The Listrules for the Buffy Discussion and Fanfic Mailing List

I'm going to keep this fairly simple so here are a bare minimum of rules for the list:

  1. This list will not serve as a way to submit fanfic to the New Generation Fanfic site. You'll need to go through the method detailed in the submission guidlines to do that.
  2. You can submit any fanfic as long as it is R or lower. I won't allow NC-17 fanfic to be submitted. This is no knock against NC-17 but there may be people on the list younger than that and I don't want them sent that.
  3. I guess you can send Slash fic as long as 1. You mention it in the header so people don't have grounds to complain and 2. It's belong NC-17.
  4. I will not tolerate flamming. I realize that I'm hoping to encourage discussion but I won't tolerate a post that contains nothing but insults.
  5. Please try to stick to the topics of Buffy, Buffy fanfic, or writing. Some wandering may be fine but please, remember the topic of the list, and try to keep it within a reasonable framework. Some offtopic stuff is fine but just keep it reasonable.
    1. The penalties for violations will be as follows:

      1. Verbal Warning.

      2. Suspension for 3 days

      3. Banning.

      Some room for flexibility does exist but should not be assumed. I don't think there should be any problems from people but this is just a set of guidlines for what I think is reasonable behavior. I hope everyone has fun and enjoys the list.