Look At Me Policy
Taking Graphics...

If you want to take any pics or animations, or any thing else, you must have your limit be five, or e-mail me a link and give me credit.
I am not Geri...

Ok. Please! I have gotton like some e-mails asking me if I am Geri. No! Sorry, but I am no way associated with Geri, but only a fan.

You all know what copyright is? Well, all of the stuff on my page is copyrighted by me. Some sites have been nice enough to let me take pics and give them links in return. I just thought I would point that out.

I will know if you take something of importance from my site. I really don't want to get mad, so please go to topic one if you are going to take something off.
Tips on Banner Moving...

You know when people put those looonnnggg codes for you to move their banners? Well, just save the banner and put their website address into your link compartment. It is much easier.