The King Of Hollywood


Long before he was dubbed the "King Of Hollywood" Clark Gable was known as William Clark Gable. He was born on February 1, 1901 in Cadiz, Ohio. The only child of William H. Gable, an oil driller and farmer, and Adeline Hershelman Gable, both of German ancestry. When Clark was seven months old his mother died suddenly and Clark was left in the care of his grandparents until the age of two at which time his father remarried and moved the family to Hopedale, Ohio. His stepmother was Jennie Dunlap. She loved Clark very much and raised him as her own. Clark idolized her and later in life described her as "one of the most tender human beings I've ever known".

Clark at eighteen months
old in 1903

Clark at eleven
years old in 1912
Clark's mom
Adeline Hershelman Gable

Clark dropped out of High School in his third year, under his father's protest, to work in a tire factory in Akron, Ohio with his best friend Andy Means. It was during this time that Clark fell in love with the theatre. He saw a production of "The Bird of Paradise" at the local playhouse and was so taken that he obtained an unsalaried position as a backstage call boy with the stock company.

Clark at sixteen
years old in 1917

Clark at seventeen
years old in
Akron, Ohio

Shortly thereafter, Clark received bad news from back home. His stepmother Jennie was dying. He rushed back home to be by her side and within days she was gone. It was a terrible time in young Clark's life. He was seventeen with no prospects or direction and he has just lost the woman who had inspired him to follow his heart in life. His father came down hard on him because he despised the acting profession. He felt that he was wasting time and so he refused to let Clark return to Akron. Instead, he took him to Oklahoma to work with him in the oil fields. Clark hated the dirty work of the oil fields and still dreamt of someday becoming an actor. On his twenty-first birthday he received a small inheritance from his grandfather. He took the money and struck out on his own in search of his dream. His father was very angry and disappointed that he didn't speak to Clark for nearly ten years.

With his stepmother
Jennie Dunlap in 1912

During this time he worked in the lumberyards, sold men's ties, strung cables for the telephone company and fell hopelessly in love with an aspiring young actress named Franz Dorfler. They met while performing with the Astoria Stock Company in Oregon. The two quickly got engaged and Clark went to live with Franz and her family. She loved him but refused to marry him because he was penniless and so it wasn't long before Franz hit the road with another traveling theatre troupe, without Gable.

Franz in the 1930's
Franz Dorfler at
the time of
their engagement

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