Welcome to my Guestbook!

Erin - 11/04/00 01:50:42
My Email:noneya

This web page sucks! I came here for info, not unapproprite pics of a woman none of us sexy ladies could be. Make-up isn't everything is it. I mean a nice cheast still does it doesn't it. Gee so many people say I look hot and I'm smart and talented, yet I still can't get a guy with a car. I go for blonde, blue eyes, and someone with a C grade average. Singing like Brittany Spears just doesn't cut it anymore. E-mail me all guys who fit my image. Oh wait, I didn't give out my address. Too bad for you, cause I'm still single.

ben Dover - 10/18/00 17:18:14

this website needs more information.

Crystal Brundidge - 10/13/00 15:21:57

I like the Robin Hood stories. You need to tell the other Robin Hood story tellers to put more information on him in easier locations for research use.

Ed Koon - 10/08/00 19:29:16
My Email:EKoon9501@aol.com


K Ci - 10/04/00 08:31:31
My Email:one_hundred_percent_chicken@hotmail.com

Hey ... Your site is very good ... But it doesn't really say much about Robin Hood himself. But it is really cool and it did help with the project i was doing on Robin Hood Thanks!

- 09/11/00 14:15:42

wasssssss up

- 09/05/00 16:21:19


(none) - 07/22/00 07:02:26
My Email:BBryanQ@hotmail.com

Some sexy pics of marion

(none) - 07/22/00 06:57:58
My Email:BBryan87@hotmail.com

Some more sexy pics of Barbara Griffith

Juan Ramón Antonio jiménez Bray - 07/12/00 21:26:41
My URL:http://www.iie.org.mx
My Email:rjimenez@iie.org.mx

Me pareció estupendas tus páginas, me facinan las nuevas aventuras de Robín Hood, no me pierdo ningún capítulo. Te felicito y me agradaría saber donde podria encontrar mas archivos de Barbara Griffin.

jane - 06/16/00 06:24:00

it was very well done

Scarecrow Man - 05/14/00 09:14:27

I love the show, i love the site and more importantly, i love Barbara Griffin, she's gorgeous. Any chance of biogs/info on cast??? CUL

amanda huggnkiss - 05/09/00 05:42:08
My Email:amanda huggnkiss@hotmail.com

It is cool

maggie homes - 05/03/00 15:26:52

crap shit a load of bullshit fucking dicks

muRong_keseMBilan - 04/20/00 14:33:25
My Email:psu73


kennshon - 04/19/00 10:37:55


S. Chuchheus - 03/22/00 00:34:19

I love romance novels and the bad part is I can't get a boyfriend!! But I like hearing about other people falling in love. I defanitly liked the part when Robin and Marion ran off together. I wish the guy I like would love me back like that!!! Sometimes I sit in class and day dream about him coming into class and rescuing me from this unfit world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tania - 03/13/00 19:33:31
My Email:tangoulko@yahoo.co.uk

i really enjoy the series. I really want to have penpals that like the show so you can write to me if you want. I really enjoy the site. In the series Robin's love isn't really clear. thanks for the site.

Zali - 03/10/00 07:02:11
My Email:sazaliza@hotmail.com.my

Just to appreciate my favourite series esp. to Marion

Rita Adams - 03/07/00 22:10:16
My Email:meemee@1starnet.com

Hi..I have been looking for Lady Marion's surname and your site is the first one where I have found that it was "Fitzwalter"...thanks you...I need it for a program I am presenting thie Friday. Rita I have enjoyed reading everything...

wingrim - 03/03/00 07:23:07
My Email:wingrim@hotmail.com

another good page keep on the page

Jeevan Singh - 02/20/00 11:25:16
My Email:singh_jeevan@hotmail.com

good! could be a bit more informative about Robin Hood, (I'm using it for a history project!)

Agnieszka - 02/09/00 12:05:38
My Email:www.mila@poznan.eta.pl

It's great ! I like Robin Hood and his legend

Tania Harvey - 01/20/00 02:15:36
My Email:harveyt@tafe.tas.edu.au

I thoroughly enjoy the series, so finding a web page to supplement it was very nice! Thank you.

Jasmine - 01/12/00 04:15:34
My Email:angienz@xtra.co.nz

This is a really neat Robin Hood site, I love Robin Hood books and the series,

Rachel - 01/12/00 02:05:49
My Email:LilDucky94@aol.com

Geeeee, thanks for the retarted page that provided no source of information whatsoever. Couldn't you put something of real mortal value or use or education or something besides a photo of two ficticious people that provide little substance of entertainmen ? Well, that is all I have to say. But, I really do hope that you will broaden the horizons for this web site. I hate to see a useless page. Goodbye for now.

justaust - 10/07/99 15:35:18

your website is kicken inthe morning

justaust - 10/07/99 15:34:34


Jerry Jalandoni - 08/24/99 06:00:23
My URL:http://goplay.com/silverbullet21/
My Email:j_jalandoni@hotmail.com

Nice webpage.. stay cool... have a nice day.. i hope you can visit also to my webpage and sign to my guestbook okey.. thanks ha

Kristen - 04/06/99 22:24:14
My Email:flikchik99@AOL.com

This is a very good website and has awesome pics! Robin Hood is the best!

lasermn - 03/08/99 17:37:09
My Email:lasermn@hotmail.com

GREAT additions to the website! And as the 4th season unfolds, I'm sure you will have more pictures to add to this page.

Jeanne - 03/07/99 23:18:29
My Email:ladyrichard@home.com

Diane, I love the site. Keep up the good work Lady Outlaw.

Debbie - 03/07/99 17:14:46
My Email:JimsJem@aol.com

Diane, love the site!! The pictures are fabulous and so romantic. So glad you created a special place for this beloved couple.

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