
Updated on 9-7-2002.

welcome to the Worm-Hole! Here you can warp to cool, exciting places through cyberspace. Before you go traveling into the WARP ZONE, check out the REVIEWS and also the SURVEYS for horror movies and favorite death scenes! Come and also indulge in some dark POEMS & STORIES!

Also take a crack at the NUTS section to see excerpts of chat room conversations full of funny or just plain crazy people! See priceless works of art (none of them have a price yet) in the MUSEUM, or test your mental prowess in the PUZZLES section!

ONE MORE THING: Although the Worm-Hole is partially devoted to horror films, you are not going to find any bleeding bars, skulls, candles, or anything else that looks like some nickel-and-dime Halloween decoration. No, this site strives to be distinctive and aims for a more complex, unusual splendor...

Warp Zone

News   Surveys

Nuts   Museum   Movie Reviews

Message Board   Puzzles   Chat Room   Thanks

Poems & Stories   Promos   Weekly Quotes   Guestbook   Awards

QUOTE OF THE WEEK*: "It is not at all likely that anyone ever had a totally original idea. He may put together old ideas into a new combination, but the elements which made up the new combination were mostly acquired from other people. Without many borrowed ideas there would be no inventions, new movements or anything else that is classed as new." ~Dr. George Grier

* Or whenever I feel like changing it.

This web site will be updated frequently.
Please visit the Worm-Hole again soon!

This web page has been visited times since 3/1/1999.

This web site is created and maintained by Matt Barnes.

Copyright 1999-2002 d_d_tea@hotmail.com

Recommend-It button

Want a shot of winning $10,000? Starting on February 7, 2000, you get a chance of winning a prize when you click the Recommend-It button and refer your friends to this site. The more people you refer, the better your chances of winning. By the way, Recommend-It is running the contest, NOT the webmaster of this site!