person. "RUMINA!"

The dark-haired sorceress raised her arms and shouted, "There will be no union between the Princess and Sinbad!"

Queen Hallyn was furious. "Just who do you think you are?" She demanded of the sorceress.

"I'm the ONLY woman who Sinbad is going to marry," Rumina replied, as she turned to smile at Sinbad. "Isn't that right, dearest?"

He scowled at her. "Stay out of this, Rumina!"

She scowled back. "You should thank me for interfering this time, Sinbad," Rumina countered. She moved to stand beside the Captain and laid one hand against his face. "Stand up, dearest," she commanded.

"What?" Sinbad shook his head. "Would that I could," he countered, sadly.

"Oh...but you can." Rumina took Sinbad's right arm and pulled. "Come on, give it a try."

Sinbad decided it would be easiest to get rid of her if her did so. He accepted her help and pushed himself to his feet. To his amazement, Sinbad stood up with his usual, fluid grace. And he was steady as stone. "What the...."

Maeve gasped and nearly burst into tears. "Sinbad!" she cried, running over to him.

"I don't understand," Sinbad said, staring at Rumina. "How did you do that? You cured me."

Rumina shrugged. "You were never really ill, dearest." She turned to glare at Queen Hallyn. "You were drugged. And a very clever drug it was. She put it in the water you drank, Sinbad."

Maeve was grateful, but wary. "How do you know all this?" she demanded.

"I'm always watching over, Sinbad," Rumina confessed.

Queen Hallyn stood her ground, even when everyone, including her own daughter, glared at her accusingly. But her stance was defeated by her husband. King Brill couldn't stand the guilt, so he made a full confession. He also told them about the prophecy.

Sinbad was furious. "You had no right to control my life," he snarled at the queen. "I'm NOT the man of the prophecy. I'm just a simple sailor."

Rumina laughed at that speech. "Oh, dearest. You're not a *simple* anything," she purred. Then she went to Sinbad, threaded her fingers in his hair and kissed him. She felt his surprise but, before he could pull back, Rumina misted away. She had won this round and she intended to go out victorious. After all, Sinbad owed her one for this. And she intended to collect...in the near future.

Maeve was angry about the kiss, but her real fury was directed at the Princess. "So...what part did you play in all of this?" she demanded.

Michaelene blinked back tears as her eyes strayed to Sinbad. "I knew about the prophecy," she admitted. "But not about the drugs." Her eyes begged for Sinbad to believe her.

He did. Sinbad went to Michaelene and took her hands in his. "I know that you would never harm me," he said softly. "I'm sorry, Michaelene...But I can't marry you now."

"I know..." Michaelene found that she was able to smile. "I always knew." She looked over at Maeve. "Your heart is already spoken for."

"Yes.." Sinbad looked at Maeve as well. Then he turned back to brush a kiss against Michaelene's cheek. "Farewell, Princess," he whispered. "Remember...you should only marry for love. Never settle for anything less." Then Sinbad faced his crew. "Let's return to the Nomad."

Doubar was surprised. "That's it, little brother?" he countered. "After what the Queen did to you, you just want to walk away?"

Sinbad nodded. "That's right Doubar. It's enough that I CAN walk away." And so saying, Sinbad turned and headed west, towards the beach.

His companions looked at each other, then they shrugged and followed.

Michaelene stood watching them go.


Once back on the Nomad, Maeve hunted Sinbad down. He standing by the railing, gazing at the stars.

"Don't you EVER do that again," Maeve hissed at him.

Sinbad turned to face her. He couldn't keep a smile off his face. "Do what again?" he questioned.

"Be so damn noble, stubborn and proud," Maeve replied. "You were going to marry the princess because you felt that you would be a burden to us...to ME. Isn't that true?" she challenged.

"Aye," Sinbad allowed, for he refused to lie to Maeve.

She poked a finger into his chest. "Don't you know that you could NEVER be a burden to us, Sinbad. It's what's inside of you that matters to us....to ME." Maeve smiled shyly as she realized she was repeating herself. So she decided to be entirely honest as well. "Your heart and soul are what define you as a man, Sinbad. Not whether or not you can walk, or leap, or run. I love the man within..." Maeve whispered, as she laid the palm of one hand against Sinbad's chest, over his heart. Her eyes locked with his. "Don't ever forget it."

heart. Sinbad leaned forward till his lips were a breath away from Maeve's, then he said softly, "I love you too, Maeve." Then he claimed her mouth in a kiss that spoke the words of his heart.

The End