The Fitzgeralds

Heeeeeeeeer's Sean!!!! Click on 'Baby Page' for pics!

Come see the BABY PAGE!!....still needs some work though.

Links and other ways to leave this lame-o site!!!

Here is the world's worst database on the net, links and things you've always wanted to see; some pretty incomplete stuff and random junk. To that end, blame yourself for coming. I really like feedback. Do you think this may be the end-all-be-all of websites then convey your questions or comments to Fitzie! If you think this website lacks then, direct your bad attitude to our complaints department. They are standing by 24 Hours a day to help caring individuals such as yourself. Please click here for instant gratification I Have a problem, Fitzie! Or For faster response and escallations of unresolved issues: Vice President's Office

I have always had a fascination with the internet but never the attention level to pay attention in computer class like My main man, Jamie. My alleged friends have always told me "Dude, you gotta go into Comedy!" These people are right, but simple. I have no clue where to start. Maybe I should go to the local high school's adult education center and sign up for their Comedy Writing class that meets once a week from 7-8 pm in a sweltering room next to the Boys bathroom that no one ever cleans....mmmmmmm! Hey wait.....I did that!!

Check out the pictures from my 4 minutes of's pricey - but worth it to see more of me! Gag! Comedy Night!!

Or I could just do this.

Here's a couple of links I think you might enjoy!...if not...then I have no idea how they got there!


this use to be better

....A TRUE classic!

....and the latest discovery..

BORED YET!! Click Here!!

Pretty sweet!

The Simpsons

Old Link?

And who could not give props, to ones peeps

How I Dood It!

These are some cool links to favorite sites of mine


Hey why not go get your own Web Space and mock my site! Yahoo!

...or visit the shrine of All Things Askew itself

Enter Here!


Here's my freind Mike's relatively new car...ignore the green blob at the bottom. Pretty lame picture Mike! (The car is another story)


If It doesn't show, then maybe your computer's got issues! (or I have no clue what I'M doing!)

Some people think the idea of having a web page is pure waste. The kind hearted people at Yahoo gave a simpleton like ME a place to air it all out. Bless them. For now I am unleashed, and as soon as I figure out how to do this right, DAMNIT, I'm going to be an Internet Guru! People will pay thousands just to link to this, somewhat thin site to see the goodness and feel the warmth. If you feel as fervently as I please write me!

Come Again!

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Look at this little jerk! Nice grip on the mike eh? Hello Cambridge!!

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  Viva Pedro! Viva Nomah! Viva Kurt!...or is it Curt?