James Turns 30!

These pictures are from our Lead's 30's birthday. He kept denying he had a birthday, so we had to get him really good. The best part was that we somehow managed to track down his brother to find out how old James was going to be since he wouldn't tell us himself. James' reaction to everything made it so worthwhile.

This is my co-worker Brett decorating James' office. We both got to work really early to decorate his office. It looked great. This is part of James' office. He could hardly walk in his cubicle by the time we were done.
Another shot of his office. You can't see it, but we had his desk totally covered in confetti. This is the cake that we got for James. He turned bright red once he saw this cake. The best part was that we waited to give it to him in the middle of a crowded restaurant. For those who wish to know, the cake says: Happy 30th James. Let your hair down now. . . Before it's too late!
James, still in shock over what we did. He actually thought we wouldn't do anything for his birthday. HA! Another shot of James at his desk.
This is what two cans of silly string looks like. He, he!! We made such a mess that day. It was great!
The first time James saw his office. Even though he wouldn't turn around, his reaction was priceless. This is James' face after he saw his cake. He was a lot redder earlier, but kept covering his face. Oh well.
James with his cake. Is it just me or does he look like he's finally given up?