Hi! This is my cover page to my two web sites. Click the links below to start.

This is my first web site that I'm happy with (the others are just on my computer), but I'd welcome any comments or
suggestions to improve this site. You can contact me by clicking on the link "Contact" below.

The pictures I use are from my friends, Linda and Janeva. I have, in no way, know where they got the pictures from.
If you would like to contact them, click on "contact" below. If I'm using any of your pictures, I'm really sorry and I'll
take those pictures off. See "Copyright" for more info.

I can get lazy sometimes, which can make my web site less updated. Beside my icon in Geocities, I'll type the date
which I last updated the site.

Besides the two web page links, also check out my other links below.

Notice that some of the images might not appear correctly if you're using 256 colors or less.

I almost forget: I want to add a Aaron Carter and N'Sync web site in the future. This will depend on how my
current web sites are doing, so sign my guestbook! JT

Click this link to go to the Backstreet Boys web site:


Click this link to go to the Devon Sawa web site:


Click here if you want to sign my guestbook.

(insert picture)